
on inventory right click:のようなことがしたいのですが方法が見当たらないので教えてもらいたいです...
2 Replies
on inventory clickイベント内でclicked typeを用いて判定します
on inventory click:
if click type is left mouse button:
if click type is right mouse button:
if click type is left mouse button with shift:
if click type is right mouse button with shift:
on inventory click:
if click type is left mouse button:
if click type is right mouse button:
if click type is left mouse button with shift:
if click type is right mouse button with shift:
Skript Hub - Documentation
Click Type (Type) - Skript
Click type, mostly for inventory events. Tells exactly which keys/buttons player pressed, assuming that default keybindings are used in client side.
L2ck_4mo ago
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