Cloudflare pages with remix js vite could not determine executable to run

Hi, there is a bug with cloudflare pages and remix js vite when you set environment variables inside cloudflare dashboard you get following output
06:37:13.340 > build
06:37:13.340 > npx remix vite:build
06:37:14.051 npm ERR! could not determine executable to run
06:37:13.340 > build
06:37:13.340 > npx remix vite:build
06:37:14.051 npm ERR! could not determine executable to run
there was also an issue with
npx wrangler types
npx wrangler types
command but it was solved with installing
as dev depn. tried this
./node_modules/.bin/remix vite:build
./node_modules/.bin/remix vite:build
npx remix vite:build
npx remix vite:build
when environment variables are removed it works fine
1 Reply
Chaika12mo ago
Interesting.. do you have @remix-run/dev as a depend/dev depend? To sanity test I just tried the guide here:, and the default build config (which runs npm run build, which runs "build": "remix vite:build), and it works fine

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