'Prohibited game modifications'
Error Code: VAL 5- someone else has got this error? :Phoenix_Wot:

48 Replies
I reinstalled Valorant, activated the tpm 2.0, the secure boot, reinstalled the vanguard, I uninstalled Windows and reinstalled it and it keeps happening to me, they temporarily suspend me for minutes
I would assume u didn't reinstall it properly
Haven't been toxic or anything, I sent a ticket and they told me is an issue with vanguard
Open task manager
Then details
Close evry valorant,riot client and vanguard related apps/services
Open control panel
Uninstall programs
Uninstall riot vanguard
Open cmd as admin and type these commands:-
1) sc delete vgc
2)sc delete vgk
Navigate to ur C drive then program files and find vanguard folder and delete it.
Then open riot client and click update
Restart ur pc after the update.
haha i reisntalled windows, i deleted everything and still happens
I try that and still get ban:l
I sent my logs to Riot and they still dont know whats going on
How often does it happen to u?
Every ranked, like in the half I get disconnected and banned for 5 mins
Disable ur antivius and firewall
It's weird because i delete my windows with every file and isntalled again, the first thing I install was valorant and still the same
Then do this^
K, i'll try that right now
And don't enable antivirus and firewall for some matches
Yeah in my main I got banned for 3 days and riot told me they will remove the ban because I didn't do anything at all
K, I did everything, ill get on a game and see how it goes
Before u do so
Show a ss of antivirus and firewall being disabled
Just to make sure
Sure, don't worry I know about PC¿S
It's on spanish but its disabled

I even updated my bios, latest version of windows
everything is up to the date, last week i was playing normal, suddenly this is happening
I give up haha

Show ur programs
its really weird XD
I only have logitech hub, discord and spotify
Since i re installed windows
Do a clean boot with only vgc ticked
only with the anticheat?
Yes vgc
Don't forget to hide microsoft services first btw
Oh right, i forgot how u get there
Also disable evry other thing on startup with task manager
msc something right?
Yeah, i try that like 2 days ago
but let me try again

Normal boot or the Selective start?

Sorry for the language haha, normal boot is the first box
Welp, didn't work, could be a HWID Ban?
I thought it was working because I almost end the game and get the red screen ''cheater detected''
and got ban for another 5 mins
Yes but fixed
how bro?
Check your message
@! LordinoOk?
@! Lordino don't check ur message lol
@Coin Me stop telling evryone to talk in dms
What did they tell u?
I have the method that worked for me, Support send it to me, I can post pictures of the email here for everyone who need it
So whats the fix
Basically disable IPV6, get into properties of IPV4 and set the DNS and, delete riva turner if u have it installed, add the routes of every valorant file in the firewall
uninstall valorant and vanguard
and re installed again
that worked for me and all good now
yep, might work for someone else
I still can post the pictures if need