74 Replies
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
I try but the didint give me answer
I payed 600$ on this account 💔
It takes time to get a reply
I sent last day 💔
What should I do ?
Did u get the bot reply when u sent it?
In ur gmail
If yes then wait for 3-4 days
Oh yes bot reply
yes i did
Yea in ur email
If they reply will they back the account to me ?
Then wait for 3-4 days
If they find nothing wrong, yes.
Ok thx for help 💔
When i go to support and open ticket What type of ticket should I open?
Recovery account or what ?
Discuss personal suspension or restrictions
Oh i already open in racovery account can i open new ticket ?
I didint remember what i dooo

^are we not talking about this?
no need to apologize to me
apologize to your wallet
your most likely not getting the account back
just make your own account next time
Give them a reply
With whatevr thing they are asking
he bought his account
the recovery doesnt work
if it wasnt his account to begin with
Everything is worth it in this game
No its my account
My friend hacked
And i back it
Ur friend hacked?
you said you bought the account
I have first email
And the rp redeem
Yes 💔
“i paid $600 on this account”
My best friend
or am i dumb as shit rn
Yeah inside the account
I mean on my account on this game
💀i just woke up
No no its ok
i not cant read lmao
Yes i give him the first rp redeem code
Just give them what they are asking for
And all information
But theres thing i forgot
Like account date created
And more
check your email
U could've checked ur email
there should be an email when you first make account
What should i do now ?
Of when u received the welcome to riot games email
I have 2 more account
But this is the main
Immo 2
Was there anything else u forgot?
And i bought every thing i love
In game
Did u show them the reciepts?
The transaction ids and what not
The redeem code
Also proof of it getting hacked. Like ur email getting changed or whatevr
I sent it to the support
I dont have
The proof
Did ur friend change ur email on the account?
Or password
He change email
And password
Then u should've gotten an email change email in ur gmail
Check it
Yes i have photo
Yea thats the proof
U sent the photo to them right?
i send it
at this moment i reply on him
And send the photos
Is that enough ?
Idk what else u gave them
i just need to unlock my account
Just this
Wait for their reply now
And goodluck mate
I hope u get the account unlocked
Im very happy to meet u brother and thx for everything
Thx for the help ❤️
@.iraqi any update?
Yes my account is back thx ❤️
do you bought the acc?
No its mine
bc my acc got locked too
how many days you waited?
Come dm ill tell u how to unlock