login error
If any moderators see my message i would appreciate it if i got help because im trying to change my username but it wont let me login to the website, i can login the website on my alt but when I try to login my main it says error or whatever(ill send a pic). Even though it wont let me on the site it lets me play still in the actual app. I’ve tried using multiple browsers such as opera, safari, google but none of them have worked for that specific account. I’d very much appreciate it if someone replied and helped me out, thank you.

14 Replies
Use ur username and password to login.
Also login straight to the manage account url
I'm also having the same problem can someone help me doing
I'm Brazilian

Thats not the same error
And yes I just sent a different image, I'll send the other one

Use ur username and password to login
I used it and it showed
It's sad
Use a different browser, clear data of the browser, use a different device like ur phone
ok I'll try it here and I'll tell you
it was not
What do I do if it still doesn’t work
How are you trying to log in?
For the username; are you using your email?
No I’m using my username
I don’t know if the way you login really matters
It let me on the thing
But whenever I press settings
On the side button near my name
It doesn’t let me
Like it already let me on the acc on the website but it won’t let me access settings at all on any platform