Sveltekit prerendered site without functions shows function invocation in dashboard

I have a simple prerendered Sveltekit site. It has a single page, that is prerendered and no server code. However in the Cloudflare dashboard I see function invocations (in Function Metrics). How is this possible? Further details: src/routes/+layout.svelte src/routes/+layout.ts - only contains export const prerender = true src/routes/+page.svelte In the upload details Functions tab under Invocation routes I see { "version": 1, "description": "Generated by @sveltejs/adapter-cloudflare", "include": [ "/*" ], "exclude": [ "/_app/*", "/favicon.svg", "/" ] } Thus there shouldn't be any functions. Why does the dashboard show Cloudflare worker functions being invoked?
1 Reply
Chaika12mo ago
If your site is static, use the adapter-static, not adapter-cloudflare. You can see from your functions config there, that it includes all paths except a few.

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