Owning a domain as a minor

Hey, I am 14 and I was wondering if it's possible for me to legally own a domain. As far as I've looked in the Registration Agreement of Cloudflare I've not seen any mention to the minimum age. Anyhows in the Website Terms it's mentioned that you must be at lest 18 or older. Thanks in advance!
Domain Registration Agreement | Cloudflare
Read about Cloudflare’s Domain Registration Agreement.
Terms of Use | Cloudflare
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8 Replies
Cyb3r-Jak312mo ago
I don't believe that you would be able to use Cloudflare. Any domains registered on Cloudflare require the use of Cloudflare website.
Kasumi12mo ago
Currently I don't know a different provider. Prob. Namecheap because they are in the GitHub students pack but everything else. Nobody should care how old you are. As long as you don't host illegal stuff nobody should care. If you don't pay the registrar will cancel the domain and done. Every legal step is like throwing away money out the windows for no real reason
DarkDeviL12mo ago
@Akama Aka | Cloudflare Simp ... Throwing away money ... for no real reason? In most countries I believe, you cannot enter legally binding contracts when you are under 18 years old... (Most, ... if not all) There are a lot of laws, regulations, et al, that sets restrictions depending on that < 18 vs > 18.
Kasumi12mo ago
I know but in some countries some legal bindings are allowed. But who really cares if you use it just for using a normal website. yes ik not good said but they would lose more than they would get back
DarkDeviL12mo ago
Point is, it is not about wanting to lose money, but wanting to abide by law... About your mention about being allowed in some countries, I still have NOT seen any country, where you by law are able to make legally binding contracts/agreements, when you're under 18.
Kasumi12mo ago
Austria If you're under 18 you're allowed to sign legally binding contracts with the only requirement that the parents need to sign it too. At 14 you get more and more permission to sign specific types of contracts. At 14 I guess you're allowed to shop online and also allowed to register at platforms like Google etc without any restrictions. (The age restriction is still there for some things)
DarkDeviL12mo ago
I would go as far as say that isn't really you being allowed to legally sign the contracts, as you put it, but your parents (automatically) signing some "parental consent", with a such co-signature on the document. But again, for Cloudflare, or for any other company out there to know that way, that your parents (or well: legal guardian) consent to what you want to do, - Cloudflare, or that other any company MUST receive a such document. Otherwise, certain things can in the end cause problems for Cloudflare, or that any other company. With the parental consent, and documents and so forth, I would go as far as to say that you should NEVER expect such to be generally available, as it would NOT scale very well, and require too heavy (manual) work for Cloudflare, or any other company to be able to handle well. I therefore doubt you will find many that believes the cost of a domain registration is worth the hassle of maintaining the documents for parental consent, but that's my opinion on the situation.
Kasumi12mo ago
Would be cool to have parental accounts

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