VAL: Restriction
Telling me I need secure boot, I went into my bios and turned off CSM and turned on Secure Boot and it just keeps saying this.

17 Replies
Press win+r on keyboard
Type msinfo32
Show ss

bro why is it saying its off
I turned it on
Get into the bios
Use ur phone to chat here
I just checked bios and its ticked on
K i’m in the bios rn
Open secure boot
And show photo
it’s taking a while i’m using data rn

Set secure boot mode to custom
Then restore factory keys

It might ask u to exit without saving
Press no
After restoring the factory keys
Save and exit
And show msinfo32 again
Alr it’s turning back on
Or u can just start the game
It will work now.
It says on
I’m opening val
It works
Thanks man