What is "gates_cohorts" cookie

What is "gates_cohorts" cookie and why CF is not documenting it in https://developers.cloudflare.com
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6 Replies
Chaika•12mo ago
Do you see it on your site? The only ones listed on the dev docs will be ones that the CDN itself uses. There's a ton of cookies on Cloudflare's own websites/marketing pages, including that one, that won't be listed there. iirc gates_cohorts has to do with testing features on Cloudflare's website/the dash itself.
shwalkerOP•12mo ago
Source domain is .cloudflare.com Why I see it in my own website than?
Chaika•12mo ago
Are you using cdnjs or some resource on a subdomain of cloudflare.com?
shwalkerOP•12mo ago
Aaah cdnjs Thanks! Need to read cdnjs docs 😉
Chaika•12mo ago
a normal visitor wouldn't have that cookie unless they went to dash.cloudflare.com first though. It's just because the scope of it and cdnjs being a subdomain
shwalkerOP•12mo ago
It was hard to find that cookie name from google… Thanks for helping

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