Moving to a different region for uni, can devs help change the region on my main acc?
I've spent around 70 dollars on my main account in the APAC region but I'm moving to NA this fall. Will I have to abandon that account or would the devs be able to change the region on my account?
3 Replies
yes they can, just open a ticket below
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
If you have the wrong region listed on your Valorant account, you can use the link below to change it. This might fix any unnecessary latency or currency issues you might be experiencing
Change your region:
Changing Your Region of Residence for Your Riot Account
Are you experiencing strange lag while playing VALORANT or Legends of Runeterra?
Are your available payment options in the wrong currency?
What about not being able to queue up with your friends? ...