Is it possible to change opacity of text-chat?

Is there any Valorant-addon allowing me to mute team-chat?
Also to answer your question now there is no way to change the opacity or disable text chat
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114 Replies
Cry0M@nc3r12mo ago
y wud u want to do that
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
Because the teams I enter wont do anything but either complain or tell me that my crosshair is ugly.
Geniux12mo ago
Pretty sure there isnt any shortcut or anything to mute both, text and voice chat. You can just mute all of your team manually, even though it doesnt really make much sense to me
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
I do know that there are possibilities to mute them one after another, but only do I need to remember doing such over and over in each match. Seeming to be a decent pain trying to remember before they already start arguing.
Geniux12mo ago
You can just disable your whole voice chat thing. You wont be able to hear them and they wont hear you either. I dont think there is such thing for the text chat
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
But it's not in voice-chat that my team calls me a N-word for not using my ult when they want me to.
Geniux12mo ago
i mean why are they arguing tho
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
Because I am not suiciding for them to get the upper hand in kills.
Geniux12mo ago
careful what you write in this server :OKAY: there are many blacklisted words that will ban you automatically
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
I already reported them for it, I don't know why the hell they throw such words at me.
Geniux12mo ago
its just the internet - people think they can just write and say everything they want without consequences. and many times they are correct sadly (about the no consequences thing)
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
They are just desperate for attention and my teammates even bother to shoot me more than they shoot their team, when I tell my enemies that my team is too busy shooting me in the match to care, I then get told to shut up by my team, that I started it. I ask them why that is... And their reason telling me to shut up is that I should shut up. I have never heard anything dumber... If all people complain about is my crosshair and my existence, then I don't want to hear any of it. Problem is that I can't force the game to auto-mute them, so they have already ruined my match before I remember to mute them. Whether this gets sent over to Valorant as an actual feature or becomes an addon doesn't matter to me, but this post is going untill it's added damn it... Humans wont ever stop calling me a N-word and wont ever explain why, so I wont stop till this is added. Actually, another thing that could possibly solve my case.
Geniux12mo ago
i think you care too much about what others think about you or what they tell you
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
Or is there any way to change size of the text-chat?
Geniux12mo ago
there isnt, no
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
This game is just too dumb for such huh?
Geniux12mo ago
i mean
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
It's not that I care about what others say, it's that people care too much to throw stuff at me to do their job... I was told to defend my site as I already had 17 kills, even got an ace defending my site. The person telling me this was at three kills. And myself being the generous person trying to help them, still getting thrown out the window for it... I just don't want to care about humans any longer.
Geniux12mo ago
i dont want to be on the side on people calling others racial slurs or anything here. however if in EVERY game people criticize your style of playing or your crosshair of whatever, maybe they are right?
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
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Geniux12mo ago
this in only one match / round. why do people keep telling you shit if you are better? from what you wrote you are getting insulted EVERY match by all of your teammates for absolutely nothing. people dont usually do that icl
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
It's because I am better, I ace with Stinger and then get told that I am a possy to even use Stinger. And that match is the same result of every other match.
Geniux12mo ago
it apparently isnt :Pepethink:
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LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
And every other of those matches, I been treated decently. It's only in the top-fragging matches where I am a fool. I meant to say it's the same result in every other offended match. Sorry So what is that app? I am trying to find the match where I got told that my crosshair looks like my mother where I was top-fragging and every other teammate was bottom.
Geniux12mo ago
its your valorant tracker
Geniux12mo ago
Geniux12mo ago
also what crosshair are you using to have people saying shit about it :KEKL:
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
Ah, they show progress of team each team but not scaling on effort like in the game, darn... Oh well
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
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LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
Geniux12mo ago
that incredibly small :2_peepoDetective:
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
I did call the preset too small.
Geniux12mo ago
if you can play with it it shouldnt be a problem though
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
Then I had this crosshair that I called "Too big".
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LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
Still wanted to see if I could use it seeing as the centered piece is the only one not shadowed. Just to see if I was still hitting my enemy.
Geniux12mo ago
thats not too big either just a little ugly icl :hmm:
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
Well of course it is, you are all human after all. So then I chose for the best crosshair ever, which I have been playing for a bunch of months now. 0;c;1;s;1;P;h;0;0b;0;1b;0;S;o;0
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
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Geniux12mo ago
im getting many comments on my crosshair too btw. almost none of them are bad, they just all say its "interesting" or somewhat funny (im maining the flappy bird crosshair just... nothing?
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
But then they ofc care about my crosshair not existing at all. Even though I out-frag my team quite often.
Geniux12mo ago
youre telling me you play without a crosshair basically? not even a 3rd party app or monitor crosshair?
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
So if my crosshair doesn't exist and I get 13 kills then why does the person getting five care?
Geniux12mo ago
either way, why do you care then. youre doing better with a disadvantage (from my pov)
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
I once tried to play with CrosshairX but I got punished for it, I begged to apologize and I finally came back in. Have never used that app ever again.
Geniux12mo ago
thats fair soo may i ask, why dont you just use a crosshair that most people use? if you get comments on how special yours is, and you dont want to hear it, why dont you just change it
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
I already have.
Geniux12mo ago
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
But whatever crosshair someone uses that I like, if I copy it then all of a sudden then it looks like my mother. My team is desperate to ruin me instead of helping.
Geniux12mo ago
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
Therefor I am desperate to play solo, it was only in that moment that I then became the best player in my team once I finally remembered to mute everyone before anything occured.
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
But muting my team's VC isn't enough and I can't constantly remember each morning and each match to mute text-chat.
Jidat12mo ago
Welp Never have i seen an ego this big
Geniux12mo ago
dont you think just disabling comms in ranked has a bigger impact on your/your teams performance than just ignore people saying nonsense [about your crosshair??] especially in ranked :COPIUM:
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
And I have seen thousands of people opening their mouth just to say that... I ask how I have a big ego, I ask why they have to try and offend me, then I get told to shut up. I ask why I should shut up when I have my reason to speak? And what is your reason to tell me to shut up?
Jidat12mo ago
Without proper comms. A match is alrdy lost I never told u to shut up
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
The only comms that I need would be to set points at each site, "Killjoy spotted danger nearby site A".
Jidat12mo ago
Why would i Oh yeah?
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
Their reason to telling me to shut up, has been to tell me to shut up.
Jidat12mo ago
Yeah u r not reaching diamond anytime soon. Peace.
Geniux12mo ago
same thing (replace friends with teammates)
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LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
So I should jump off a cliff because I should jump off a cliff? Dumber reasons are indeed difficult to find. Only thing that I need to calm down is to leave the game and watch some series. Indeed taking a break.
Geniux12mo ago
a bunch of nonsense im out of here
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
Of course I am not, I have been thrown by my team below Bronze, it wasn't before I finally muted my team that I reached silver.
Geniux12mo ago
have a great day
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
I wish I could. But you are not listening.
Geniux12mo ago
11.5% hs dont really belong in silver either imo
Jidat12mo ago
I stopped listening when u said this
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
Well, what comms are important otherwise? I do at least fight my enemies whether I head-shot or not. But my last Killjoy-teammate was too busy shooting at myself, I asked why and that was too difficult for her to respond to.
Geniux12mo ago
just self reflect a little more
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
How? What do I need to reflect on?
Geniux12mo ago
dont just blame everybody else for everything?
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
I am not.
Geniux12mo ago
also i thought you just mute everybody?
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
I ask why they are shooting me, I ask why my crosshair matters if I still kill my enemies, I ask why my mother has to do with Valorant.
Geniux12mo ago
im sorry, but it seems like you do :Pepethink:
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
Because I don't remember to text-mute anyone before it's too late. In what way? I beg of you to tell me what I am doing wrong as I ask why people are picking fights with me.
Geniux12mo ago
"I have been thrown by my team below Bronze" "muting my team's VC isn't enough" "it was only in that moment that I then became the best player in my team once I finally remembered to mute everyone"
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
Yes indeed? But I am not blaming anyone.
Geniux12mo ago
from my point of view you have an incredibly big ego and blame random things on other people. starting with just muting everybody before they even have the chance to say something in your ranked match
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
They were all simply screaming and the moment that I muted VC then I managed to outplay everyone, once I had some quiet?
Geniux12mo ago
in my world, people that do that in my ranked matches are throwers
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
So I should listen to people screaming about their mothers? That's what you are telling me?
Geniux12mo ago
ofc not but i doubt that there are 4 teammates in ranked screaming random bullshit when you soloq
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
Well they aren't doing much in competitive, but because I left an Unrated seeing as I have important things to do in life as we were still losing 0-9 got punished for half-hour in unrated and instead punished for three days in competitive.
Geniux12mo ago
i was in bronze - gold a quite long time, and there were times when ranked was kinda exhausting, but it never happened to me that only the teammates were screaming or even commented badly on a too big/too small crosshair of one of their mates
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
They do tend to act a bit more sophisticated in comp, but there are still moments when I get mixed in with throwers in comp, therefor I try to play unrated untill I join up with friends.
Geniux12mo ago
well yeah, leaving is leaving dont queue in a match when you dont know that you can finish it 🤷‍♂️
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
I don't know if I can ever finish a match, I get constant calls from friends asking if I want to hang out. And when I try to deny it them oof, a job-call has turned in without my expectations.
Geniux12mo ago
i feel like speaking to a wall somehow :DonoWall: from what im seeing you have a lack of teamwork in your games i will leave the convo now
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
Ofc you do, I am outclassing your ego. 🤣
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
All I beg is for an explanation from anyone anything other than human.
Geniux12mo ago
i can ask my neighbors cat to explain why people dont enjoy playing with people like you in a match if you want
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
All humans ever do is beg for attention as they try to throw me off, as I then ask why that is, then I get told to shut up because I should shut up. As I then beg for the simple explanation to anyone, I get told to shut up.
Geniux12mo ago
i doubt that will help though theres the ego and the blaming others again have a great day
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
Well, it's their fault when they tell me to shut up because I should shut up? If people don't have a reason to tell me that I should shut up when I have my obvious reason to speak, then they shouldn't bother!
Geniux12mo ago
im sorry but this is some pure nonsense to me. you are asking for people to explain why you should be quiet, while you are just out there muting everybody because they are "dragging you down" ego¹² aquired
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
I am muting them because all they do is tell me to shut up. If they don't want to communicate then why should I listen about them talking about my mother!?
Saucywan12mo ago
Just turn off voice chat
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
I already have, it's their text-chat that they try to get me through afterwards.
Saucywan12mo ago
Then report them
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
I already have, they might be punished about the N-words but I don't get notified about them actually getting punished, I feel like this reporting-thing is quite pointless.
Saucywan12mo ago
The reporting is very good If they are toxic they will be punished
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
I do not want to be a god, I know fully well that I am not Einstein. But with people telling me that I should shut up because I should shut up to stop talking with me, and instead have me listen to their nonsense screaming about their mothers... It makes me feel like I am still the one with common sense. 😒
Saucywan12mo ago
Also to answer your question now there is no way to change the opacity or disable text chat
Saucywan12mo ago
No description
Saucywan12mo ago
But you can set filters
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
Muted words list...
Saucywan12mo ago
Have a good day 👍
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
Yes, that is indeed making me believe that I could just mute every word in existence. One last question before that though, there is no way to change text-size either?
Saucywan12mo ago
LWD27LukeOP12mo ago
Oof, well thank you still. Muted words-list, I realize that I could add words but then what? If I disabled the word "Crosshair" then I would still see their S when they say "Crosshairs... I muted the entire alphabet instead! A, b, c, d, e, f, g (etc) and... NOW I DON'T SEE A THING! THE ENTIRE CHAT IS CENSORED! THANK YOU SOO MUCH!!!! 🤣🤣🤣❤❤💕💕

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