How to mount network volume to the pod?

Hey all, I created a network volume and have a pod. How do I connect the network volume to the pod? There are so many unhelpful docs with broken links, no proper documentation about something that should be simple and straightforward.
9 Replies
ashleyk12mo ago
You need to click the deploy button from your network storage or else select it from the top of the page before creating your pod, you can't attach bit afterwards
GENGHIS12mo ago
would be great if you guys allowed attach network volume after launch also cross region network storage or some other solution for smoothing out when your pod gets taken and you have to get a new pod and have a lot of data on your old pod
SkyWhal3 🐋
SkyWhal3 🐋12mo ago
seriously. the documentation on runpod website is totally incorrect and offers options that do not exist. It was written for themselves. I have spent two days trying to figure out how to get my files, into the network storage... and its costing me money. I'm about to look for other options.
ashleyk12mo ago
Send a link to the supposed incorrect documentation
snowmonkeyOP12mo ago
@ashleyk I can tell you, documentation is really bad. You keep jumping from page to page and end up in a 404 page.
justin12mo ago
Feel free to flag it under #🧐|feedback
SkyWhal3 🐋
SkyWhal3 🐋12mo ago
Hey, I need help here.... I still cannot figure out how to put files from my Local PC to the network storage. I have spent several days on this, and not even chatGPT4 can figure it out either. Too many endless CLI failures. FTP will not connect to my instance via SFTP (filezilla). spent 3-4 hours trying last night playing with SSH keys and it would not let me connect. (I use FTP for web development all the time without errors) So I'm trying Gdown with google drive? I don't know what else to do. nothing is working. Your online documentation is terrible. It assumes no errors are encountered and is put together by an engineer making post it notes to himself as a tutorial. I does not work.
justin12mo ago
Open a port on 2999 HTTP, by editing your GPU Pod: Install this, and you'll get a gui appear on 2999 that you can drag and drop Or use croc: Easy thing, install on the pod, install on ur computer you can do:
croc send file.whatever
croc send file.whatever
And you can just copy and paste the corresponding command it gives u into ur terminal on runpod
NORDFY8mo ago
Hi guys, I am new to Runpod. I am trying to set up a network volume, but I cannot see the "Connect to Jupyter Notebook" option after I deployed the GPU within the network volume. What did I miss?

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