Some hardware stuck at 15W TDP in gamescope-session

Writing this here so we have a place to track this. @d3Xt3r has this issue and we confirmed earlier today it is not related to ENABLE_HARDWARE_CONTROL_ON_NON_DECK_HARDWARE is set to 0 so /usr/bin/steamos-polkit-helpers/steamos-priv-write is disabled, yet the TDP gets set to 15W in gamescope. They are currently using the dirty workaround from the #320 issue until we can track down the cause. @d3Xt3r if you could provide rpm-ostree status, rpm-ostree kargs and also the hardware of the affected system it might help to get us started on looking into this. For now, if anyone stumbles upon this issue, use the workaround provided here:
HTPC (bazzite-deck) amdgpu stuck at 15W (with workaround) · Issue #...
so i recently moved my old htpc/guestPC build from chimeraOS to bazzite deck as i wanted something that mimicks the steamdeck more closely in terms of desktop ui as my friends understand kde better...
I can confirm that the fix works 🙂 TDP is back to normal, permissions stay on 644. Tried going in and out of game mode as well as launching different games. This was tested without LACT. Afterwards I installed LACT and tested - good news is that I can still change the TDP via LACT and the value persists after a reboot. 🙂...
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303 Replies
HikariKnight8mo ago
@Kyle Gospo any thoughts about how this could happen, since this is the 2nd person it has happened to now? since i thought this was only done through steamos-priv-write 🤔 might need help tracking this down when youre back from scale and d3xt3r provides us with the details i asked for 🙂 and if we dont find it out, i can make an ujust command for the dirty workaround i originally made as it should not impact performance, its just annoying.
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo8mo ago
No clue, should only be priv write Nothing else has root access to limit it Unless explicitly installed simpledeckyTDP for instance will use ryzenadj So if that's installed, there's your TDP limit
HikariKnight8mo ago
think they said they only installed lact but didnt do anything in it. at least there is the brute force workaround i made back in the beginning 🤣 i hate it
d3Xt3r8mo ago
Okay, some good news and bad news. I decided to wipe my drive and reinstall my bazzite-deck from scratch - fresh offline ISO, installed and updated to latest stable. Didn't install LACT, Decky or anything of that sort. Ran cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/power1_cap_default and it now shows 212000000! /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/power1_cap_maxalso shows 280000000, which matches with what Adrenalin in Windows showed. So that's all well and good. Unfortunately, it didn't really fix the my slow game performance. I tried maxing out the game settings to see how far I can push the GPU but it seems to max out around 526MHz and 30W, and this is happening in all games (both native ones like Last Epoch and Proton ones like Diablo 4). This is happening in both desktop and game mode btw. Also tried running furmark and I was only getting 5FPS and again, the power did not exceed 30W. I'm not sure where it's getting that 30W limit from. Is /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/power1_cap_max the right path? I could run LACT to double-check but don't want to risk changing any values. What do you guys think? Edit: So I suspect that 30W thing is just a MangoHud reporting glitch, /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/power1_cap_default still reports 15000000 so ignore the above.
d3Xt3r8mo ago
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Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo8mo ago
bazzite/spec_files/jupiter-hw-support/priv-write.patch at main · ub...
Bazzite is an OCI image that serves as an alternative operating system for the Steam Deck, and a ready-to-game SteamOS-like for desktop computers, living room home theater PCs, and numerous other h...
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo8mo ago
This is the patch that should prevent this from doing anything Feel free to install LACT, that's easily disabled Curious what you find echo "commit: Skipped - see /etc/default/steam-hardware-control" | systemd-cat -t p-steamos-priv-write -p warning It also writes logs So it's worth checking that
d3Xt3r8mo ago
journactl has the following logs:
p-steamos-priv-write[5795]: checking: /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/power2_cap
p-steamos-priv-write[5798]: commit: Skipped - see /etc/default/steam-hardware-control
p-steamos-priv-write[5801]: decline: 15000000 -> /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/power2_cap
p-steamos-priv-write[5795]: checking: /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/power2_cap
p-steamos-priv-write[5798]: commit: Skipped - see /etc/default/steam-hardware-control
p-steamos-priv-write[5801]: decline: 15000000 -> /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/power2_cap
Which is interesting because I don't have a any power2* files in that path. I also installed LACT and it is showing 15W, and it looks like this is being set in /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/power1_cap. Edit: Now that I look at the log again, maybe that decline is not working because it's writing to a non-existent file? --- Btw @HikariKnight: rpm-ostree kargs : rhgb quiet root=UUID=5125c6a7-d169-4e52-9a0c-8e010e37cdeb rootflags=subvol=root rw ostree=/ostree/boot.0/default/200d6b192b97a3b6e644cd8b288f642db8fc254676a0b2c9811df40aba3d5a44/0 gpu_sched.sched_policy=0 specs:
Type: Desktop Mobo: ASUSTeK model: ROG STRIX B450-I GAMING v: Rev 1.xx
serial: <superuser required> UEFI: American Megatrends v: 5302
date: 10/20/2023
Info: 6-core model: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 bits: 64 type: MT MCP cache: L2: 3 MiB
Speed (MHz): avg: 2196 min/max: 2200/4208 cores: 1: 2196 2: 2200 3: 2195
4: 2196 5: 2196 6: 2196 7: 2196 8: 2196 9: 2200 10: 2196 11: 2196 12: 2196
Device-1: AMD Navi 32 [Radeon RX 7700 XT / 7800 XT] driver: amdgpu v: kernel
Display: wayland server: v: 1.20.14 with: Xwayland v: 23.2.2
compositor: kwin_wayland driver: N/A resolution: 2560x1440
API: EGL v: 1.5 drivers: radeonsi,swrast
platforms: wayland,x11,surfaceless,device
API: OpenGL v: 4.6 compat-v: 4.5 vendor: amd mesa v: 23.3.6 renderer: AMD
Radeon RX 7800 XT (radeonsi navi32 LLVM 17.0.6 DRM 3.57
API: Vulkan v: 1.3.275 drivers: N/A surfaces: xcb,xlib,wayland
Type: Desktop Mobo: ASUSTeK model: ROG STRIX B450-I GAMING v: Rev 1.xx
serial: <superuser required> UEFI: American Megatrends v: 5302
date: 10/20/2023
Info: 6-core model: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 bits: 64 type: MT MCP cache: L2: 3 MiB
Speed (MHz): avg: 2196 min/max: 2200/4208 cores: 1: 2196 2: 2200 3: 2195
4: 2196 5: 2196 6: 2196 7: 2196 8: 2196 9: 2200 10: 2196 11: 2196 12: 2196
Device-1: AMD Navi 32 [Radeon RX 7700 XT / 7800 XT] driver: amdgpu v: kernel
Display: wayland server: v: 1.20.14 with: Xwayland v: 23.2.2
compositor: kwin_wayland driver: N/A resolution: 2560x1440
API: EGL v: 1.5 drivers: radeonsi,swrast
platforms: wayland,x11,surfaceless,device
API: OpenGL v: 4.6 compat-v: 4.5 vendor: amd mesa v: 23.3.6 renderer: AMD
Radeon RX 7800 XT (radeonsi navi32 LLVM 17.0.6 DRM 3.57
API: Vulkan v: 1.3.275 drivers: N/A surfaces: xcb,xlib,wayland
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d3Xt3r8mo ago
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HikariKnight8mo ago
i see nothing that should cause it to do this
d3Xt3r8mo ago
Any reason why steamos-priv-write is refering to power2_cap when it doesn't exist?
HikariKnight8mo ago
it refers to it because thats where gamescope-session tells it to write to
if [[ "$WRITE_PATH" == /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon*/power*_cap ]]; then
if [[ ":Jupiter:" =~ ":$SYS_ID:" || ":Galileo:" =~ ":$SYS_ID:" || "$ENABLE_HARDWARE_CONTROL_ON_NON_DECK_HARDWARE" = 1 ]]; then
echo "commit: Skipped - see /etc/default/steam-hardware-control" | systemd-cat -t p-steamos-priv-write -p warning
if [[ "$WRITE_PATH" == /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon*/power*_cap ]]; then
if [[ ":Jupiter:" =~ ":$SYS_ID:" || ":Galileo:" =~ ":$SYS_ID:" || "$ENABLE_HARDWARE_CONTROL_ON_NON_DECK_HARDWARE" = 1 ]]; then
echo "commit: Skipped - see /etc/default/steam-hardware-control" | systemd-cat -t p-steamos-priv-write -p warning
if steamdeck or hardware controls enabled then commit the write otherwise skip it and declinewrite decline is at the bottom of the script and runs this
function DeclineWrite()
echo "decline: $WRITE_VALUE -> $WRITE_PATH" | systemd-cat -t p-steamos-priv-write -p err
exit 1
function DeclineWrite()
echo "decline: $WRITE_VALUE -> $WRITE_PATH" | systemd-cat -t p-steamos-priv-write -p err
exit 1
i am curious if this also happens on the desktop image
d3Xt3r8mo ago
From the comment from the other guy, apparently the desktop image is fine
HikariKnight8mo ago
ok so it is one of the packages in the deck image that does this 🤔 thats going to take a while to go through
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo8mo ago
@antheas could this be adjustor?
antheas8mo ago
Needs to be explicitly turned on
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo8mo ago
Good, good Really confused what's setting this then
antheas8mo ago
Also only supports 2 cpus But never hurts to open hhd and verify Also only writes to the cpu We have gotten another 1-2 reports from egpu users though I was trying to see if ryzenadj also changed the tdp limit of amd gpus Results were inconclusive
HikariKnight8mo ago
also seems to only affect some hardware as i cannot replicate it with RX6600XT and Ryzen 5 5600x
d3Xt3r8mo ago
I had the same issue with a 6600 XT, same desktop. Actually bought my GPU because I thought my 6600 XT was too old/slow for Last Epoch lol, didn't know about the TDP limits then.
HikariKnight8mo ago
huh, this is getting even weirder then
antheas8mo ago
Seems like steam is setting the limit for some reason 15w is steam deck I mean come on
HikariKnight8mo ago
yeah it is, it is just weird it affects a super small subset of hardware and its setting it in a different way than the rest of steamos which uses steamos-priv-write
antheas8mo ago
Still needs a polkit though No sudo perms Somebody lsof the file and see who's writing on it
HikariKnight8mo ago
would have to do that on an affected system since i cant replicate it on my own (even with the same card as they previously had)
azu8mo ago
Im affected by this, is there anything I can do to help?
HikariKnight8mo ago
do you have a 2nd system you can ssh into bazzite with to do some testing?
azu8mo ago
sure, let me find a charger for my laptop
HikariKnight8mo ago
awesome, maybe we can get some good data then
azu8mo ago
starting my windows laptop for the first time in a bit and I had to reset my pin for some reason :s ok its finally up and running
HikariKnight8mo ago
ok so you familiar with ssh from before?
azu8mo ago
not more than this
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HikariKnight8mo ago
thats all the familiarity you need 😄
azu8mo ago
HikariKnight8mo ago
give me 2 sec watch -n 0.1 lsof $(find /sys/class/hwmon/*/ -name "power1_cap")
HikariKnight8mo ago
should give you something like this
No description
azu8mo ago
HikariKnight8mo ago
ok go into desktop mode on the htpc then back into gamemode while watching that and tell me if anything shows up (it might just flash there for a sec so make sure you keep an eye on it)
azu8mo ago
hmm, nothing showed up
HikariKnight8mo ago
ok can you open another ssh window to bazzite and write this cat $(find /sys/class/hwmon/*/ -name "power1_cap")_default | sudo tee $(find /sys/class/hwmon/*/ -name "power1_cap") then go to desktop and back to gamemode
azu8mo ago
ok nothing showed up but its set to 303w now
HikariKnight8mo ago
thats the default for the card can you try launch a game while keeping an eye on the ssh terminal? it should in theory stay at 303w
azu8mo ago
nothing showed up and the game Im launching should run at 100+ fps at default w but its at 10 so I guess its not at 303w :p mangohud reports gpu: 100% 41w sorry, I missunderstood, let me try running that command and then starting a game
HikariKnight8mo ago
you can also cat $(find /sys/class/hwmon/*/ -name "power1_cap") after game has started to check the TDP set on the gpu
azu8mo ago
azu@azulgo:~$ cat $(find /sys/class/hwmon/*/ -name "power1_cap")_default | sudo tee $(find /sys/class/hwmon/*/ -name "power1_cap")
azu@azulgo:~$ cat $(find /sys/class/hwmon/*/ -name "power1_cap")
azu@azulgo:~$ cat $(find /sys/class/hwmon/*/ -name "power1_cap")_default | sudo tee $(find /sys/class/hwmon/*/ -name "power1_cap")
azu@azulgo:~$ cat $(find /sys/class/hwmon/*/ -name "power1_cap")
so 12w?
HikariKnight8mo ago
echo "commit: Skipped - see /etc/default/steam-hardware-control" | systemd-cat -t p-steamos-priv-write -p warning
azu8mo ago
returns nothing
HikariKnight8mo ago
sorry journalctl -xe -t p-steamos-priv-write that should show you all the logs from steamos-priv-write this boot which is what sets the tdp
azu8mo ago
it shows up a bunch of times with power2_cap at 15000000 and 12000000
HikariKnight8mo ago
able to copy+paste it in here?
azu8mo ago
Mar 16 21:57:33 azulgo pkexec[146580]: azu: Executing command [USER=root] [TTY=unknown] [CWD=/var/home/azu/.local/share/Steam] [COMMAND=/usr/bin/steamos-polkit-helpers/steamos-priv-write /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon4/power2_cap 15000000]
Mar 16 21:57:33 azulgo p-steamos-priv-write[146641]: checking: /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon4/power2_cap
Mar 16 21:57:33 azulgo pkexec[146580]: azu: Executing command [USER=root] [TTY=unknown] [CWD=/var/home/azu/.local/share/Steam] [COMMAND=/usr/bin/steamos-polkit-helpers/steamos-priv-write /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon4/power2_cap 15000000]
Mar 16 21:57:33 azulgo p-steamos-priv-write[146641]: checking: /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon4/power2_cap
Mar 16 21:58:21 azulgo pkexec[148829]: azu: Executing command [USER=root] [TTY=unknown] [CWD=/var/home/azu/.local/share/Steam] [COMMAND=/usr/bin/steamos-polkit-helpers/steamos-priv-write /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon4/power2_cap 12000000]
Mar 16 21:58:21 azulgo pkexec[148829]: azu: Executing command [USER=root] [TTY=unknown] [CWD=/var/home/azu/.local/share/Steam] [COMMAND=/usr/bin/steamos-polkit-helpers/steamos-priv-write /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon4/power2_cap 12000000]
or do you want an entire job identifier?
HikariKnight8mo ago
would like the entire thing so i can see if it skipped things or not sec let me try something
azu8mo ago
HikariKnight8mo ago
journalctl -xe -t p-steamos-priv-write | fpaste try that gives me everything that is relevant in 1 link that you just send here 🙂
HikariKnight8mo ago
can you cat /etc/default/steam-hardware-control for me and /usr/libexec/hardware/valve-hardware ; echo $?
azu8mo ago
azu@azulgo:~$ cat /etc/default/steam-hardware-control
# If this is enabled, ensure you have a Decky Loader plugin installed to set custom limits
# Without it, you'll be limited to 15W

azu@azulgo:~$ cat /usr/libexec/hardware/valve-hardware ; echo $
# Returns true for Valve handhelds
SYS_ID="$(cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name)"
if [[ ":Jupiter:Galileo:" =~ ":$SYS_ID:" ]]; then
exit 0
exit 1
azu@azulgo:~$ cat /etc/default/steam-hardware-control
# If this is enabled, ensure you have a Decky Loader plugin installed to set custom limits
# Without it, you'll be limited to 15W

azu@azulgo:~$ cat /usr/libexec/hardware/valve-hardware ; echo $
# Returns true for Valve handhelds
SYS_ID="$(cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name)"
if [[ ":Jupiter:Galileo:" =~ ":$SYS_ID:" ]]; then
exit 0
exit 1
HikariKnight8mo ago
whops remove cat from the last command XD
azu8mo ago
azu@azulgo:~$ /usr/libexec/hardware/valve-hardware ; echo $
azu@azulgo:~$ /usr/libexec/hardware/valve-hardware ; echo $
HikariKnight8mo ago
also i guess you installed simpledeckytdp? /usr/libexec/hardware/valve-hardware ; echo $? you forgot the ? at the end
azu8mo ago
ah sorry and yes but uninstalled it when hhd got the ability to do tdp control
azu@azulgo:~$ /usr/libexec/hardware/valve-hardware ; echo $?
azu@azulgo:~$ /usr/libexec/hardware/valve-hardware ; echo $?
HikariKnight8mo ago
ah well can you sudo nano /etc/default/steam-hardware-control and change the variable to 0 and then reboot and see if that fixes your issue as yours might not even be related to this issue then
azu8mo ago
ok, doing that put my gpu at max power usage limit wait it might be because the workaround didnt get removed when I removed it? :s
HikariKnight8mo ago
yep, simpledeckytdp enables steam hardware controls when we install it. did it fix your issue at least?
azu8mo ago
Let me reboot one last time after properly removing the workaround from github ok yes, that did solve it for me
HikariKnight8mo ago
ok well it fixed it for you but this lead was a dud for us 😅 oh well
Aru8mo ago
maybe for now remove the hardware toggle for SimpleDeckyTDP. The feature is optional, not required, for the plugin it's only required if the user wants to patch the Steam TDP and GPU Sliders
antheas8mo ago
Replace the env variable with a check for simpledeckytdp Write a file to /tmp
HikariKnight8mo ago
i like this option better
antheas8mo ago
And have the poll check it
azu8mo ago
well, thanks for the help and sorry for not helping :HaHaa:
Aru8mo ago
well that works too, lol
HikariKnight8mo ago
dw @azu it happens
antheas8mo ago
Or make the commit fail return the Same as writing So that steam is not confused And rename the env variable Unless you actually want it to write
Aru8mo ago
isn't the hardware toggle required for bazzite on actual Deck hardware? or is that separate?
HikariKnight8mo ago
its auto enabled if it detects deck hardware hmm considering this is running as root, would need to find a way to actually detect the right user (incase someone went and added/removed users)
antheas8mo ago
That's why I suggested a var But it will break the current decky version so
HikariKnight8mo ago
@Aru im not familiar with decky plugins, but would it be possible for simpledeckytdp to write a file to tmp if it is active? 🤔
Aru8mo ago
yep, should be possible there actually already is log file /tmp/simpleTDP.log
HikariKnight8mo ago
oh nice will that one be there no matter what?
d3Xt3r8mo ago
Sup guys, just joined in. I'm free now if anyone wants to do any troubleshooting/tests.
Aru8mo ago
it'll only be there after decky finishes initialization after boot but never gets deleted by the plugin itself
HikariKnight8mo ago
if you are able to do the same stuff i got azu to do, then that would be helpful 🙂 however please cat /etc/default/steam-hardware-control first and make sure that variable is set to 0
Aru8mo ago
oh, but if the decky loader systemctl service itself ever gets reset, it's temporarily cleared out until decky finishes re-initializing
d3Xt3r8mo ago
Is ssh enabled by default btw?
HikariKnight8mo ago
thats fine as long as its there after decky is initialized its enough of a signal that simpledeckytdp is there
antheas8mo ago
Btw 0 is true in bash Inthink
HikariKnight8mo ago
no sudo systemctl enable --now sshd
antheas8mo ago
Will still break egpus even with simple decky tdp installed
HikariKnight8mo ago
only if you are checking for exit codes variable or i write a function to detect egpu, but i do not own one myself so i would need help from someone who owns one
antheas8mo ago
Egpus are on the todo although I don't know what would be useful on them
HikariKnight8mo ago
most of them are limited to 4 pcie lanes right? (excluding oculink) or was it 8
d3Xt3r8mo ago
yeah most of them are limited to 4 lanes
HikariKnight8mo ago
yeah so that alone is one thing to look for if i can probe it either way, that variable was set to 0 for you?
d3Xt3r8mo ago
yep it's set to 0
HikariKnight8mo ago
if it was 1, set it to 0 and reboot to see if that is enough to fix the issue (obviously disabling the workaround we did)
d3Xt3r8mo ago
and to clarify I don't have decky etc
HikariKnight8mo ago
ok open 2 ssh windows to the htpc, in one you run watch -n 0.1 lsof $(find /sys/class/hwmon/*/ -name "power1_cap") and keep it always visible to you the 2nd one you will use for other commands when we need them
d3Xt3r8mo ago
so that does nothing
HikariKnight8mo ago
its supposed to be blank
d3Xt3r8mo ago
from my understanding, you can't use lsof because it's sysfs and it's not an actual file I just tested it by manually chaning the value via LACt I can confirm it's changed locally
HikariKnight8mo ago
well crap
d3Xt3r8mo ago
but lsof doesn't pick it up
HikariKnight8mo ago
hmm journalctl -xe -t p-steamos-priv-write --follow that will be our best bet then then go into desktop mode, then back into gamemode and see if it changes the tdp fire up a game and see if that changes the tdp
d3Xt3r8mo ago
cool. FYI I'm starting off with 280W via LACT
HikariKnight8mo ago
thats fine ideally it should just show skipped, checking and declines as you do all of that
d3Xt3r8mo ago
entered game mode, journactl updated:
checking: /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/power2_cap
commit: Skipped - see /etc/default/steam-hardware-control
decline: 15000000 -> /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/power2_cap
checking: /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/power2_cap
commit: Skipped - see /etc/default/steam-hardware-control
decline: 15000000 -> /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/power2_cap
went back to desktop mode, no change in journalctl but my TDP has changed back to 15
HikariKnight8mo ago
that is something, it is definitively not done by steamos polkit helpers or at least not steamos-priv-write hmm we are done with journalctl, can you switch it to watch -n 0.1 cat $(find /sys/class/hwmon/*/ -name "power1_cap") then change the tdp back to whatever you want then do the same process and tell us exactly what action changes the tdp
d3Xt3r8mo ago
HikariKnight8mo ago
(also reset the tdp manually if you want to check different actions)
d3Xt3r8mo ago
HikariKnight8mo ago
this is the reset tdp command for reference cat $(find /sys/class/hwmon/*/ -name "power1_cap")_default | sudo tee $(find /sys/class/hwmon/*/ -name "power1_cap") so you dont have to dig it up
d3Xt3r8mo ago
okay so it changed to 15 as soon as the steam startup animation started when I entered game mode
HikariKnight8mo ago
d3Xt3r8mo ago
I changed it back to 280. Launching a game now to see if the value changes.
HikariKnight8mo ago
yeah was going to suggest that
d3Xt3r8mo ago
Okay been inside a couple of different games, proton and native, and the value stays performance is also good
HikariKnight8mo ago
@Kyle Gospo we got something but not much to go after steam/gamemode sets tdp to 15W once during the animation phase on each session start on affected hardware. doesnt help much but it is something we could add a check for maybe 🤔 we dont know the requirements to make this trigger though
antheas8mo ago
It uses the polkit?
HikariKnight8mo ago
maybe but not using steamos-priv-write like the rest of gamescope-session so it is something we can start dig into at least
d3Xt3r8mo ago
can't we just have a systemd service that sets the TDP to power1_cap_default (or a user-defined variable for custom TDP) - but before doing that, check if DeckyTDP isn't installed first (in case users want to use that to control the TDP)? That should then work for both handheld and HTPC users
HikariKnight8mo ago
a systemd service is a dirty workaround, we would more ideally like to prevent it from happening in general
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo8mo ago
It has to do this or similar Steam doesn't have root perms
antheas8mo ago
I know that steam will write to the brightness slider directly if it can Check for file perms on the gpu
HikariKnight8mo ago
@d3Xt3r can you ls -la $(find /sys/class/hwmon/*/ -name "power1_cap")
antheas8mo ago
Because I don't have the polkit think it changes my brightness fine
d3Xt3r8mo ago
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 root root 4096 Mar 17 11:05 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/power1_cap
HikariKnight8mo ago
yeah should be rw-r--r--
antheas8mo ago
There you go
HikariKnight8mo ago
sudo chmod 644 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/power1_cap then reboot see if that fixes it permanently
antheas8mo ago
It won't I'm pretty sure sys gets recreated every reboot Now you have to play the game of who set the permissions
HikariKnight8mo ago
i know steamos-priv-write changes the permissions if steam hardware controls is enabled which is why i want to try change it then reboot since if it changes it, it will be in the journalctl but yes, i do suspect it will recreate it on boot. still rather sanity check since my system isnt affected 😄
antheas8mo ago
Seems it will change perma Sounds like a terrible idea but Seems like the hw check fails then At least once
d3Xt3r8mo ago
okay so switching to game mode doesn't change the value but after a reboot, it goes back to 15W with the new permissions that is permissions are back to -rw-rw-rw-
HikariKnight8mo ago
or if user installs simpledeckytdp once ok so something else sets the permission on boot, at least it is something we can maybe look for just to sanity check @d3Xt3r can you set the permissions to 644 again then go desktop --> gamemode
d3Xt3r8mo ago
Permissions persist when just switching between desktop/gamemode.
HikariKnight8mo ago
ok so it happens at early boot
antheas8mo ago
I think it's that script Probably the hardware check fails once During early boot
HikariKnight8mo ago
only one way for us to test that i will make a pr to testing
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo8mo ago
@HikariKnight merge Master into testing before you open that So it's against what's current And actually just feel free to commit to testing That's what it's for
HikariKnight8mo ago
@Kyle Gospo i can push directly to testing right?
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo8mo ago
Yep Curious to see what your potential fix is
antheas8mo ago
Probably would be faster to pull the rpm and replace it on your machine
HikariKnight8mo ago
my machine isnt affected so i cant test it, so testing would be better then
HikariKnight8mo ago
@d3Xt3r once this finishes building, can you try rebasing to testing and see if that fixes it 🙂
Build Bazzite · ublue-os/bazzite@dd78ccb
Bazzite is an OCI image that serves as an alternative operating system for the Steam Deck, and a ready-to-game SteamOS-like for desktop computers, living room home theater PCs, and numerous other h...
HikariKnight8mo ago
specifically the deck image you use
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo8mo ago
@d3Xt3r do a rebase from terminal Rather than steam game mode I'm testing the former still after we simplified ublue update
HikariKnight8mo ago
and if this fix does not work i will try a run where i just outright remove the chmod for anything that is not a deck
antheas8mo ago
I think the deck check might fail. Can you link it?
HikariKnight8mo ago
SYS_ID="$(cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name)"
if [[ ":Jupiter:Galileo:" =~ ":$SYS_ID:" ]]; then
exit 0
exit 1
SYS_ID="$(cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name)"
if [[ ":Jupiter:Galileo:" =~ ":$SYS_ID:" ]]; then
exit 0
exit 1
@d3Xt3r hows the rebase going? 🙂
d3Xt3r8mo ago
The build failed. 🙂
HikariKnight8mo ago
nope, only the asus surface build failed
d3Xt3r8mo ago
Ah right. Rebasing now
HikariKnight8mo ago
d3Xt3r8mo ago
@HikariKnight Rebased, no joy. 😦
HikariKnight8mo ago
ok i will just rip away the whole thing then to test then i will go to bed
d3Xt3r8mo ago
No worries
HikariKnight8mo ago
ok i removed the chmod entierly from steamos-priv-write if this does not work then there is something else causing this and we will have to look at something else (also please do verify the permissions for the file after reboot with ls -la $(find /sys/class/hwmon/*/ -name "power1_cap") ) once this finish building (main, bazzite-deck for kinoite or silverblue) you can ujust update in testing
Build Bazzite · ublue-os/bazzite@534c84d
Bazzite is an OCI image that serves as an alternative operating system for the Steam Deck, and a ready-to-game SteamOS-like for desktop computers, living room home theater PCs, and numerous other h...
HikariKnight8mo ago
ideally we would keep the chmod in there, but i removed it mainly for testing, if it works i will add back the deck check as a minimum, if it does not work then i will revert it anyways good luck and goodnight @d3Xt3r how did it go? 🙂 also morning
d3Xt3r8mo ago
Morning. 🙂 No luck sadly. Still 15W and permissions are still the same.
HikariKnight8mo ago
Ok I will revert the changes then. Might also become a non issue in a future kernel update since it seems that being able to set the power cap that low to begin with on the cards (other than APUS) is a bug in the amdgpu driver, and how it was dealt with was based on how the board partner configured the firmware which explains why this is not affecting everyone. I do wonder if they will deny the lower than power cap min write or if they will convert it to the minimum cap though.
d3Xt3r8mo ago
HikariKnight8mo ago
Does not explain how the permission is changed in the early boot though If they do just deny writes lower than the minimum power cap that will inadvertently fix the issue 😂
HikariKnight8mo ago
Yep that's the discussion I'm referring to I will make a patch that resets the perms and power cap as a workaround in priv-write Hopefully this will be enough. If not we will have to do a startup service.
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo8mo ago
Oh hold on that looks familiar I think fsync patched this
HikariKnight8mo ago
ok so we still need to patch on our side then 🤣 im making a patch file atm, apparently the current one is malformed so i just redid it havent written .patch files before though so hopefully i manage to get it done correctly
HikariKnight8mo ago
so this looks promising at least when i manually force the conditions
No description
HikariKnight8mo ago
@Kyle Gospo seems like the patch is not applied, guess i have to rebuild jupiter-hw-support to test the fix but idk where to do that 🤔 this should fix the issue though
fix(deck): fix random gpus stuck at 15W tdp · ublue-os/bazzite@681e...
where power_cap randomly becomes writable on boot requirements to trigger the fix: - steam-hardware-control is disabled - tdp is 15W - power_cap is writable - default power*_cap is more than 45W
HikariKnight8mo ago
also fixed the valve-hardware check, the brackets were in the wrong place
antheas8mo ago
Download the spec file Swap out the patch for your own and put it in the file Build and layer it With ostree replace override something Find the command in the dockerfile
HikariKnight8mo ago
well i have 0 knowledge of building rpms outside of config (which has a build script with the right stuff provided) and i couldnt find the right args for it from kyles copr when i glanced at it, so i will have to look at it later. need to go handle life right now 😅
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo8mo ago
The patch is there, but it needs a karg to be effective
HikariKnight8mo ago
didnt add a karg, i patched steamos-priv-write to fix the power*_cap permission if it is wrong and reset the power cap if the default is higher than 45W and the cap is set to 15W and steamos hardware control is disabled (and obviously if it is not valve hardware) and steamos-priv-write was still the old one when i rebased to testing, most likely since the file is from your copr builds
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo8mo ago
@HikariKnight is that change in main? I'll kick off a build now
HikariKnight8mo ago
no its in testing i can put it in main if you want
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo8mo ago
That's fine actually I'll do a one off copr build
antheas8mo ago
new hhd build is out
HikariKnight8mo ago
hopefully that change will at least fix the affected cards as soon as gamescope tries to change the tdp
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo8mo ago
Yeah, it's a safe assumption
HikariKnight8mo ago
ok it built, can kick off testing again and it should have the updated version @d3Xt3r there is a new testing build with the changes (assuming its not bazzite-asus-deck as that one failed), can you test that when you can and tell me if it fixes the issue 🙂
d3Xt3r8mo ago
Still no luck unfortunately, 15W and rw-rw-w.
HikariKnight8mo ago
even when you start a game?
d3Xt3r8mo ago
HikariKnight8mo ago
hmm can you give me your journalctl -xe -t p-steamos-priv-write | fpaste
d3Xt3r8mo ago
only three lines so:
checking: /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/power2_cap
commit: Skipped 15000000 -> /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/power2_cap - see /etc/default/steam-hardware-control
decline: 15000000 -> /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/power2_cap
checking: /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/power2_cap
commit: Skipped 15000000 -> /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/power2_cap - see /etc/default/steam-hardware-control
decline: 15000000 -> /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/power2_cap
HikariKnight8mo ago
rpm-ostree status
d3Xt3r8mo ago
State: idle
● ostree-image-signed:docker://
Digest: sha256:e63be1746cd4f5a6c980f77c691643b50fb2544ecea991bc93d652114bafa012
Version: 39.20240317.0 (2024-03-17T18:20:17Z)
LocalPackages: lact-0.5.3-0.x86_64
Initramfs: '"-I /etc/crypttab /etc/modprobe.d/amdgpu.conf /etc/modprobe.d/deck-blacklist.conf" '

Digest: sha256:b708ce16e149d41afdd24d4e0f3f44857c67c4fb4a8fa5cd06279f60bbcf560e
Version: 39.20240316.0 (2024-03-17T01:17:13Z)
LocalPackages: lact-0.5.3-0.x86_64
Initramfs: '"-I /etc/crypttab /etc/modprobe.d/amdgpu.conf /etc/modprobe.d/deck-blacklist.conf" '
State: idle
● ostree-image-signed:docker://
Digest: sha256:e63be1746cd4f5a6c980f77c691643b50fb2544ecea991bc93d652114bafa012
Version: 39.20240317.0 (2024-03-17T18:20:17Z)
LocalPackages: lact-0.5.3-0.x86_64
Initramfs: '"-I /etc/crypttab /etc/modprobe.d/amdgpu.conf /etc/modprobe.d/deck-blacklist.conf" '

Digest: sha256:b708ce16e149d41afdd24d4e0f3f44857c67c4fb4a8fa5cd06279f60bbcf560e
Version: 39.20240316.0 (2024-03-17T01:17:13Z)
LocalPackages: lact-0.5.3-0.x86_64
Initramfs: '"-I /etc/crypttab /etc/modprobe.d/amdgpu.conf /etc/modprobe.d/deck-blacklist.conf" '
HikariKnight8mo ago
what happens if you try to run a game again?
d3Xt3r8mo ago
checking hmm, strange I'm in game now and the voltage is now my default 212000000 perms are still the same though
HikariKnight8mo ago
ok so that part worked this part didnt though 🤣 i will adjust it a bit though and that might be enough btw @d3Xt3r can you give me your updated journalctl? just want to double check everything went off there
d3Xt3r8mo ago
checking: /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/power2_cap
commit: Skipped 15000000 -> /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/power2_cap - see /etc/default/steam-hardware-control
decline: 15000000 -> /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/power2_cap
checking: /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/power2_cap
commit: Skipped 15000000 -> /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/power2_cap - see /etc/default/steam-hardware-control
decline: 15000000 -> /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/power2_cap
HikariKnight8mo ago
thats all?
HikariKnight8mo ago
supposed to look something similar to this
No description
d3Xt3r8mo ago
yep that's all that's in there
HikariKnight8mo ago
with the two fix: lines being new its what happens when you ran the game a 2nd time in theory
d3Xt3r8mo ago
lemme reboot and check again I also did a reset to uninstall lact btw, just in case
HikariKnight8mo ago
reboot, run game 2 times (or if it works on first run thats enough) then grab the journalctl for me just want to see if the fix portion actually triggers, since it should trigger if - TDP is 15W (going to change this to if TDP is being set to 15W to make it hopefully trigger earlier) - Default TDP is higher than 45W - Steam hardware control is set to 0 - power*_cap is writable
d3Xt3r8mo ago
okay, no change still the same three entries, no fix: the entries are generated after booting up
HikariKnight8mo ago
even when starting the 2nd game?
d3Xt3r8mo ago
HikariKnight8mo ago
but the tdp is right on the 2nd run?
d3Xt3r8mo ago
HikariKnight8mo ago
ok can you do a quick test for me do sudo rpm-ostree usroverlay
d3Xt3r8mo ago
HikariKnight8mo ago
then edit /usr/bin/steamos-polkit-helpers/steamos-priv-write use nano if youre not comfortable with vim (must be edited with sudo)
d3Xt3r8mo ago
I'm alg with vim. In the file now
HikariKnight8mo ago
then scroll down and look for power*_cap there is an if statement inside the else block can you change the first condition to "$WRITE_VALUE" == "15000000"
d3Xt3r8mo ago
yep it's sthere
HikariKnight8mo ago
no the current one is different
d3Xt3r8mo ago
wait so change WRITE_PATH to WRITE_VALUE ?
HikariKnight8mo ago
yes and remove the $(cat ) portion and make it exactly what i showed line should look like this
if [[ "$WRITE_VALUE" == "15000000" ]] && [ "$(cat ${WRITE_PATH}_default)" -gt 45000000 ] && [ $(stat -c %a "$WRITE_PATH") == "666" ]; then
if [[ "$WRITE_VALUE" == "15000000" ]] && [ "$(cat ${WRITE_PATH}_default)" -gt 45000000 ] && [ $(stat -c %a "$WRITE_PATH") == "666" ]; then
d3Xt3r8mo ago
like this?
d3Xt3r8mo ago
No description
d3Xt3r8mo ago
(before I :wq)
HikariKnight8mo ago
yep save it and set the tdp to 15 then test again by running a game and check journalctl afterwards if that adds the fix: entries then we got something that should trigger properly
d3Xt3r8mo ago
I saved the file but I'm unable to change the TDP back to 15
HikariKnight8mo ago
let me get the command echo 15000000 | sudo tee $(find /sys/class/hwmon/*/ -name "power1_cap")
d3Xt3r8mo ago
ran that, still not changing
HikariKnight8mo ago
hmm stat -c %a $(find /sys/class/hwmon/*/ -name "power1_cap"
d3Xt3r8mo ago
HikariKnight8mo ago
if [ $(stat -c %a "$WRITE_PATH") == "666" ]; then
if [ $(stat -c %a "$WRITE_PATH") == "666" ]; then
can you try this instead?
d3Xt3r8mo ago
ok I saved the script but I'm still unable to change the TDP. Note that I didn't run the script - am I supposed to do that first?
HikariKnight8mo ago
nope script runs each time you start a game or when gamemode starts on boot (but we cant test that since the change vanishes on shutdown and reboot) as gamemode tries to change the tdp on bootup and game start so just try launch a game each time we change the if statement then check the journal
d3Xt3r8mo ago
k still no new entries
HikariKnight8mo ago
echo 15000000 | sudo tee $(find /sys/class/hwmon/*/ -name "power2_cap") then, i saw it was power2_cap for you sorry 😅
d3Xt3r8mo ago
alg, trying again 🙂 Still not changing Checked both power1 and power2
# echo 15000000 | sudo tee $(find /sys/class/hwmon/*/ -name "power2_cap")
# cat $(find /sys/class/hwmon/*/ -name "power1_cap")_default
# cat $(find /sys/class/hwmon/*/ -name "power2_cap")_default
cat: _default: No such file or directory
# echo 15000000 | sudo tee $(find /sys/class/hwmon/*/ -name "power2_cap")
# cat $(find /sys/class/hwmon/*/ -name "power1_cap")_default
# cat $(find /sys/class/hwmon/*/ -name "power2_cap")_default
cat: _default: No such file or directory
HikariKnight8mo ago
huh doesnt have a default cap
d3Xt3r8mo ago
I think we were catting the wrong thing this worked:
# cat $(find /sys/class/hwmon/*/ -name "power1_cap")
# cat $(find /sys/class/hwmon/*/ -name "power1_cap")
HikariKnight8mo ago
maybe, but system tries to edit power2_cap 🤔 out of curiosity ls /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/
d3Xt3r8mo ago
# ls /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/
device fan1_min freq2_input name power1_cap_default pwm1 subsystem temp1_input temp2_emergency temp3_crit_hyst uevent
fan1_enable fan1_target freq2_label power power1_cap_max pwm1_enable temp1_crit temp1_label temp2_input temp3_emergency
fan1_input freq1_input in0_input power1_average power1_cap_min pwm1_max temp1_crit_hyst temp2_crit temp2_label temp3_input
fan1_max freq1_label in0_label power1_cap power1_label pwm1_min temp1_emergency temp2_crit_hyst temp3_crit temp3_label
# ls /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/
device fan1_min freq2_input name power1_cap_default pwm1 subsystem temp1_input temp2_emergency temp3_crit_hyst uevent
fan1_enable fan1_target freq2_label power power1_cap_max pwm1_enable temp1_crit temp1_label temp2_input temp3_emergency
fan1_input freq1_input in0_input power1_average power1_cap_min pwm1_max temp1_crit_hyst temp2_crit temp2_label temp3_input
fan1_max freq1_label in0_label power1_cap power1_label pwm1_min temp1_emergency temp2_crit_hyst temp3_crit temp3_label
no power2 stuff
HikariKnight8mo ago
odd i would like journalctl -xe -t p-steamos-priv-write | fpaste though so i can have the log with timestamps also will have to think of another solution but the systemd workaround did work right when you tried it?
d3Xt3r8mo ago Yeah the systemd workaround works fine Although aftewards I just made a simpler service that directly sets the power1 value to my max TDP without a script (I have disabled that service btw)
HikariKnight8mo ago
yeah i wrote mine to be universal 😅 ok so this was a dead end @d3Xt3r willing to try make a systemd system service that just chmod 644 on your power1_cap on boot and see if that is enough? or chmod it and reset the power cap if a chmod is all that is needed that is an easy thing to fix
d3Xt3r8mo ago
sure thing, will try just the chmod
antheas8mo ago
@Kyle Gospo @Aru we verified that asusctl sets tdp on ac/dc events, unsure about suspend also adjustor does fan curves now so no reason for ally image also i suspect ppd might be doing some funny business but as you said it doesnt autoswitch on ac/dc events
d3Xt3r8mo ago
So the service with just the chmod does the trick, perms are preserved and my cap is set to the default value (212)
HikariKnight8mo ago
ooo nice it survives a reboot?
d3Xt3r8mo ago
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo8mo ago
We don't use ppd And neither tuned nor PPD touch power limits In any way shape or form. They also don't care about your power state And lastly, they don't even do anything unless you're on the desktop Game mode doesn't touch them Except to reset to balance if it's set to power save upon entering game mode
HikariKnight8mo ago
@Kyle Gospo i will undo the patch i did (but keep the fixes to your if valve hardware conditions) and make a service file that will make sure power*_cap has the permissions 644 as that seems to prevent the issue no idea what sets the permission at boot for select hardware sadly
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo8mo ago
Sounds good, wish I knew literally anything about why this was happening
HikariKnight8mo ago
same but a single shot service is better than the old workaround that ran every 3 seconds
antheas8mo ago
they set the platform profile that sets the tdp on the ally
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo8mo ago
Yes, but doing that will not affect a desktop gpu, especially setting it to 15 watts They can set the platform profile as well, they do not by default
antheas8mo ago
im talking for the ally not an egpu
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo8mo ago
They would have to be configured to do that
antheas8mo ago
ok if they dont and just do the governor thats good
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo8mo ago
And PPD flat out just can't
antheas8mo ago
tuned sorry cant tell the difference
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo8mo ago
No worries, that's the whole intent If you could tell the difference it would be a bad change
antheas8mo ago
so does this mean platform profile?
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo8mo ago
PPD profile Which is mapped to tuned profiles
antheas8mo ago
i think its supposed to update the platform profile by default in fact kind of by definition oh yes im in the wrong thread lol
HikariKnight8mo ago
i opened a PR and i also pushed the files to testing so that @d3Xt3r can test it properly (when this finishes building, once they verify that it works you can merge this @Kyle Gospo i will be heading to bed now 🙂
feat(deck): add tdpfix for cards that has their sysfs writable on b...
Bazzite is an OCI image that serves as an alternative operating system for the Steam Deck, and a ready-to-game SteamOS-like for desktop computers, living room home theater PCs, and numerous other h...
feat(deck): add tdpfix for cards that has their sysfs writable on b...
We do not know what causes a super small subset of GPUs to boot with sysfs writable on the deck images, but this will at least set the permissions back to 644 and reset the TDP at boot if it was me...
HikariKnight8mo ago
the service should at boot - if the permissions on power1_cap is 666, change permissions to 644 - set TDP back to default if it is set to 15W and default TDP is higher than 45W once that is done it will not run again and any software/firmware will handle TDP from there on. 45W was selected to avoid stepping on handhelds TDP and lowend cards you can verify by running journalctl -xe -t bazzite-tdpfix after boot
d3Xt3r8mo ago
I can confirm that the fix works 🙂 TDP is back to normal, permissions stay on 644. Tried going in and out of game mode as well as launching different games. This was tested without LACT. Afterwards I installed LACT and tested - good news is that I can still change the TDP via LACT and the value persists after a reboot. 🙂
No description
HikariKnight8mo ago
d3Xt3r8mo ago
I did notice a weird issue though, probably unrelated but just incase
No description
d3Xt3r8mo ago
The overlay (guessing MangoHud?) isn't detecting my GPU anymore.
HikariKnight8mo ago
Unrelated, mangohud does that sometimes and future updates to it fixes it again I will get the fix merged into stable today
d3Xt3r8mo ago
Nice, and thanks for all your work, I really appreciate it. 🙂
nyannoying8mo ago
sorry for asking but do we need to wait for a patch or whats the manual fix/Update exactly?
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo8mo ago
Nice job Hikari!
Roboid8mo ago
woah hey, do you think applying this patch would fix that nonsense I had with my EGPU? I can hopefully test later
antheas8mo ago
yes the patch fixes those issues steam set the tdp to 15w due to a permissions issue
Roboid8mo ago
no kidding. that’s awesome
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo8mo ago
Build Bazzite · ublue-os/bazzite@8a9d890
Bazzite is an OCI image that serves as an alternative operating system for the Steam Deck, and a ready-to-game SteamOS-like for desktop computers, living room home theater PCs, and numerous other h...
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo8mo ago
let us know 🙂
HikariKnight8mo ago
didnt test on egpu, but if it does not work, let me know @Roboid and we can patch it to detect and apply the fix, atm it just searches for power1_cap and sets permissions on that if it is wrong
antheas8mo ago
yes that should fix egpu too probably, same file
Roboid8mo ago
Rad, thank you
HikariKnight8mo ago
also i would like to know if it also worked for egpu 🙂 you can verify with journalctl -xe -t bazzite-tdpfix after boot
Roboid8mo ago
Absolutely! I will test when I’m able to get back to my setup. Not 100% sure when that’ll be but I’ll ping/reply.
HikariKnight8mo ago
thanks 😄
Roboid8mo ago
Hey I’m sorry, I’m very new to not just Linux but GitHub 😅 how exactly do I go about testing this?
HikariKnight8mo ago
go into desktop mode, open the terminal (ptyxis) and type in the journalctl command i sent it should tell you if it fixed the tdp
Roboid8mo ago
I mean how to actually install the fix, haha… I’m not seeing an image for Bazzite 2.5.0 I can use with the pull requests merged. But I downloaded the tdpfix script and service and am trying to install them manually now
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo8mo ago
you can just update, it's been part of the images for a couple days now you can delete what you downloaded
Roboid8mo ago
Oh, I ran ujust upgrade today, so I should be fine. Thank you
HikariKnight8mo ago
should look like this when you run the command if it fixes the tdp at boot
No description
Roboid8mo ago
For some reason, it just gave a bunch of tildes with line breaks and then - -No Entries - -
HikariKnight8mo ago
means it never triggered so it doesnt fix the issue let me get a command for you to run to find what i need @Roboid can you run this
ls -la $(find /sys/class/hwmon/*/ -name "power*_cap") | fpaste
ls -la $(find /sys/class/hwmon/*/ -name "power*_cap") | fpaste
HikariKnight8mo ago
that should been covered, whats your rpm-ostree status | fpaste
Roboid8mo ago
I actually got it working! With a small caveat. My issue was that I had the TDP slider default set to 30W, so the script wasn’t catching, because it’d set the EGPU max watts to 30. But I set the default to 15W and it makes the script work for the OneXGPU. even in game mode!! cc @antheas
HikariKnight8mo ago
the script would have made the life listed in the link be rw-r--r--
Roboid8mo ago
the only weird thing is the EGPU has a Turbo button on it that takes it from 100W to 120W max. Pressing this button lowers the W of the card back to around 15W instead of increasing it.
HikariKnight8mo ago
well the tdpfix should have triggered on that card though during boot what device is this?
Roboid8mo ago
It’s the OneXGPU. it’s a 7600M XT in an enclosure that connects through TB3 Let me switch back to desktop real quick. I think it IS triggering. Maybe I need to enable the turbo before boot
HikariKnight8mo ago
oh wait you said it had a button that put it into 30W mode, yeah then the script wouldnt trigger on it since it only fixes the tdp if the default tdp is more than 45W so just out of curiosity
cat $(find /sys/class/hwmon/*/ -name "power*_cap")
cat $(find /sys/class/hwmon/*/ -name "power*_cap")_default
cat $(find /sys/class/hwmon/*/ -name "power*_cap")
cat $(find /sys/class/hwmon/*/ -name "power*_cap")_default
just curious if this can give me some ideas as to why it didnt trigger the script 🤔
Roboid8mo ago
I’m sorry let me be a little more clear. I’m using a handheld computer with an attached EGPU. The script did not work when I was using a 30W TDP default for the handheld, but it did work when I lowered it to 15. Separate from this, the EGPU has a default 100W draw that can be increased to 120W by pushing a button on the front (the GPU does not remember this setting so you have to do it every time). Pushing that button was setting the draw of the EGPU down to 15W somehow. However, it seems to work as expected if you press the turbo button during startup, rather than after boot like I had.
HikariKnight8mo ago
oh right yeah because the bug is triggered by steam setting the tdp to 15W because that is the actual bug needed the script to target the 15W bug to avoid messing up other handhelds settings. but with more testing we might be able to make it work since it seems to be early enough in the boot to not matter
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo8mo ago
You might be able to test for a dgpu And then always do your fix Switcheroo's detection has been patched to be quite robust
d3Xt3r8mo ago
Just checking, are you on the testing image?
HikariKnight8mo ago
the script is already on the stable image i just remembered it currently sets the permission and then checks the tdp and reverts that to default tdp afterwards as 2 separate steps and they trigger independently, so it should just be automatic as long as nothing else fiddles with the tdp afterwards like steam
# This is a workaround for cards that somehow has their sysfs power1_cap permission set to 666 on boot
# Which in turn makes steam directly set the TDP to 15W
POWER_CAP_PATH=$(find /sys/class/hwmon/*/ -name "power1_cap")

# If the permissions are set to writable
if [ "$(stat -c %a "$POWER_CAP_PATH")" == "666" ]; then
chmod 644 "$POWER_CAP_PATH"
echo "fix: Permissions reset to 644 on $POWER_CAP_PATH" | systemd-cat -t bazzite-tdpfix -p warning

# If TDP is 15W and default TDP is higher than 45W, set card to use default TDP
# This will then be handled by firmware or software afterwards as this is set once
if [ "$(cat "$POWER_CAP_PATH")" == "15000000" ] && [ "$(cat "${POWER_CAP_PATH}_default")" -gt "45000000" ]; then
"$(cat "${POWER_CAP_PATH}_default")" > "$POWER_CAP_PATH"
echo "fix: TDP reset to default on $POWER_CAP_PATH" | systemd-cat -t bazzite-tdpfix -p warning
# This is a workaround for cards that somehow has their sysfs power1_cap permission set to 666 on boot
# Which in turn makes steam directly set the TDP to 15W
POWER_CAP_PATH=$(find /sys/class/hwmon/*/ -name "power1_cap")

# If the permissions are set to writable
if [ "$(stat -c %a "$POWER_CAP_PATH")" == "666" ]; then
chmod 644 "$POWER_CAP_PATH"
echo "fix: Permissions reset to 644 on $POWER_CAP_PATH" | systemd-cat -t bazzite-tdpfix -p warning

# If TDP is 15W and default TDP is higher than 45W, set card to use default TDP
# This will then be handled by firmware or software afterwards as this is set once
if [ "$(cat "$POWER_CAP_PATH")" == "15000000" ] && [ "$(cat "${POWER_CAP_PATH}_default")" -gt "45000000" ]; then
"$(cat "${POWER_CAP_PATH}_default")" > "$POWER_CAP_PATH"
echo "fix: TDP reset to default on $POWER_CAP_PATH" | systemd-cat -t bazzite-tdpfix -p warning
so it shouldnt care what the card is, if the permissions are wrong, fix them if the tdp has managed to be set to 15W and the card has a default TDP above 45W, fix that afterwards
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo8mo ago
Another potential option is we modify the loop to exit after it finds the first one. Since the first one should always be the iGPU That's in the polkit helper
HikariKnight8mo ago
this doesnt run a loop though
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo8mo ago
Not your fix, the steam TDP setter
HikariKnight8mo ago
ah yeah that should work but the way it searches for the cards it can be any hwmon and the first one might not be the igpu always i think?
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo8mo ago
Could test it with switcheroo I'll play with the concept
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