I can not deinstall vanguard
I am not able to deinstall vanguard because a app that is using it runs on the pc but i dont know what app is running . Pls help

19 Replies
should be found here

yeah but there is no app running that needs it
btw thats not how you uninstall vg...
yeah but the 2 files are still there even though i deleted vanguard from my apps
there might be a need to restart your computer to finalize the uninstall not sure
i restartet it 5 times and reinstalled valorant like 3 times i have no clue how to solve this
open cmd as admin
and then?
type these commands in
sc delete vgc
1. sc delete vgk
it says acces refused
can you show me?

you need to open it as admin
got it thanks and now?
restart your computer and now you should be able to delete the folder
ok i try it thx
did it work?
yes thx sooo much
perfect :BearHeart: