PTT Problem
hi so i can't play this game anymore becuse my pc does not support PTT lol
someone had the same issue?
23 Replies
U 100% sure it doesn't support it
yes i checked my BIOS and i can't even find the setting even tho i looked through every TUT and checked myself
so does it mean i just can't play valorant unless i buy a new pc?
What cpu do u have?
Also just to be sure
Press win+r on keyboard
Type tpm.msc
Show ss
Press win+r on keyboard
Type msinfo32
Show ss


It definitely supports tpm 2.0
Get into the bios and use ur phone to chat here
Cuz i will need some photos
the issue...
you cannot have Virtualization turned on in your bios if you wanna play valorant
so anyone who works with Docker/WSL/Hyper-V can't play anymore
This is likely due to their kernel-level "Riot Vanguard" anticheat, although whether it's an artificial limitation to prevent "cheating" or an unintended conflict is currently unknown.
U could've just turn ptt on...
umm i use wsl it works fine iin my laptop
That's a lie
You can have virtualization on
I'm guessing you didn't enable tpm so you use the bypass by turning off virtualization
Your bios does support tpm same as your cpu
U can.
i can't bro
Why can't u
ive had 2 days to find it
U can't find it in ur bios?
can't find it BECUSE I CAN'T ENABLE IT
no where to be found dawg iont know what to tell ya
Get into the bios and use ur phone to chat here
nuh uh
not rn
im in a comp
When u finish it sure