How to host Hostinger website on Cloudflare without bringing down all websites on that domain?

For my work, I have been told to put a new Wordpress website hosted on Hostinger as the new main website hosted on Cloudflare. When I put the DNS entries in Cloudflare pointing to the Hostinger website, I get a 520 error. I then changed the nameservers on where the cloudflare domain is owned which is domainshop and changed it to the Hostinger nameservers and success! The new website appeared! But the dozens of the other websites of that domain all went down. It can be all fixed if I change the nameservers back and the new website still stays up but they will not allow me to use this method if there is a complete outage for an hour. So now I am back at square one and really struggling for ideas. There are 3 things involved in my problem. Cloudflare, Hostinger and DomainShop. Everything is hosted on Cloudflare and the domain is registered by DomainShop. But this new website on Hostinger has to overwrite our old website without causing an outage. Any ideas? Thank you.
8 Replies
Hello, I’m Allie!
Just to confirm, did you disable the proxy when adding the DNS records for Hostinger?
HzrdzOP12mo ago
Yes when I added the wordpress IP address in DNS settings I would the same error 520 error with proxy and without
Hello, I’m Allie!
Did you wait 24 hours? It might have still been serving the proxy IPs
HzrdzOP12mo ago
Ok I will reset everything and try this. Would I just create an A record without proxy and wait 24 hours? What if this fails and I get same result of the page not working
Hello, I’m Allie!
Just to confirm, did it look something like this?
No description
HzrdzOP12mo ago
Yes exactly that
Hello, I’m Allie!
That's a Cloudflare error page. If it is being served when the DNS records resolve to Hostinger's IPs, then there is something wrong on Hostinger's side
HzrdzOP12mo ago
I think it has to do with nameservers because the method I used that worked I changed the cloudflare nameservers on the domain registration website to hostingers and it worked but it brought down all other websites for a time which is what I'm trying to avoid

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