26 Replies
why u need to delete vanguard /
tjahst what google said
nuh uh ?
ok either way
how do i delete it
i dont understand what u meant
thats what google said
uninstall it
i did?
that doesnt work
but you need to have it to play valorant
yes i dont want to play valorant
it doesnt work bc u have in tray
i dont play it anymore
and just uninstall riot
riot lcient?
i tried that too
didnt do anything when i clicked uninstall
r u sure about that?
bro why would i lie about that
if u have riot in search bar
right click and click uninstall
the app be open when u click it
that uninstall
try to find riot and click 'uninstall'

and you will be able (prob) spot the riot
it still didnt work
i already deleted vanguard
can you go to riot client ?
nuh uh
i have riot client launched
i can uninstall anything else
finally i looked up a tutorial again and it worked