false permanent suspension of account and HWID ban
well.... my account recently got suspended on the account of usage of prohibited 3rd party software. I just had this randomly happen to my account after a few days when i logged back in. Obviously this might not convince anyone, but I do not use any such hacks or scripts (not even for mouse acceleration).
I did submit a ticket and contacted riot, but it was pretty useless as they just flagged the case as "suspension was applied rightfully" (the irony lol).
Few things to keep in mind that could have affected this ban(I'm not sure if they do):
1. I recently installed ubuntu and played around with kernel versions
2. I disabled secure boot for a bit, but it was a long time ago, and I could still play valorant for a while after it happened
3. Disabled system encryption to install ubuntu (BitLocker and stuff)
4. In "Core Isolation" settings on windows, 'memory integrity' is turned on and 'kernel-mode hardware enforced Stack Protection' is turned off
5. Also the whole reason I installed ubuntu was to use tensorflow, so i also had to install CUDA and cudNN.
ETA: No way my account was hacked cuz i have 2FA turned on, so i would have received a mail
Please help me out!! If not for lifting the ban on the account, I atleast need to eliminate future threats on my PC

55 Replies
I got the same ban\
huh! was the reason "3rd party software usage" ?
yes and its hardware ban
question about hardware ban
if your just reinstall pc would that get you unhardware banned?
oh ok
it depends on your hardware serial numbers
even if like reset bios
To any riots, why are my mate gets a ban for no reason. never hacked, nevery anything. Why a false ban, not fun lol
if your shut down then press F11
then you can totally reset everything
exept operating system
unless u completely replace ur pc components u are not getting un hardwarebanned
you won't be resetting any of the stuff that actually matters
We understand your frustration, but as a community-owned server, issues like this fall within riots jurisdiction. Our community is limited in its ability to intervene. We apologize the constraints and recommend continuing direct communication with Riot Games for resolution.
The ban is "perm" (usally if its your first hwid ban it will get pardoned after 4months) and there is no way to get unbanned if riot says no
The error code
Van 152
indicates a hardware ID ban. This ban typically lasts around 4 months. You can appeal and discuss your ban on the official support page by using the link below.
Submit a support ticket here: https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/requests/newhow do i check when my acc got banned?
can i do that?
what about val 61
just checked my downloads, and i installed a vpn to get japanese netflix
Im not sure but you could ask Riot, However I cant promise they will give you an answer
feel like its this
Vpns shouldnt get you banned
idk though
nvm then
I use a vpn time to time and have no problem
you can speculate all you want but its not gonna get you anywhere
riot will never mention what got you banned
well... im not really trying to get my account unbanned, the HWID ban will be pardoned once the 4 months is over and as long as i still dont have the scripting software
A val 61 ban is not from cheating but however from repeated bad behaviour/dishonourable behaviour
I'm just trying to figure out what caused it
they won't tell you sadly
basically just assume any 3rd party software that changed the game in any way could be the cause
for all we know it could be your keyboard changing the memory a bit to allow faster keypresses
literally impossible to figure out
*or hardware hacks like arudiuno and raspberry pi
The error code
Van 152
indicates a hardware ID ban. This ban typically lasts around 4 months. You can appeal and discuss your ban on the official support page by using the link below.
Submit a support ticket here: https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/requests/newwowzer
I've even seen some mouse softwares come with anti recoil these days :val_KekwSob:
tbh they are bannable but it takes along time for vg to find em :val_CatBigStare:
i legit think its me deleting a bunch of kernel versions, idk why. With vanguard having ring 0 access and everything, it makes some sense.
It might be possible but as said there is no way we can know
yea yea
thanks anyways
thats crazy permaban and hwid ban for bad behavior
they should tell me exactly what i said wrong tho i dont even say slurs
That seems very reasonably per toxicty is never good
I don't think riot HWID bans for anything but cheating
unless of course you are the exception who has like 20 banned accounts
this is the first time ive been permad
and the first full on suspension
ive been comm banned before
then I seriously doubt its a HWID ban unless it says suspended due to 3rd party applications
it does say that
when i first got the message, it said error code val 61
when i try to open it now it says 3rd party application
then you are banned for cheating if it says 3rd party application
tough luck
you can try appealing it but that's up to you
isnt error code val 61 supposed to mean bad behavior?
im not sure if its hwid tho
but its a ban
did ye submit a ticket mate?
yea i just keep getting automatic replies
please help i have the same issue
with the account in which i have skins
but i donot have hardware ban
False ban is really rare...if it's happening most of the time there's really something going on (you could be lying or totally not know abt it) I'm sorry to repeat this...they trust vanguard and not you...to the point that vanguard is introduced in league of legends too
It's their bot that scans ur pc at kernel level, when you receive enough red flags from them...they ban you
lastly we're a community of players from valorant...nothing much we can do to get u unbanned here just some of my opnions shared....if the officials do not care, we can't do much neither
tc and play fair 😄 it's ok to suck cause being radiant get you no where too LOOL it's not like you're heading to VCT going up against Tenz