how to move valorant to drive C

I want my valorant on ssd but i place it on hdd s
81 Replies
Hollow night
Hollow night4mo ago
That S what a typo
jidat4mo ago
Move the whole riot games folder to ur C drive
Hollow night
Hollow night4mo ago
Is that safe?
Geniux4mo ago
why would it be unsafe?
Hollow night
Hollow night4mo ago
mythea4mo ago
lmao simply reinstall or move the game files and edit the config files urself there's two iirc one in c:\program data\
Hollow night
Hollow night4mo ago
You late I already did this ^
mythea4mo ago
u need to edit the config files oh wait nvm riot client will ask for a path if files aren't found
Hollow night
Hollow night4mo ago
I cant even play valorant I need to be on HDD (D drive)
jidat4mo ago
No u don't What error is it giving u?
Hollow night
Hollow night4mo ago
No description
Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamer4mo ago
Hollow night
Hollow night4mo ago
Btw My c Drive is full
Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamer4mo ago
install this and change directory to which you moved
VALORANT: Riot Games’ competitive 5v5 character-based tactical shoo...
Riot Games presents VALORANT: a 5v5 character-based tactical FPS where precise gunplay meets unique agent abilities. Learn about VALORANT and its stylish cast
jidat4mo ago
How full
Hollow night
Hollow night4mo ago
But i dont even know what make it full
Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamer4mo ago
let it be atleast 50 Gb free
jidat4mo ago
How much space is left on it?
Hollow night
Hollow night4mo ago
And i dont even know what make it full
Hollow night
Hollow night4mo ago
This much
No description
Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamer4mo ago
check in storage sense
jidat4mo ago
Welp Remove valorant from that
Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamer4mo ago
jidat4mo ago
U can't go around with 5 gigs free
Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamer4mo ago
game will kill his pc one day mine too
jidat4mo ago
Mine is alrdy dead So idc
Hollow night
Hollow night4mo ago
Welp, ig no good valorant for me To bad
Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamer4mo ago
install in d drive
Hollow night
Hollow night4mo ago
I am
Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamer4mo ago
ah i see ok send ss of storage sense
Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamer4mo ago
No description
Hollow night
Hollow night4mo ago
No description
Hollow night
Hollow night4mo ago
Btw how long does valorant install took in d
Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamer4mo ago
NIce can you manage to do more 31
Hollow night
Hollow night4mo ago
Of what
Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamer4mo ago
in drive
Hollow night
Hollow night4mo ago
Drive what C or D
Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamer4mo ago
is it hdd c
Hollow night
Hollow night4mo ago
Bruh my c folder is already 50 gigs free What more do i need
Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamer4mo ago
cause Riot client is 31 gigs you dont necessary need
Hollow night
Hollow night4mo ago
Then why my valorant took 45gigs on c
Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamer4mo ago
your account and game settings file
Hollow night
Hollow night4mo ago
What? What does that has to do whit anything
mythea4mo ago
not them, those taking 45gigs are the game asset files
Hollow night
Hollow night4mo ago
Oh ok Btw Every time i pause the update, it reset the whole updating to 0% again And it took so long just to install it Is there any way when i need to pause the update and turn of the pc It not reseting to 0% Like if i pause it at 15% and turn my pc off It didn't reset to 0% when i strat updating it again
Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamer4mo ago
its isnt updating from 0 % but instead it download from leftover but shows 0%
Hollow night
Hollow night4mo ago
Well its still took so much time to download it Like i pause it on 99% and it reset on 0%, it still took the same time to get 99% done
Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamer4mo ago
well why pause on 99 then?
Hollow night
Hollow night4mo ago
Its just an example I prob need to pause it on 20-50% And btw what the average valorant download MB/s
Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamer4mo ago
there no limit mine goes to 500 mbps not acutally but once it showed for me avg is 70 - 90
Hollow night
Hollow night4mo ago
So this is normal?
No description
Hollow night
Hollow night4mo ago
Will s Changing vpn server make it faster
Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamer4mo ago
yep normal nope you can run this command and try if it boost speed
cmd.exe /k "ipconfig /release && ipconfig /renew && ipconfig /flushdns && netsh winsock reset && netsh advfirewall reset"
cmd.exe /k "ipconfig /release && ipconfig /renew && ipconfig /flushdns && netsh winsock reset && netsh advfirewall reset"
Hollow night
Hollow night4mo ago
Can you type it so i can copy paste it I cant type it right
mythea4mo ago
depends on ur internet plan bandwidth
Hollow night
Hollow night4mo ago
Whats thas That* @Talonted Gamer @Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamer4mo ago
Hollow night
Hollow night4mo ago
Please I cant type it right Bruh @Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamer4mo ago
hol on open command prompt as administrator and type these commands in order one after another. 1.
netsh int ip reset
netsh int ip reset
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /flushdns
netsh winsock reset
netsh winsock reset
netsh advfirewall reset
netsh advfirewall reset
reboot the router wait for it to get connected to internet
Hollow night
Hollow night4mo ago
Ok Finally
jidat4mo ago
Whats ur wifi speed?
Hollow night
Hollow night4mo ago
Very low
jidat4mo ago
Give me a number
Hollow night
Hollow night4mo ago
No description
jidat4mo ago
Hollow night
Hollow night4mo ago
Idk what number i had to gave So i just send a picture
jidat4mo ago
How are u getting 3 MBps there
Hollow night
Hollow night4mo ago
Because i was downloading valorant
Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamer4mo ago
14 ms and 3 mbps i havent seen this in a while WHos your isp
Hollow night
Hollow night4mo ago
Whats that
Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamer4mo ago
Guy or girl who gives you internet
jidat4mo ago
Hollow night
Hollow night4mo ago
My mother
mythea4mo ago
latency and bandwidth has no relation but ughm where do u live in
Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamer4mo ago
ik but never saw like this
mythea4mo ago
how's it 2.28mbit ps oh well u or someone may be downloading something 3.1mbyte/s while downloading val so ughm I think it is
Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamer4mo ago
firewall is related ?
mythea4mo ago
no also don't tell ppl to disable firewall tell them to add allow rules instead firewall should never be disabled
Hollow night
Hollow night4mo ago
Indonesia I already did that Enable valorant and riot client on firewall All of them
mythea4mo ago
I'm not talking to u
Hollow night
Hollow night4mo ago
O Ok Mb