Cookie Consent feels like it punishes the good site owners
thanks. I've been out of the whole web loop for years and am just wrapping my head around all of these latest developments. I get what you are saying. My money is tight and it's nice to have a feature like this at the CDN. I wasn't anticipating a huge drop in analytics information simply due to trying to be proactive in the US ahead of most other websites. It's almost as if by accepting a good practice, you get punished from a traffic and SEO standpoint.
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Unknown User•11mo ago
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I'm in the US as well, but I work on multinational sites, so I have to be familiar with it. I agree that when trying to be a good person by not loading things by default, you often end up not getting a ton of really valuable analytics data, ruining the statistical integrity of anything you collect because of your forced sampling method.
This doc shows how to only show consent for EU users. Basically if an EU country shows the consent box, else it grants consent to everything.
Cloudflare Docs
Consent API · Cloudflare Zaraz docs
The Consent API allows you to programmatically control all aspects of the Consent Management program. This includes managing the modal, the consent …