didn't receive valorant points (India)

i have bought some skins previously but this never happened before, this time after my money was deducted from bank account through UPI, I didn't receive any conformation email nor did i receive the Valorant points, I created a Valorant support ticket in their official website and they havn't responded yet, its been more than 24 hours and Im afraid that i wont get any VP or my money back, can anyone help me plzzzzz
I got my money staright to bank account today, thanks to riot
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5 Replies
MixNix ★
MixNix ★12mo ago
It can take up to a week for them to respond. 3days is the average response time. As long as you have the payment information and can prove that the money was deducted, trust and safety will give you your entitled VP points.
᲼duryodhanOP12mo ago
The only proof I have is of UPI payment history, I didn't even receive any email for the purchase of my VP either. Btw if u didn't know UPI is like an instant payment system in India, I did buy other skins using UPI this is the first time I'm having these issues and the skin I wanted to buy is also gone frm store now
VANGUARD12mo ago
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
᲼duryodhan12mo ago
I got my money staright to bank account today, thanks to riot
᲼duryodhanOP12mo ago
It took some time but I got it How do I close this ?

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