i cant download valorant???
every time i hit install this shows up and een when i restart its still the same (my wifi is good btw)
can anyone help?
laptop specs:
intel core i7 10750H 2.600GHz
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
Windows 11

99 Replies
not really a tech person, but have you checked your firewall if it's blocked (aka for example like parental controls or school wifi kinda stuff), if you have a vpn turned on, or if you have space to download it?
im not using a vpn aswell + its not school wifi im in my home + no parenntal conntrols + how do u actually turn off firewall i literally turned off everything

1: Open task manager find anything related to riot client click on it then end task
2: Check if your valorant is running as admin
Right click>> properties>>compatibility
3: Win+r then type
Find riot games folder and delete it
4: you can also try this :
open command prompt as administrator and type these commands in order one after another.
reboot the router wait for it to get connected to internet then reboot the pcMcafee :val_KEKW::val_OhBee::val_Hampter::val_Hampter::val_KEKW:
i dont have valorant in the first place to check if its running as ann admin
do your parents own the computer account like when you log into yoru computer/ do you have like a child account when logging into comptuer
wow thats something new
im rly silly when it comes to protecting my pc and shi i just run the pc and play games :val_Hampter:
check for rito geyms folder
no man its my stuff
me too lol

this is whats inside riot client folder if u wondering

delete that
:EMOTIANGEL: idk then I hope this other guy can help though
no like that
one day :val_CatBigStare: :val_CatBigStare: :val_CatBigStare:
what then
3: Win+r then type
Find riot games folder and delete it
scroll down there it will be
why do i have valorant folder in my %localappdata%
done i deleted it
now what
now enjoy
install the dependency
spam click if it doesnt respond
dont swear cause you may get vaulted
dawg its still the same

@Talonted Gamer
hold on
what is bro cooking
Open task manager
Then details
Close every valorant,riot client and vanguard related apps/services
Open control panel
Uninstall programs
Uninstall riot vanguard
Open cmd as admin and type these commands:-
Navigate to your C drive then program files and find vanguard folder and delete it.
Then open riot client and click update
Restart your pc after the update.
@Talonted Gamer why is valorant there

:val_CatBigStare: cause its installed wdym why lol
is this spouse to happen

ah hell nah do not say bruh did i do smth bad
nvm reinstall the client
press install now
wow we going places dawg
from a msg showing that i cant install
to not being tto install + no msg showing + infinite loading

press install now
just like everytime i send a msg to a female
me too lmao
Only thing now is Clean install
what does that mean
@jidat Your opinion on this
holy tech King
footage of me clicking install for 30 seconds sttraight
dont you have another drive?
like D drive
try installing it in that
shout out to my C driver standing alone

laptop gamer life is lowkey hard
do like this

are u bullying my driver
oh nice u split it
i have same storage
you need 200 gb bruh
how much data you want in other drive
ima buy another driver at this of this year
get ssd
idk how much is enough
i already have an ssd right there
so c drive need atlease 50 gb free
upto you lol windows take upto 30 gb in mine differs to your pc
lemme check\
same for me

actually its only windows folder
yeah that was windows folder only

what apps do you have
wdym what apps do u have
youll need to install on other drives
games mostly
league of legends
metal gear rising
leave this spliting option
leage of legends
genshin impact
dark souls remastered
sea of stars and binding of issac
it will messup the games if you dont know how to relocate them
good lets keep it the way it is then
so its not option for you
now what do i do with valorant
now about this little shit
install revo or bc unistaller and remove all
dawg shi so hard to unistall we got to get backup
what can an unistaller program provide for fkn 25 bucks

get free one :val_KEKW::val_KEKW::val_KEKW::val_KEKW:
aight i downloaded it
what should i look for and delete now
riot client
too lazy to type
it says riot client size is 11.78gb
thats the size of league
i dont wanna delete league
its not that easy to download it again cuz i have limited wifi
bro you can create new folder put leage file in that then unistall then when you reinstall the client put back the folder in same place
your actually smart
@Talonted Gamer i unistalled all of them now what sir
install game XD
i clicked scan for leftovers after deleting valorant annd this happend

should i delete them aswell
yep delete
select all delete
when i select all it chooses windows aswell
so ima just download starting from riot game valorant live
its directory
aight done
install the game
how after all we dont riot client it self is not deleted
mayebe its shortcut
like not deleted to the point where i have to install it from the web
bless us techno
Turn secure boot on from bios
If ur bios mode is set to UEFI