EntryPointNotFoundException with ML.NET's OnnxRuntime
Im trying to use ML.NET to load an onnx model I made for predicting motion sickness in a unity game
and I get this mess
according to this I need to load a dll in the "startup project"(in this case Assembly-CSharp) which already has
in it.
would someone know what I should do? Or just be wiling to debug w/ me?Stack Overflow
EntryPointNotFoundException: Unable to find an entry point named 'O...
I am trying to run an sklearn onnx model in C# 4.8 framework on Windows 10 Pro with VS 2019, I have used the following code using examples in:
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Checking the object browser I can see
as part of Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime.dll
but I guess OrtGetApiBase
doesn't exist. OrtApiBase
has a GetApi
method though...
do I just, have the wrong version of the Onnx Runtime?
I went and tired some different versions of the runtime, and nothing
they still refrence some OrtGetApiBase
that doesn't exist
isntead of the OrtApiBase.GetApi
that does