tpm 2.0
does anyone know how to turn on tpm 2,0 in a gigabyte motherboard I been trying to turn it on for like the past an hour but i just can't find it on my bios
132 Replies
Press win+r on keyboard
Type msinfo32
Show ss
Press win+r on keyboard
Type tpm.msc
Show ss

also everytime i lunch the game it says secure boot verifion failure
Tpm 2.0 is alrdy enabled
U need to update ur bios
how do i do that?
Do u have a flashdrive?
@Saucywan do gigabyte mobos need a flashdrive to flash bios?
my friend said i dont need flashdrive idk tho
he just said he did it without one
so im a bit lost
Is ur mobo rev 1?
It’s rev. 1.x

its downloaded
Eh it didn't come with a manual
Ig u need a usb stick
Gimme a sec
Hm i am 90% sure u need a usb
I guess im going to the store
Get a 8 gig one btw
It always comes in handy
idk what my usb has
I just found my old one

its pretty small lmao
do i put the thing in there?
How is it that small
I don't think it will work
Try formatting it
Might be hiding some extra gigs

the cap is 123 lmao
That should be enough
so do i put the files into the usb?
like this?

Now go to your bios
@jidat I have to go now, have fun
I think I’m updating :0

@jidat now its telling me that secure boot is not in order

I’m so lost
Your bios settings are reset
You have to set them again
Nvm I fixed it
Thanks for the help us 🙂
can u help someone
Sure, ask them to make a post #community-help
they cant
but they have this issue

Press win+r on keyboard
Type msinfo32
Show ss
Press win+r on keyboard
Type tpm.msc
Show ss
Ping me when u do :baaphu:

U want me to change the language ?
@jidat ^
Nah we good
And now what?
Can u show me a photo pls how to do it?
Do what?
I am not at my pc rn
Also its pretty straightforward
Yeah sorry🥲
Press win+r on keyboard
Type tpm.msc in the space
Press ok
Show screenshot of the app that opens

If u want show me here
I don't get it😭
Close that
On ur keyboard press the windows logo and r at the same time
Did it
Can u see the little window pop up on the bottom left?
Type "tpm.msc" there
I did it
Press enter on ur keyboard
Now show a photo of the app that opened

So u don't have tpm 2.0 support ig
Lets still check the bios once
No I don't think so
So now should I close it?
Yeah close evrything
Restart ur pc and spam the F2 key on ur keyboard as its starting to get into the bios

I restart and it says this
Open security
And show a photo
I press security but it won't open
The + icon on its left
Click that

And show photo
Open TPM security
And show photo

Tick the box on top saying "TPM security"
And then apply?
Then save and exit

I don't need to do anything here?
1 sec

Select activate
Then apply and exit ?
And now I'll press val and see if it works ?
Press win+r on ur keyboard
Type tpm.msc
Hit enter
Show photo of the app that opens

What should I write ?
Type tpm.msc

It's in Greek, do u want to make it in English or u understand?
Make it fullscreen
Nah i'm good

Hm its 1.2
Lemme check if we can update it
Latitude E6540
1 minute
@Arii can u check if it supports tpm 2.0 for me?
I don’t think it does
So I can't play val?
Should be fine if you just downgrade to windows 10
Does this work by any chance
There is no TPM requirement there
Then ?
Not sure I suggest downloading a random driver on a laptop unsupported by dell
They have articles outlining which ones are able to update tpm
Ohh okayy
Yeah it doesn't support tpm 2.0
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
Make a ticket with support and tell them ur laptop doesn't support TPM 2.0
so you would need to backup any files you want to keep to another drive or cloud then you would go here:
he is on windows 11
they don't pardon TPM on that one I believe, only the windows 10 random checks
They still might need to contact support even after downgrading to win10
It sounds hard
what does?
I say contact support and ask them if downgrading to win10 will help this case in any way
well it should since its just a VAN9003 error
also waiting for a riot response on a saturday smh not gonna happen
Downgrading to win10 it is
I'll try
Thanks for the helpppp