19 Replies
okay so
i kinda
got hacked
well i dont know if i did
i cant login with my usual pass
its not working
can you change the password by getting a link sent to your email?
and the worst part is i had 2fa enabled
thats the thing
one sec
Yep gotcha, that is roughh
im from mumbai so idk what region to select as asia pacific is not in the given like

like i rly need help here
i spent like $400 on this acc
I think it's Asian Pacific
yeah but its not
see like
i cant select it
its not in the options
rly need help here man
I'm Oceania, but for some reason when I lost my acc details it had me set as North America. Perhaps you can try your username in each region
If you choose them all, one of them is bound to be right. And when it is, you'll get the email
the worst part is
i have no email traces
like if he changed the email
i shld have gotten a noti right
riot didnt even bother sending that
i really dont get this
not necessarily... I didn't get a notification and found a completely unrelated email attached to my acc
yeah thats the thing
but how do i recover it
ion remember the first email i used on this acc
and for some riot tickets take 700 hrs
I'd say sent a support ticket to riot, and provide all of the details you can. I know it's a pain in the ass, I'm still waiting to hear back from a ticket myself, but there aren't a lot of options
email riot wit all of ur purchase reciepts