New to the ranked system, question about matchmaking
is it normal to have the match be so skewed towards one team having higher ranks?

6 Replies
im s2 and i sometimes am in games with g3
most of the time, the queue is 2 rank lobby, so it could be:
but it's common if you're still in iron to be queued up to 3 ranks, so iron-bronze-silver is possible
also high ranks, asc-immo-rad
but in the middle ranks, it's unlikely to get 3 ranks queue
ah, ok
on the bright side, if you win and do well, you'll get like 40+ rr
When you do your placements, the game deliberately sets your rank a little lower than the desired rank for players with your skill rating, so rank is kinda meaningless.
Regardless, the game will still try to make lobbies where it thinks the scoreline will be close.
Although "balanced" lobbies usually also have a more even scoreboard, if you check you may find that that top frag on ur team is in a party with someone else on ur team.
The matchmaker tries to account for this by filling with lower skilled players. You prbly got caught up in that.
The matchmaker tries to account for this by filling with lower skilled players. You prbly got caught up in that.
Depends on your mmr which is hidden