C#12mo ago

Best C# course for intermediate programmer to get employment?

I can solve leetcode problems with c# and have some awareness of mvvm and ppf and winforms as I did some basic projects with them but I would like to get up with current standarts in the language and what it is being used for to achieve employment coding with it as it seems like a cool comfortable language to code in Looking for a course I could complete that would make me atractive for employment just so I can quickly jump in and do what is required of me, understanding and being able to use current industry trandarts
26 Replies
Jimmacle12mo ago
you'll have to be a lot more specific about the types of applications you want to be up to date on (also, there's a good chance you'd be put on an existing codebase that doesn't use the latest stuff)
TobeashOP12mo ago
That is sorta part of my question, I dont know what is the current thing in c#, last I checked a lot of people worked with wpf to work with object in database, even from experience Ive usually seen c#+ mvvm app right
Jimmacle12mo ago
c# can be used for lots of things, there isn't one "current thing" so it depends on what the jobs you want to apply to use it for if you just want something, then web development is probably a safe bet
TobeashOP12mo ago
Okay well then the question is what are the popular things right I suppose most languages can be used for a lot of different things but some uses are prevalent over the others which I would assume is the kind of insight people who work with c# might have and if I was industry giant I would even recommend certain courses because they get people prepared to work in the field or something like that, is that not how things usually work? I find most things interesting so I dont mind, either way can only learn how much I like it if I try it
Keswiik12mo ago
That will be entirely dependent on the company you work for, so there's no easy "this is what C# is normally used for" answers. Native applications could be winforms, WPF, Avalonia, or something else entirely. Web stuff will likely use some flavor of ASP.net.
Jimmacle12mo ago
and in terms of courses no employer is going to be looking for you to have completed specific courses they'll want to see things you've made yourself or worked on for another company
TobeashOP12mo ago
Okay but I would imagine there is some commonality, you cant have every company using c# for something completely different and thus one can derive from the number of companies using c# for similar thing, the current thing, of course taking in account the size of the companies as well Or even better this current thing could be derived from the number of job positions using c# for a common goal
Jimmacle12mo ago
the commonality is the language, most other things depend on the application
Keswiik12mo ago
The commonality is a good understanding of C#
Jimmacle12mo ago
it's kind of like saying you know intermediate math and asking what is math used for nowadays
TobeashOP12mo ago
So is the answer get a broad knowledge of c#? Okay are you saying that even such commonalities as javascript being used for web development is a complete misunderstanding, like I am sure someone might be trying to use javascript for game development but that usually belongs to languages like c# and c++
Keswiik12mo ago
More or less, plus understanding of things common in any enterprise situation. Authentication & authorization, familiarity with databases (raw SQL and/or ORM), proper logging, debugging skills, dependency injection. But those are all things where the implementation / use of will vary by company
TobeashOP12mo ago
Okay I think that is a good answer Maybe lets abandon the question regarding the current thing as it seems we might have different understanding of the concept even though I believe either perspective is valid from a certain point of view Are there some banging courses you would recommend me to take for getting better at c#?
Keswiik12mo ago
I wouldn't really recommend courses if you're wanting to get better at programming. Start working on side projects instead.
Jimmacle12mo ago
after a certain point courses don't make you better at C#
Keswiik12mo ago
^ practice is your friend
Jimmacle12mo ago
general problem solving skills do even the specific programming language is more of a detail when it comes to software development
TobeashOP12mo ago
I understand that but I really enjoy the structure places like school gave me and I would welcome something similar from a course, I also really enjoy hearing people more experienced then me talk about programming and passing on some understanding they build from their experience, also having a certificate passed their exams is always nice
Jimmacle12mo ago
at some point you have to "graduate" from courses, because a course isn't going to teach you how to do your job
Keswiik12mo ago
I learned more messing around with side projects in university than I ever did in class.
Jimmacle12mo ago
college was a total waste of time for me and you could tell who actually did software in their free time versus just doing it for the class
Keswiik12mo ago
It was a great way to get my foot in the door for a job, but I found most of the course material easy And think of it like this - if you're given a task at work and you have no idea how to do it, do you think they'll: a) give you a course to take so you know what you're doing b) expect you to research the issue on your own and come up with a viable solution (the answer is almost always going to be B)
Jimmacle12mo ago
like, lots of what i'm doing now there's no course to teach you
TobeashOP12mo ago
I get that the experience can be negative and one has to also code on their own but I also had many times when hearing how someone else solves certain problems different than me can be such an eye opening experience
Jimmacle12mo ago
i have this thing with a bunch of parts with different documentation and i just have to figure it out
Keswiik12mo ago
It is less that the experience is negative and more that you will run into difficult problems, and learn more by solving them, when trying to build something of your own Courses are great for introductory information, but they barely scratch the surface of what's expected of you in a professional setting

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