secure boot verification
how do i fix this!!!!!!!!
206 Replies

please i need help
do you know how to update your bios?
I’m trying like 7 hours it’s just really annoying
To update your bios?
I’ll show
Do u want me to start from the start?
Can you show me the link you've been using to get the bios files?
Idk which link tho
Do you have a usb drive?
i can try to find one
Yes please

first find USB drive
Then click that download button
Extract the zip files
And put them on the usb drive
my dad getting mine
how much gb i need?
Pretty much any size will work
okay i be 5 mins
Is that good?

Only one is necessary
Simply plug it into your computer

so what do i need to do?
First is to see if any of the files currently on the drive are important

just my boxing fight
Please proceed back to the website and download the file
this one or all

Only that one
transfering it

Do you know how to go to your bios
kinda is the MSI

ill go on my phone
How’s your day going
That’s good to hear
What about you?
Well everything is fine but that valorant 💀
Is annoying
I have a day off so I was like yeah let’s play valorant but this happens ahaha

Right I’m on it
Click on M Flash
It says system will reboot flash mode
So yes right
Okay my pc shutdown
Rightt I’m on it

If you click on the right side and click on the directory named 7C02v1J1
It should then open and click on the file
That right

Yep just click on that now
Yep I click it
Send to me another photo

Idk if I done it right?
Want me to try again?
Go back to windows
Windows fully right
Go back to the drive in file explorer
Open the folder that was created
And show me the files

It’s up
Unless you want me to make a new folder
Put that into that
One sec
Remove the folder and put the files on the absolute path
So you'll have three files: the text file, the video file, and the bios file
The 7c
Delete it
No just move the files to where the video file is
Wait so move the video to another one right?
I’m hella confused
So like this

Do you know how to move files from one folder to another
Oh yeah
Just drag it to another one right
Do that with the files
So that there will be three files and one empty folder
Like this

Now delete the empty folder
Did it
Now go back on to the ksi
Yes and now hopefully you should be able to see the file
Okay 👍

It’s different I think
Maybe I got the wrong file
Can you go back just to your regular bios
You already sent a photo from within your normal bios
Wait so I go back?
Sorry I grabbed the wrong motherboard
It's Google's fault I promise
it’s good
Download the correct bios file
Okay you sure this one
okay so delete that pne rioghjt
delete that one?
yes delete both of the old ones
And put the two new ones in its place
Exactly the same as before

You should know what to do by now
To your bios and you know

I got it
Which one
Please select the bottom one
Are you sure
To select this file
Press yes
I should also warn you
Do you have any common power outages near you
Turning off your system or if your system loses power could seriously damage your computer
Explain more please 😭
If you have a question please ask
I don’t get power cuts
So like any power that is near me like plugs should I take out?
I'm just saying if your PC loses power during the update it's bad
but the update only takes like about a minute
OH okay im praying i dont
I never had a power cut
So unless you're 100% confident that it's going to go out you should just risk it
And now I know bc u told me
So I can’t blame you
This is all on me

Now just wait right
27 percent in
I let you know when it’s finish
Wow it's actually taking longer than I thought
60 now
Right it’s done I think

Idk if this is bad
Okay this is good

I’ll login
Please press win + r. Then, enter msinfo32. Then, send a photo of the app that opens
I have set up my pin again
Yhh 😟
It's probably because you're bios updated
I believe that's just windows anti like theft protection
Hey at least my pc didn’t turned off
You should be able to reset your thing with your Microsoft password or your windows password
Yea I’m doing it now
So this!


Is it good?
Sadly it reset your bios settings
So I do it again
So we're going to have to turn on secure boot and TPM
Do you know how to do that?
Erm I kinda but not sure I rather get help
So back on the msi?
Back to your bios yes
Hey just appreciate for the help tho
Security\Trusted Computing > Security Device Support > Enable.
TPM Device Selection: PTT.
Security\Secure Boot > Secure Boot > Enable.
Secure boot mode to custom
Settings right
Then enroll all factory default keys
After that tell me when you're done

Okay settings
Go to advanced
Up in the top
^ Then follow the instructions
That’s enabled

That's nice
Security\Secure Boot > Secure Boot > Enable.
Secure boot mode to custom
Then enroll all factory default keys
So what now?
I’m on security
But can’t find secure boot

Csm support is on
One moment will I find where to turn that off
Wait I’m hella confused now
Ohh I see the problem
Settings then advanced
And then send a photo

Let me go ahead and find it
Go to Windows OS configuration
Set windows 10 whql support to UEFI
It’s on CSM
Save and exit
But then go back to your bios. Don’t let windows boot up.
How do u save and exit
Press the X button in the top right
It will say Save configuration and exit

Now it loaded me back to windows?
You have to go back to your bios
Oh okay
it has to be in uefi mode for secure boot to work
Ah okay @
I’m loading back on
Is there like an survey
Just for you 😅
Right I’m on it
Okay so I’m on it do I go back to the settings
Where’s security boot
Um show me a photo

Go back to here and send me another photo
Right I’m on IG

Click on secure boot

It’s enabled
Keep following the instructions
Set secure boot mode to custom
Then go inside of key management
Then enroll all factory default keys

The 2nd one
Saying reset without saving
Reset without saving yes or no
No right?
Right I said no
Now what 😂
Save and exit
Top right x
Okay done
go back to windows
Please press win + r. Then, enter msinfo32. Then, send a photo of the app that opens
This window pin is so annoying

didnt work has it?
Nope you're good
You can now play
imma try it
imma leave it on 5 mins
lets see it doesnt kick me out
@Gashi Is it working?
Thank you very much!!!
[Solution]: Update your bios!
@Saucywan could you help to update my bios hp omen desktop please