Valorant not laucnhing
My valorant every time i try to ply it minimizes riot client and seems as if something is loading but then returns to client and says i can click play again i cant seem to launch the game, any fixes?
124 Replies
i tried reinstalling and almost every solution i could find on yt?
im on windows 11 , could reverting to windows 10 fix it? some ppl said windows 11 is the problem
Open cmd as admin and type these commands
sc query vgk
sc query vgc
N bro
Hold on
Delete folder in localappdata
Riot games folder
imma do both of yalls steps
@jidat @Talonted Gamer
Has it worked for you?
I didn't even say the fix yet smh
This is to get some info
I got the same lroblem, I'll try it out later and come back to you is that OK?
U will try out what?
Ill do the sc query thing when I'm home
And then I'll text u
Ping me here
i didnt do all yet they aint even here
OK I did it
Now what am I looking for
Show result for the commands
Both of u
STATE: 1 Stopprd
Checkpoint: 0x0
Wait _Hint: 0x0
Which one is that?
vgc or vgk?
Service exit code 0 0x0
Is vgk stopped or running?
I'll check
OK so
State: 4 Running (Stoppable, Not_Pausable, Ignores_Shutdown)
Go to ur riot games folder
Then valorant then live
Right click on valorant.exe then properties then compatibility
I'm there
Is there any box checked there?
No none
Ok u should be in the live folder now
I'm there
There's no boxed checked in valorant compatibility
Go to shootergame/binaries/win64 and right click valorant win64 shipping then properties then compatibility
OK one sec
Tell me if anything is checked there
Nothing checked there
Go back to the riot games folder
Then riot client
I'm there
Right click on riotclient services then properties then compatibility
Is anything checked there
Nothing checked
Open riot client through that exe
The one whose properties u r seeing rn
Is riot client opened?
Press play
Same issue the game closes and sends me back to the client
I had a black screen for a second
Took a while for the game to open but it closed instantly
Open task manager
Can u see the game there?
No only the riot client
I can press play again
Whenever I start it it sends me straight to the launcher
Press play again, this time keep a look at task manager
Valorant was in the task manager
But it said unresponsive
And then closed again
Open task manager
Then details
Close evry valorant,riot client and vanguard related apps/services
Open control panel
Uninstall programs
Uninstall riot vanguard
Open cmd as admin and type these commands:-
1) sc delete vgc
2)sc delete vgk
Navigate to ur C drive then program files and find vanguard folder and delete it.
Then open riot client and click update
Restart ur pc after the update.
When I do sc delete vgc and vgk it says this service is not an installed service
Yea thats normal
U mean in the riot games folder?
Thrr d no vanguard folder in program fkles
Skip it
Same thing happens
Unresponsive in task manager
And then closed and sends me back to launcher
Reinstall the game
I already tried thwt
I'm gonna reinstall windows entirely
Do a clean boot
With only vgc ticked
How I do that?
After u click disable all, enable vgc by urself
By checking the box on its left side
Also leave the task manager part
Possible double launch, try to restart ur pc. If that doesnt work u can go to task manager and try to press "end task" on valorant. If none of those work do the 2 solutions provided by jidat and talonted.
WIN32_EXIT_CODE : 0 (0x0)
C:\Windows\System32>sc query vgc
WIN32_EXIT_CODE : 0 (0x0)
@jidat these my results
@Talonted Gamer @jidat can one of u help me live
that didnt work tried before
bro this ruined my pc wtf
It definitely didn't if u followed all the steps correctly
I was wondering supposed to only tick vgc and clean boot right?
Hiding all microsoft services first
U prob disabled microsoft services too
u didn't say that
Its given here
That is the after step
I sent that link for a reason uk
fml I wasn't reading allat on that
can u help me fix my pc @jidat
Just go to that screen again
And enable everything
I cant sign in now
Are u in the recovery environment?

how can I fix these now
2 bigger problems now man
that system error keeps popping up
1 sec
ight bro
the instructions I show on yt where u hold shift and restart to get into recovery environment isn't working for me aswell
can u help
Gimme a sec
Ok so
Power off ur pc
Power it on and when u see the windows logo appear, force shut down ur pc by pressing the power button for 5-10 seconds
Then open ur pc again and it should take u to a blue screen saying ur pc did not start correctly
there's no windows logo when I start my pc
I'm using some old hp model
Just force shut it down after like 6 seconds
Start it, wait 7 seconds and hold the power button till it closes
this is not working
do u have a video tutorial of this process
or any other solutions?
Is it booting u straight to the lock screen?
yeah it boots up pretty fast
Turn it off the moment u turn it on
Like give it 2 seconds
do you have any other solutions? this isn't helping
I'm on windows 11 if that adds anything
U will need a usb with windows on it
hmm download windows from usb drive?
Repair the current one with the usb drive.
I can repair it with a cd drive right?
If it has windows on it yea sure
yeah i have a windows cd
so what do I do now to repair it
Put it in ur pc
And boot through it
how can I boot through it
What laptop do u have?
Shut ur pc off
Put the cd inside
Power it on and spam the esc key on ur keyboard
that's not working wtf
I have it plugged in
Spam F9 when opening ur pc
@jidat wtf man even that ain't working
Spam the F2 key when opening
lmao alr
even that bro @jidat
Try the del key
I got into the boot menu finally
Select ur cd there
these the options

What the fuck is that
Which one is the windows cd?
what windows cs
windows image usb?
it's not detected there
it should show something like usb device: (name) if an usb drive is detected
They disabled Microsoft services in msconfig and can't login, can't get into the recovery environment for some reason, they have a cd with windows installed and will try to do it from there.
did u put in ur cd/usb bro
select boot from file
So if there is a way they can get into recovery environment without needing the cd :bl_affu_hapi:
what can u choose there
ugh windows boot manager can probably do that

I'm not sure
winre tools
that one
the last

If not the cd we get into the recovery environment lesgo
wait bro, I need to fucking bath, it's so late here
then? what is this bs

@jidat @mythea
Select the first one
Fuck it
Winre might have been wiped
bro u sure?
u got me in this mess
just go straight to windows boot manager
iirc u can get into winre using some keys combination
like go back?
to startup menu
it's show more options wagwan @mythea @jidat

Boot menu