Permanent FPS Drop...
I always used to get a stable 60-70 fps but around 2 days ago when i booted up val i now cant get over 40. Game is unplayable for me rn. I have no idea what the issue is
158 Replies
Shift + Ctrl + windows + B
Delete all your %temp% files
And try to restart your computer
If those doesn't work then lmk again once u yried
i did shift ctrl windows b
and how would i get to temp files?
app data local?
@Ink | Soul Artist
Windows + r
These are cache files
@cursed_tragic is your cpu overheating frequently?
valorant is a CPU intensive game
Is it an older cpu?
maybe used?
some i cant delete because the file is being used
nope laptop
Is this a normal laptop
or a gaming laptop
Close all ur apps first
it has always ran valorant smoothly when i started playing
Ok roland got it
Back to sleep
Goodnight ^.^
Gn :3
Normal laptops are not built for gaming
So it’s likely that over time the more you played
The more strain it put on your CPU
causing it to develop wear and tear
it was a sudden drop
how long have you been playing
But he was 60 fps fine last time means this is a graphical issue rn, prob his memory ram on his GPU being clogged or his CPU is overusing from apps he download etc
since like may of last year idk
so almost a year
I’m not exactly sure what it could be
but I know laptops are quite sensitive
Usually require PC debugging for the issue, but ion think the issue is that serious
Valorant can be ran on a majority of PCS
but it’s still a laptop
Which he ran smoothly b4
That isn’t specifically tailored for gaming
Welp imma just take this one
its been running so smooth until a few days
Share ur specs
Try deleting temp file firat
All of em
Including the one in ur recycling bin
That will not get them 20 fps back
Then re run it

Usually would
Especially if ur temp file is like 4gb big
1 sec
there is some files in temp that are for overwolf browser
i dont wanna end that task and create another issue
Then skip it
How big is ur temp file
@cursed_tragic open task manager then performance and show a ss
Of the whole screen
Setting val priority can affect ping in game o.o

Who said i am gonna do that
The performance tab.
My left bicep ;w;
oh sorry
cpu or ram

Show the whole screen while selecting cpu
Shud send ur full screen

Do u have fast startup enabled in power options?
1 day 💀💀💀
ive seen people with years lmao
I'm definitely sure it's the built up cache files xd
tryna find it
fast startup is on

Change settings that are currently unavailable
turn it off?
Wth, my laptop doesn't even have these options 😭
Then disable fast startup
control panel - hardware and sound
Show ur power plan
I'm on a 2011 laptop bro
oh shitt

Edit power plan
Show it
Power options
The power settings, graphic etc
U are in balanced mode rn
Set it to high performance
oh yeah
Wait r u battery or plugged?
should i create a planm?
Is there no high performance plan there alrdy?
Show ss

What laptop are u using?
lenovo ideapad flex 5
Change plan settings
Imma just make the cpu run at max power
Might cause overheating so u can change it back later
Change plan settings and show a ss

Open windows settings
Then apps
Then background apps
And disable background apps
i just changed processor state btw

Win 11 smh
where do i go
Installed apps
yes i know its a visual glitch

i just find it funny
Just leave background apps
Go to game mode
And disable it
disable or enable?
i disabled it
Yea disable
Search for performance in windows search
Then adjust the appearance and performance of windows
Set it to best performance
Check for windows update
In windows settings
updated it las tnight
Restart ur pc
And open val
alright brb
back @jidat
yeah its the same
i noticed one thing tho
my valorant ran noticbly moother (still not over 40) when it was NOT plugged in
Hm i would assume its overheating
one question
why is everything so saturated now
it just looks darker
No idea
That shouldn't happen prob

U can turn the saturation up in intel comman center
yeah it looks good tho
Is that with the game still running?
should i just sit in a dm
and send screenshot?
Sit in range
And show a full screenshot
Btw are u running any recording/overlay software?
i have tracker
Show ur in game display and graphics settings
sitting in a dm for a minute

i think ima go
Later then
is there anything else?
tell me all the info ill figure it out
I need to see ur graphics settings
in val?
all low or off
Also we can make a few tweaks in intel control panel
Whenever u want
last thing
If u wanna go for now then sure
last thing then ima sleep
Just sleep man
We can do this tomorrow
its fine
last thing th
Right click on ur desktop
And open intel control panel

Hm u have arc
Intel arc control
Idk too much about it but still lets try
Open it and show a ss

And show ss

Display and show ss

That control panel is shit
Go to games and show ss

Why does val have a ubisoft logo
Click on valorant and show ss

i honestly might of fixed it
By doing what
i disabled the highlights
it might of been on
and recording
most likely not
So u were running a recording smh
I say close apps like ur browser,discord and any overlay also overwolf when playing
i might just uninstall tracker
Do it
Uninstall overwolf too
uninstalled everythign
just wanted to send this so you could see the choppiness ok goodnight
thanks for help
can anyone help??
@Ink | Soul Artist any suggestions?
should i reinstall?
in the ss of your task manager it looked like you had a lot of background processes, and for a laptop like yours 280 can be a heck of a lot.. so i'd suggest closing many of them from the background
and your ram usage was at 60% without val so check the usage while in a valorant game, deathmatch f.e
i fixed it
just needed a clean reset
and my sanity...
what you mean by clean reset
maybe windows
factory reset