This build is out of compliance
I'm getting this error message and I have done all the fixes in my MSI Mobo.
Enabled fTPM
Disabled CSM
Enabled Secure Boot
After enabling secure boot I have restored it to factory settings
I am still getting the same error.
23 Replies
Show the error
Also show msinfo32 and tpm.msc
doing this now!

Im wondering if it says this because I gotta update my bios?
Are u sure its enabled in the bios?
there were only two options from what i can rememebr for fTPM
and im p sure i selected fTPM
We just bypass the requirement then
how does one do that?
Open cmd as admin
bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off
Type this command
i've done this already 😦
And show result
Do it again
Just to be sure
said the operation completed successfully
Restart ur pc
And after restarting show msinfo32 again
doing it now
it works!
so do i need to do that command setting everytime now?
ah nvm got another error @jidat
A connection error
Nah u don't
Whats the error code

Restart ur pc again