135 Replies
darkOP12mo ago
I have used raw accel for the past month and i had no problems with it until sunday i was downloading vanguard until i saw permenant suspension on my riot client i was upset about this happening and it says for using a 3 party something and i thought it was raw accel because it was the only 3rd party i had but everyone said that it was unbannable till today
Jidat12mo ago
VANGUARD12mo ago
Riot does not offer an official list of which software, hardware, or other modifications may lead to ban. Riot is constantly working on trying to keep the game fair for all players. They stress that any modification that causes an unfair advantage for players, will lead to a restriction. Learn more below: https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/10729504652691-Addressing-cheating-in-VALORANT
Jidat12mo ago
Also i doubt it was cuz of raw accel
darkOP12mo ago
so what could it be?
Jidat12mo ago
How would i know ;support
VANGUARD12mo ago
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
Jidat12mo ago
Make a ticket with riot
Jidat12mo ago
It takes 3-4 days to get a reply
darkOP12mo ago
✝FFFCDEİ✝12mo ago
The first account I opened was suspended indefinitely due to a virus infection on my computer. I couldn't even get into the game at all. I reset my computer because my computer was infected with a virus, but Riod Vanguard detected that the virus was a third party software, so my account was suspended, I request that my account be accessible again, please help me with this.
darkOP12mo ago
i dont know bro i have the same exact request
Jidat12mo ago
Contact support No one in this server can help u with bans
✝FFFCDEİ✝12mo ago
But I was banned for no reason and always said this sentence: Don't worry, we will complete the review regarding the restriction on your account within 3 days at most. Your request is currently in the review queue and our team will complete the review soon. When the investigations regarding the restriction removal request are concluded, we will inform you through this ticket, my dear friend.
Jidat12mo ago
And u didn't get a reply after 3 days?
✝FFFCDEİ✝12mo ago
✝FFFCDEİ✝12mo ago
I sent a 1 month ticket
Jidat12mo ago
Did u check if the status is still open or not?
✝FFFCDEİ✝12mo ago
Yes, it is not always possible, I formatted the pc three times but it says no, you are banned.
darkOP12mo ago
same thing
✝FFFCDEİ✝12mo ago
No description
✝FFFCDEİ✝12mo ago
a ım türkiye
✝FFFCDEİ✝12mo ago
No description
✝FFFCDEİ✝12mo ago
. I would be happy if you support I invested 6k 7k money into the game
Jidat12mo ago
The thing is i can't do anything Also u have sent so many tickets that u r probably blacklisted or sum
✝FFFCDEİ✝12mo ago
what should I do?
Jidat12mo ago
Make a new account and send 1 ticket No more than 1
darkOP12mo ago
also i spent like what 500$ to the game
Jidat12mo ago
Wait for each of their reply
darkOP12mo ago
i sent 3:emoji_38:
Jidat12mo ago
Why U will not get a reply like this
darkOP12mo ago
because i didn't see my ticket at first on myticket so i did another ticket and i didn't see that ticket show up so i created another ticket and that one showed up until i realized an hour later all 3 of my tickets showed up
✝FFFCDEİ✝12mo ago
I tried it on another account but I still got the same answer.
Jidat12mo ago
U need to wait like 5 days for the next reply Also check the status of the ticket after 3-4 days If its still open then u WILL get a reply If u make more tickets u will get back in the queue hence not getting a reply
✝FFFCDEİ✝12mo ago
@jidat It is checked every day, I took a break and tried it again and got the same answer.
Jidat12mo ago
Then u need to wait Without sending anymore tickets Make a completely new one with a new account.
✝FFFCDEİ✝12mo ago
Bro, can't my account be unbanned in another way, because the game is so fun, I love it, but I can't enter, please?
Jidat12mo ago
There is literally no other way Deadass
✝FFFCDEİ✝12mo ago
The system has an access ban, I cannot log in with other accounts, I opened a new account and still cannot log in.
Jidat12mo ago
What is it saying?
✝FFFCDEİ✝12mo ago
I'm Turkish, I can write badly, I'm sorry.
Jidat12mo ago
I am asking what error is it giving u When u try to login
✝FFFCDEİ✝12mo ago
third party software
Jidat12mo ago
Yeah its a HWID ban
✝FFFCDEİ✝12mo ago
Jidat12mo ago
Just make another ticket With a fresh account
✝FFFCDEİ✝12mo ago
But I did not use such a program.
Jidat12mo ago
Yeah thats why i am asking u to make a ticket
✝FFFCDEİ✝12mo ago
I did it, I will do it again in 2-3 days.
Jidat12mo ago
No Wait for their reply
✝FFFCDEİ✝12mo ago
What should I write on the ticket?
Jidat12mo ago
That ur account got banned cuz u had a virus or whatevr
✝FFFCDEİ✝12mo ago
What will I do if the system ban is not lifted? yes Then I format it and it happens again.
darkOP12mo ago
i got banned for raw accel thats what i believe
Jidat12mo ago
Cuz its probably a HWID ban U can't play on that pc for 4 months
✝FFFCDEİ✝12mo ago
4 months fuck But when YouTubes were banned, their ban was lifted immediately.
Jidat12mo ago
Did u make a ticket or no
✝FFFCDEİ✝12mo ago
And I was banned before entering the game. By the way, I got 13 kills on Raze in my last match. whaT I didn't buy anything
darkOP12mo ago
im also hwid
Jidat12mo ago
? A ticket with support ;support
VANGUARD12mo ago
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
darkOP12mo ago
Bradley12mo ago
If the official do not care, we can't help either Maybe u have something else on ur PC :val_PepeShrug: Btw they trust their vanguard more than u do. So all I can say is just move on if they use a bot to reply your ticket Then u know it's over
Jidat12mo ago
The first reply is always a bot
Bradley12mo ago
Yeah but if they had sent multiple times and still getting the same thing under the same ticket number, it's most prolly over They don't really care about bans but they do care abt hacked accounts tho
✝FFFCDEİ✝12mo ago
Is there anyone in authority?
✝FFFCDEİ✝12mo ago
No description
Arii12mo ago
you need to update your windows version, simple as that
✝FFFCDEİ✝12mo ago
But I got banned from third party software ._.
Arii12mo ago
well this error is for an outdated windows version if you cheated that's a you problem
✝FFFCDEİ✝12mo ago
But dude, I got banned from a third party for no reason, that's nonsense.
why not
why not12mo ago
They never response in their terms they said , a permanent ban for " cheats " never been rollback so you have to wait 4 monts ( hardware ban ) and play in another acc dont try to play in the 4 months because they are going to ban you every acc the vanguard system is like a rat malware, so he is going to loock at every folder in your pc , maybe he found a cheat for another game and ban you
✝FFFCDEİ✝12mo ago
I formatted it and only installed Valorant, still the same box.
Arii12mo ago
they do rollback for false bans that are appealed in tickets nowhere in the TOS does it say they never do
why not
why not12mo ago
i will show you even in the game they say you in val 152 error msg that this type of actions never will rollback valorant leave somee tracers in your pc that vanguard can track and format your pc dosent change the serial numbers of you hardware components
✝FFFCDEİ✝12mo ago
why not
why not12mo ago
in kernel modo i will explain you vanguard is a type of rat and spy malware in kernel modo you he have moro privilige thab yours in your pc and they make sure to leave some tracers ( clues for vanguard ) thats is yours trying to acces in anotgher acc but in the same pc if that pc is ban , the acc get locked and ban
✝FFFCDEİ✝12mo ago
How do I get the serial number when I've done everything?
why not
why not12mo ago
beacuse the serial numbers get into your harware when it is manufactured by the company you can change it , but i dont recommend you is ban evasion
Arii12mo ago
The User Rules posted to our websites, apps and games or set out in this Section are not meant to be exhaustive, and we reserve the right to modify them, as well as take appropriate disciplinary measures including temporary bans, account suspension or termination and deletion to protect the integrity and spirit of the Riot Services, regardless of whether a specific behavior is listed in the User Rules as inappropriate.
there is nothing that says this rollbacks happen if the ban is false and is appealed and confirmed false by the riot employee
why not
why not12mo ago
is in spanish but loock
why not
why not12mo ago
No description
why not
why not12mo ago
i try it with one of my ban accs " esta accion no sera revertida " in the past i try to open a ticket like you said and what every body thinks , but they explain me the same thing that im saying to you and my this acc got baned beacause one friend download a malware and they steel and sell the acc after the " buyer " use cheats and now its ban so yeah, riot doesnt do seconds chances
Arii12mo ago
Yeah if you actually cheated it’s non reversible But why do you think they have a ticket category for discussing suspensions? Because of false bans my guy, they unban for false bans
why not
why not12mo ago
i told you i dont cheat the account get hacked 🤣
Arii12mo ago
Yeah but you account shared
why not
why not12mo ago
maibe because chats, temporaly , voice bans ?
Arii12mo ago
So what do you expect from riot Those can also be false bans yes But so can cheating bans, no system is perfect
why not
why not12mo ago
yeah i agree , but they never rollback the bans
Arii12mo ago
I know for a fact they do Because I’ve seen several times of it happening
why not
why not12mo ago
and i several time that they dont do
Arii12mo ago
Because their system confirmed it as cheating upon review again In your case you account shared so are at fault for this anyways, I don’t know if riot gives back accounts that violate other user rules
why not
why not12mo ago
and how they do , they cant show proves of that, if you dont cheat and get ban because banguard detects a software in you pc like obs that its kernel mode and vanguard tinks that is a cheat
Arii12mo ago
You could try submitting the ticket as compromised account instead of discussing the ban They don’t ban for OBS at all lol People have been lying about false bans from every and any program you can name under the sun
why not
why not12mo ago
its a example for better explanation
Arii12mo ago
You won’t get banned for any software like that though Worst case you can’t start the game or crash a few times if you have like coolermaster or a bad antivirus
why not
why not12mo ago
no ? and if you are a developer working at kernel drivers level, for ethical hacking ( ethical hacking not game hackign ? because i see a lot of cases like that i personatlly got banned in csgo2 for that reason
Arii12mo ago
why would you be tampering with the vanguard system driver for fun though might I ask? If you do that and get banned then it’s on you No one asked you to tamper with an anti cheat driver
why not
why not12mo ago
operating as a kernel level dont mind you are interacting with vanguard, even the cheats dosent interact with vanguard
Arii12mo ago
Then you don’t get banned simple as that Or better yet close vanguard if you’re this paranoid
why not
why not12mo ago
vanguard is a spy ware, theyanalyze your software
Arii12mo ago
cool, so does most shit on my pc
why not
why not12mo ago
tracers ? vangaurd left for more even level protection ?
Arii12mo ago
Obviously it has tracer files I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make Don’t cheat Don’t tamper with vanguard Don’t give your account to stupid friends Simple as that
why not
why not12mo ago
simple thats is not my acc, is a friend acc that share for me , and i dont talking about this specific case, im talking of other cases that valorant ban you and you get ban for not your fault but yeah
Arii12mo ago
Well I’ve never personally met someone who actually got false banned and it didn’t get removed
why not
why not12mo ago
if they rollback bans like you said, lets see what happend with @✝FFFCDEİ✝ bans , if he dont ever cheat they will unban him no ?
Arii12mo ago
I have met plenty of liars though If it’s provable from riot’s side that he didn’t cheat yes
why not
why not12mo ago
If i was cheating and they ban me , i dont mind on says it, im not a child i dont have a problem for that , its my fault
Arii12mo ago
I don’t work for riot and can’t read his logs though so I’m not the guy to ask
why not
why not12mo ago
and of course that are a lot of childs that says they never cheats for get unbanned
Arii12mo ago
Well in your case you broke the account sharing rule though, so your best bet is having the original owner contact and say their account was compromised if they want it back I would assume that may be why it gets autorejected, idk though As for other people all they can do is contact riot and have them take a second look since they are the only ones with the logs for the ban
why not
why not12mo ago
he download malware ( stealer like a said ) so yeah technically is not sharing
Arii12mo ago
Well you were sharing accounts with him no? You said that your friend got YOUR account banned
why not
why not12mo ago
but yeah you are correct , if you sharing its your fault in
Arii12mo ago
But yeah make a ticket for compromised accounts instead of discussing suspension and you may get a human instead of blitzcrank the robot
why not
why not12mo ago
yeah for that reason i dont open a ticket beacuse i share my account but im saying that if you dont share and get hacked whats that means ? that is your fault for download malware ?
Arii12mo ago
In every case I’ve seen of this the account gets restored to the time before the hack Sometimes elo losses are kept though which is a bit sad I guess
why not
why not12mo ago
in very few cases that happens , unfortunately account stealing is a very common action
Arii12mo ago
I mean yeah, phishing, keyloggers, chrome password scrapers anything
why not
why not12mo ago
did you ever seen a combo of accs ? people show mw txt files with more than 10k accounts credential
Arii12mo ago
But they do give the accounts back Yeah I’ve seen combos before Thing is though that those combo lists only include like 1-2% working accounts
why not
why not12mo ago
yeah, if you have lucky that they dont use your acc for bad actions you can filter with a account cheker
Arii12mo ago
Even if they cheat or spam the nword etc riot removed the ban since it’s evident you weren’t the one playing
why not
why not12mo ago
or you can make one with explorant api
Arii12mo ago
i.e ip and hardware id differences for one
why not
why not12mo ago
knowing riot they dont usually did thats type of actions xd
Arii12mo ago
Idk I’ve never met anyone who I know for a fact wasn’t cheating / didn’t do what the ban said and then didn’t get unbanned after submitting a ticket to get their account back
why not
why not12mo ago
Anyway, the conclusion is that you trust the riot system and I don't xd, he can try to open a ticket but I don't know if they will do the rollback, you think that yes, who knows
Arii12mo ago
I mean I do have positive experiences with the riot support team so I am a bit biased here I’ve submitted quite a lot of bug reports and stuff
why not
why not12mo ago
i only interact a few time with they to ask their some bans restriction and the bounty they have to try hack in their system and i get a 50/50 experiences feel
darkOP12mo ago
Bro it was just me until this 😭
why not
why not12mo ago

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