cache file download speed

When cloudflare cached lot of pdf from other object storage website visitor will see cached them If many visitor request many cache to cloudflare There any limit for content download speed etc? my website is working fine But when many visitor come especially at night, Content shown speed is quite slow contents are cached files of cloudflare How can I fix this?
2 Replies
Chaika12mo ago
There any limit for content download speed etc?
How can I fix this?
Would need more information then that. Are the visitors in a specific region/geo? What does slow download speed mean, exact numbers? How are you measuring it, telling its cached, etc.
irohaforeverOP12mo ago
Okey I will summarize information At least Download speed mean "content download" time Region, japan For example At night , around 21~23:00 PDF files cache status is "hit" Content download will be over 1min pdf size is 20MB (current download completed around 5 sec) Network : 100Mbps PDF's origin url is renamed by using cname Cache rule*.pdf Edge ttl maximum range Browser ttl maximum

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