Valorant not loading from the riot client page
I have even tried re-installing valorant and everytime I click the play button, it takes tries to load then it says play again without the game loading.

76 Replies
haha I had the same issue, restarting my pc fixed it
i tried but sadly didn't work
So like when you click play, it doesn't do anything right?
try sign out then sign in again
it turns the button black for about 10 seconds and turns red again
oh, for me it doesn't turn black at all, literally no respond. But try sing out and sign in again
it might be opening in the back ground
had it happen to me
i just closed it with taska manager and reopened so idk if its the same for you
valorant isn't even showing up in the task manager after I click play
only shows riot client and vanguard tray notification
sadly didn't work
try opening val directly without riot client
the valorant icon showed up in task manager then closed
in background process?
yeah the bootstrap package and the valorant item showed in background then disappeared
uhhhhhh, try opening a ticket
I submitted a claim on the riot website but is there a ticket in the server?
nope, you're right, send it in the riot website
Go to C:\Riot Games\Valorant\Live\ShooterGame\Binaries\Win64\ And run the file Valorant-Win64-Shipping.exe
sorry for the late response, "Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item.
Open cmd (Command Prompt) as admin. In the window that opens type then in:
icacls "C:\Riot Games" /grant Users:F /t /c
Successfully processed 2454 files; Failed processing 0 files
got the same error
Are you running the game as an administrator?
i'm running C:\Riot Games\Valorant\Live\ShooterGame\Binaries\Win64\ And run the file Valorant-Win64-Shipping.exe as administrator
Don't 👍
darn, same error
When you press the play button does riot client disappear?
it minimizes and then pops up again about 5 seconds after
Open cmd as admin
sc query vgc
then Enter: sc query vgk
Sorry about the wait
It looks like Vanguard is crashing
I'll have to diagnose that in the morning though
@jidat @lyra
Problem: Game is not loading. Looks like the vanguard client processes is crashing. Make sure nothing is interfering with vanguard from launching. Make sure it's launching on startup. Do a clean boot you can also use auto runs from the sys internal suite to make sure nothing else is loading.
what do I look for on autoruns?
Anything that is red or yellow
uncheck it
I unchecked everything except these where it says I can't uncheck or delete

now restart?
I restarted and these three became checked again after I unchecked them the first time

Have you downloaded any sus programs lately?
Possibly but this is the first time I've tried to run val since december tbh
Are you using a custom windows install?
if you mean I installed windows myself then yes
How did you download it? From the Microsoft website?
gosh that was back in 2019 but I believe so
Because it looks like for some reason some of the Windows defender files aren't from Microsoft
I have ran val on my pc before but that's weird
I just thought to check event viewer and 2 things happen when I try to open. I get a Windows Error Reporting and an Application Error:

I recommend you make a ticket with riot
If I'm right you most likely have a bug with your client
It could be fixed with like a clean boot and stuff but I would rather if they walked you through that
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
Sounds good, I submitted a ticket yesterday so hopefully they get back soon
I've seen this report somewhere else before
So I have a good reason for pushing you towards opening a ticket
The exit code for the Vanguard client represents that it's crashing
I just had time to do a clean boot and Valorant ran
You could have told me you were comfortable with that
a lot of people aren't; so I normally don't do it
I was gone for a while, apologies
So how can I find the culprit now
The anticheat is crashing
We should start with drivers
Win + r, open: sigverif
"you'll need an app to open this type of link"
So you have a custom version of windows
that doesn't sound good
Open cmd as admin
it's loading
Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations
One by one
Enable a piece of software
like 1 service at a time?
oh boyyyy
I shall get back to you
Don't worry you'll get lucky
Or you can enable like five at a time
should I send a list to see if you see anything strange

What this

Now you do realize you have vanguard turned off
I have webex installed which is a platform kinda like zoom
oh shoot
the game ran though
let me go enable it, whoops
Okay the game ran, I’ll start going through the list of services
so I'm trying to delete citrix now so I rebooted normally and is giving me this error, does this mean I have to find the file while in safe mode?

It means it's being used by your system
You can't boot normally
Because that is a driver in your PC boots with it
so how should i go about uninstalling it
Disable the driver
Just like how you enabled everything else
Just disable it specifically
okay, and boot with the driver disabled, and delete it there?
oh my god it worked
did a clean boot, deleted citrix, restarted with all the programs and now val booted
I cannot thank you enough
Had a program named Citrix that would crash the vanguard client
yeah maybe it was messing with virtualization so it was not opening
Possible Solution:
Turn Off Virtual Machine Software While Playing OR install Them On Other local users