Mouse Settings issue
So i basically cant flick, like if i move the mouse quickly it moves at a set speed not faster than that and it keeps moving even after i stop moving the mouse. This is really annoying my aim is messed up because of this.
21 Replies
It sounds silly because im not able to explain it
if someone is willing i can hop on a vc and stream it
do you have windows mouse accel on

ok so it’s off
what mouse do you use
some hp mouse
lemme look it up
if it’s old that might be the issue
office mice aren’t really the best option if you wanna play val

it’s probably not at the standard 1000hz polling rate
this bad boy
i ain’t never seen this abomination
it is pretty ass
i’d say to buy a viper mini for 30 bucks but i’m psure they put them out of commission
it’s pretty good for that low
idk any other good mice
gonna have to do your research
what about this tho
shouldnt happen
i used to play ona cheaper mouse
this wasnt an issue there
you switched mice and this happened?
i’d say it’s a mouse issue no software can really fix it
aw really?
this sucks
cus its like im playing on a controller
i got it now
its like im on controller
it caps the speed
i’d say your mouse is on a low hz rate
most gaming mice have a 1000hz polling rate
much more smooth than an old office mouse
i’m on 8000hz but i wouldn’t recommend it cuz i spent close to 170
some light gaming mouse should do the job
a really good one is the Darmoshark M3
is that dpi?
polling rate is different
why did i think they were the same
u good
but i got it
@semeeraight thanks for the help i am gonna delete valorant 💀
splendid path of action
possibly the best
ong it has given me nothing but brainrot