Graphql Analytics "datetimeMinute: Time!" is it the first time or last time the event occurred ?
I'm taking the "datetimeMinute: Time" from the type AccountHttpRequestsAdaptiveGroupsDimensions {}
When I'm getting the value of the datetimeMinute is it the datetime the event occurred for the first or last time ? if it's last time how can I get also the first time it occurred ?
6 Replies
It's grouping all the events by the minute they occured in, so it shows the start of the minute, ex:

Yea but if there are 265 events like that, the date time is of the last event occurred or the first ? Or?
It's just the minute they all occured in
See the timestamp, and the one below?
all it's doing is slicing off the seconds part and grouping them by the remindar
Sorry I think that I’m misunderstanding you because It doesn’t makes sense to me, you are saying that if I’m getting that data and I want to check the clientRefferer for example, and I will get “Google” and written there 265 so 265 visits that was referred by Google at the same time ?
datetimeMinute is accomplished by literally slicing off the second part of the timestamp
If you had 5 events in your query, one at
and you had the dimension of dateTimeMinute, they would all be under the same 19:04 grouping
All you know is that those events happened sometime in the minute specified
But if I'm taking for example from 23.03.24 16:00 - 24.03.24 16:00 as the filter, I get approximately the same amount of visits as if I would search for 5 minutes different between the dates (when I'm querying in 5 minutes difference I get links with 30 visits and when querying for daily I get highest visits with 70)
That's why it looks weird for me, because if I get sum of visits of 5 minutes difference something around 30 visits at the highest one, on daily it should be at least multiplied by 10