hardware ban for no reason
apparently a friend of mine got hardware banned for literally no reason . the mods aren't responding or anything so i had to put it on again . can someone help ?

173 Replies
U don't get hwid banned for "no reason"
If u still think it was a mistake, u can make a support ticket with riot support
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
It usually takes like 3-4 days to get a response
Maximum 5
u can valorant has the worst anti cheat system. they ban ppl who arent cheating and dont ban ppl who are cheating
val legit has the best anticheat
in the world
Its literally the best anticheat there is
What are u on about?
Bro must had some cheats for other games and got dtc by vanguard
That's why he mad mad
Even this doesn’t make any sense, I doubt riot are dumb enough to ban you for just having a known cheat client for a different game on your pc
Unless you are literally running it while playing valorant and the cheat is so shit that it just reads the active memory that valorant is currently using
Idk vanguard is kernel level but fr imma be honest that usually people got banned they hiding the fact that they are cheating
And most cheaters are gold and plat 🤭
I mean that depends
Most obvious cheaters are there yeah cus it’s the most common rank for bought accounts
Most closet cheaters are in higher elos tho
But oh well vanguard for the win, they high if they said vanguard is the worst 🤣
The only two cheaters I’ve ever played against both got banned mid game though, idk why they seem to think the anti cheat is bad
I would like to watch them play cs2 for a day
And count how many cheaters get banned :val_KekwSob:
Ifkr 🤣🤣
I stopped cs2 because of it, valve even took down the overwatch
Tbf overwatch was also used to falseban people
Cus valve can’t do anything right ever
Only them can make an anti cheat measure that can be used to spam report and get someone banned
Tru tru 🤣
or if they didn't restart so the memory didn't get flushed
the cheat will stay in the memory
Oh true, that’s very unlikely though that valorant will use those exact references
And surely they can tell as well, no?
they do this on cn servers too
but they don't use vanguard
they use something like tencent ace
Weird, haven’t heard about it before I think
very usual on cn servers
sometimes the ac can't catch it
like literally every game in cn
so by receiving a huge amount of reports can get u banned
but the downside is that false ban occurs very frequent
So it’s just cs all over again :val_KekwSob:
the ban time is different tho
u get few hours or days if u are only reported but not confirmed
confirmed cases are permanent
or 100 years
(for ur grandson
That is better than an unreversable permanent ban from valve I guess
Those mfs don’t even unban if it’s false
then why ppl get hardware banned for no reason. u prob gonna be like its for a reason but my friend can literally ss his pc showing files n shit js to prove he dont have a thirdparty software
you can always delete files
shi u right
but cant u js create a new account and ss u getting banned for third party software and showing files after
no as vanguard doesn't only ban the account
but also bans the computer
so even if he makes new accounts they will still be banned
as it's not the account that got banned but the computer
well both
yeah but was just simplifying it
even i got a false ban
they are saying i used a 3rd software party
please help
deadass bro
they have lots of trust in their system. even if ur falsebanned they think u were actually cheating
if u really looked
it behaves differently
those cheats can be recognized by vanguard will get u banned permanently
and u cant appeal, will always be a bot, meanwhile unsure cases can be appealed
u can get human agents unlike confirmed cheating cases
u do know that u can fucking hide files
like hide them in some really deep folders
mark them as hidden
even system protected files
and malware can also trigger the ac
alr chill the fuck out why u gettin pressed lmao
u need jesus
i have jesus
good 4 u
If you have any other cheats for other games, crosshair x, or any suspicious injects that ride bios or get into kernals through game files, vanguard will ban you even if tis not for val
But you def do not get banned for no reason ur either just coping and miss ur account or you had something malicous running in your task manager or were actually cheating
no wonder
i deleted crosshair x n still am hardware ban what do i do
same for me
dont know what is on my pc that the game thinks im cheating
even after the 4 months when i get unbanned will i just be banned again because of an application on my pc? or no
Once u get hwid banned, it stays for 4 months no matter what
If u have an app that might trigger vg to ban u, yes.
Also that ban will be permanent
how is that my fault tho
idk what app is gettin me banned
i deleted like everything ik
Then u won't get banned
well we both did
we cant do anythiung to fix it
we need valorant support to help
but no one is
n the anticheat sucks ass
bans people without cheats
n if people have cheat they wait like a lil bit to ban them
yeaj even i am banned for no reason
i appelead
and still
no one sent a mail
from suppot
takes 1-4 days
there, there :peepoPats:
why did you even used cheats
skill issue?
r u good i didnt they js banned me for it
Noob cheaters noobbbbb
No need to cheat, y'all ain't going VCT. Radiant gives nothing, same old buddy so don't cheat y'all suck ass
Jkjk I didn't read the past context / chat but trust me most of the time they won't unban you if u already receive multiple bot replies or after 4 days
Frankly, Riot doesn't give a shit abt us
actually guys multiple peoples are getting hwid ban from last 1 month; and all have same thing to say that we had use no cheat
But it can be multiple lying abt it. You feel me? Let's say you're drunk and stopped by a police officer, would u tell the truth that you're drunk immediately or try to lie it out first?
And I know many many are cheating bc I'm in some servers to get some sauce everyday
Dma cheats, hardware cheats, colorbot, private esp, skin changers, razer only aimbot
Fucking tons of it and people are buying it daily.
If they don't get banned you think ur val tracker apps banned you? Who u tryna lie? U feel me?
Forgot to mention triggerbot which is fucking widely used
i got banned for no reason
perm ban
i didnt use no shit
no bot trigger
no aimbot
no hacks
Stfu fuck u and stay banned
There must be a reason, so many fucking accounts in the world and yours got banned?
Maybe u watched too much adult film and some virus hit u
I mean u def deserves it
u dont even know me
and u are making assumptions
u got a cat in ur pfp
ur parewnts raised u up so good rightr
Uh huh
stay in silver 1
I still came up with some good facts tho
I'm happy with silver 1 instead of cheating and get nothing in life 🤣
Prolly still living in ur mom's house basement sucking off ur brother
i didnt cheat
i didnt downlaod anytrhing
Who cares, stay banned son
Officials don't want help u then just move on. It's a community here, we can't do much
keep d ridign admin
Nah man 🤣
I'm just thankful for vanguard
To ban people like u
I spit facts, you spit no shit boooo
"I didn't cheat" typical
If actual cheaters don't get banned often, you think u got false banned. Pfft who do u think u are that vanguard would pay special attention to you if you're clean
Chill guys chill
sped argument
false bans happen
lol just because you haven't been falsely banned you think everyone else is lying lol. I am one of them who got hwid ban and I submit a ticket as well but nothing happened. I'm still trying to figure out what went wrong, i hate people who use cheat myself, they ruin the game. I feel like i got banned maybe because i had multiple coding projects downloaded from udemy. I guess i'll never know.
vanguard rarely does false bans and when it does riot support does in fact unban you :AMshrug:
they didnt reply me T.T
im sure i never used hacks, i dont know what file i had which was sus
How long has it been since you opened your ticket?
Can i play the game again if I change my ssd? After getting hardware banned
But it says its 4 months only
The hardware ban
ur ssd sn may be one of the identifiers, but def not the only identifier
I alr answered ur question
no, changing ur ssd won't get u unbanned
You guys don't know anything :V
Skill issue
yeah u do have that
a major one tho
thanks for confirming
Who's talking
A clown?
Who's acting like a riot supporter?
Lmfao you are nothing to riot
He just answered ur question
Whats up with the attitude
cuz they are giving wrong answers
i basically changed my ssd and valorant worked again
thats why
but when some kids tryna act like they know everything about pcs that happens
Your NIC has a MAC address, the MOBO and SSD/HDD have serial numbers, your disk partitions themself have serial numbers, your CPU and GPU have unique IDs, there are plenty more that I didn’t even list that riot may be using
Even if you change a few of these and you manage to start the game you still have a very high chance of getting banned not to far in the future anyways
anything seems to be a problem:aniheart: ?
that is the correct answer wym lmfao
Nvm nvm
simply changing ur ssd to a different one won't get u unbanned
yeah what
Im taking info from girls smh
and since when I tried to talked
like riot support
I got unbanned
my I ask what exactly you did to get the unban?
cuz changing your ssd only shouldn't work
Do you know what is the hwid ban is?
high chance you will just get re-banned in a bit then
I do
I doubt riot just did and oopsie and only checked for the SSD in this case
Yall dont know what is it
I quite literally explained to you where some of the other HWIDs are
Noy riot who checks
The bot
and those are just the obvious ones
Omg yall dk anything
your hardware serials have put in a blacklist, correct me if I'm wrong tho
the bot is the same as a human checking tf you mean
main parts will be the mobo sn
mac address etc
ye he didn't even change NIC or anything
most of the obvious stuff is literally still the same
well he might got unbanned by support or whatever just luck
Just throw some words
I'm pretty sure I'm more knowledgeable than 95% of people here
You dont know anything
goodluck with it
Then 95% here has autism
lgdq mind telling me why you think so :aniheart:
my bro thinks that lgdq(); name makes u more cool
and know more
than ppl
I didn't say that lmao
would be funny if its just letting him play for a few hours then slaps a second HWID ban
but with lgbtq+ mind smh
u are just being gay in this conversation
Stfu lil trans
u are the trans
only Trans guy
Imagine 90% of the support are gays
Tf is this server
Skill issue fr
Smd the
Some gays tryna act like they know everything
oh yeah
also u are in non of the tech servers I'm in
can we just calm down a bit
isn't blocksmc a cracked mc server as well
he just quitted the server lol
idk this guy is gay
prob the gayest
I'm here?
I'm the gayest one
how can a girl be gay ?
yk im genderfuild :val_CatBigStare:
whats that now ?
you identify as liquid or water ?
thats what i asked what does that mean?

Basically shapeshifting alien
hell yeah
in short yeah
jidat you're such a bully
how u change ur ssd
it wont work
he legit said it worked
he legit don know how this works
He legit is stupid 👍
Just spoof it or some shit
not that simple
You just have to find someone who knows about it
Please don't encourage people to bypass hardware id bans
nah spoofers are sketchy
:val_Stare: :Check:
it may have worked temporarily
if they were being honest at all that is
it is just a chance that the ssd information was used in the device identification algorithm
no one knows how the algorithm works
except riot
and yeah it may just be temporarily, bcuz the game can just simply pick up individual unique information that wasn't changed
i got perm banned for no fkn reason how do i fix it (already tried emailing them)
Then wait for a reply
they said they wont remove the ban
well mine got removed
then your ban was not by accident
then yours was
But I have never used hacks?
Never even tried to install them
Only 3rd party software I used was Val tracker
So I’m never getting my acc back?
Or will the HWID ban go away
On google it said they last 4 months
after 4 month try ban appeal