Stuck in loading screen after agent select
I loaded up a comp match yesterday at 3pm AEST.
After selecting my agent (Omen, Sunset) the loading screen came up... and stayed there. I could hear my teammates comming but they couldn't hear me, and I intermittently heard the Valorant startup sound. I was in that loading screen for the entire game.
Upon further testing I have found that no game mode will load for me, not even the range.
I have tried
-restarting the game
-restarting my pc
-checking for repairs
-uninstalling valorant, the client, and vanguard, wiping all files and reinstalling
-resetting the firewall permissions
-downloading the game on another device (the game runs and loads into games on my laptop, but not my main PC)
-my friend came over and logged into their account on my device, and could not load into a game either
I don't receive any sort or error code, nor do I have any issues loading into another multiplayer/online game on this computer
152 Replies
This is an issue with files loading off of your disk. You might have a HDD. If you do, you should defragment it or get an SSD and place Valorant on it.
windows key + r
than type "dfrgui" to check what type of drive you have.
Learn how to defragment:
Solid State Drives (SSD) and Hard Disk Drives (HDD) are data storage devices. SSDs are usually much smaller, thinner, and offer more storage volume, speed, and efficiency compared to HDDs.
mmmnope, it's installed on my SSD
oops I lied, defragging now
If u have a ssd
Just move the whole riot games folder to it
yep, I've cleared all trace files now and I'm reinstalling it to my ssd
it's weird though because it's always been on this drive π€·ββοΈ
@jidat it's all on my ssd and it's still not loading into a match
Reinstall vanguard
gotta reinstall the whole thing again now, it's not recognising vanguard as uninstalled in the client, but in game I get error code Van 83
idk if this helps but one thing I noticed in the log from the first game I tried to play yesterday is "failed to read DnsConfig"
Open task manager
Then details
Close evry valorant,riot client and vanguard related apps/services
Open control panel
Uninstall programs
Uninstall riot vanguard
Open cmd as admin and type these commands:-
1) sc delete vgc
2)sc delete vgk
Then open riot client and click update
Restart ur pc after the update.
this is also fine yes?
great, it's updating now
Alright, that's all done
No luck though, same issue. I've started testing it out using the range so I don't incur any more afk penalties, but yeah it just goes to the loading screen and after 5-10 minutes goes back to lobby, with the startup sound playing intermittently
Is the game on ur ssd now?
It could be a network issue
It runs on my laptop with no problem
hmmm, odd question but do you have this file on your pc?

I deleted a folder similar to this on my PC, before I had an issue with my game. It has nothing in it, so I thought it would be fine
That being said, since installing Valorant on my laptop, this folder appeared
Where was the folder located?
The one u deleted
oh my god.
pls tell me your joking abt deleting that.
bro thats where your game files are stored β οΈ
That's not what that folder is
just some basic game settings
if you delete it some of your settings will be set to default
that's all
* Only graphical settings
In my clips folder, someone else told me it was Shadowplay temp files
The folder was empty
What's the exact path to it
D:/Game Clips/ that long ass name
The D:drive is my HDD
It was not an important folder
Okay cool, aaand also, bummer
New info: this is a Windows 10 Pro issue, not Windows 11
If it turns out that this

is the issue, that's so dumb
it's not the issue π I have the latest version
Are you installed on an SSD?
I have the same prob
And i fix it tho
Tho i dont think that my prob is the the same course as your
I tried installing it on my SSD, but I had the same issue
I get as far as agent select and then nothing
It's gotta be some sort of connection issue, right?
Seeing as I keep getting the startup sound. I also remember hearing one of my teammates saying "awww Omen (me) disconnected"
Just in case, I'm going to try upgrade to Windows 11 after work to see if that's the problem. I'll let you know
bro same problem i hear select your agent but im still on acernt :(((((
damnnn. I haven't fixed it yet. I was on Windows 10 Pro, I'm now on Windows 11
Since updating, I've gotten this message

So I'm going into my BIOS to fix it
@gojover are you windows 10 or 11? If you're 10, I'll let you know if my game is fixed after I suss this
press win + r and type msinfo32 and send us a screenshot
Yeah rn I can't even access the BIOS system. I was able to, but I needed to reboot my PC in order to enable secure boot as I had to change it from CSM to UEFI
I'm now on eternal black screen of doom every time I try to go into the BIOS

OKAY turned the HDMI cord around and what do you know, I could see my BIOS system. Secure boot is now enabled
What in the actual FUCKING NUGGETRY is wrong with this game
To summarise, this issue is not:
-An account issue, I can play on this account on another device
-A network issue, I can play on another device on the same network
-An account issue, I cannot play on any account, on this device
-A driver issue, I cannot play whether my game is installed on an SSD or an HDD
-A windows issue, I have upgraded to windows 11 and still, I cannot play
I am straight up out of ideas
What issue are u getting now?
Is this still showing?
No I fixed that
We're back to the original issue
have u contacted support?
I try to load into an instance, and I get as far as agent select, I select my agent, and then I'm in the loading screen, with the Valorant startup sound playing intermittently
Yes, I contacted them 5 days ago
No response thus far
What about range and deathmatches?
Same goes
I'm using the range as my test so I don't incur penalties
U should check if ur ticket's status is still open or nah
Using the link in the bot reply that u got in ur email
Yep still open
Open task manager
Then performance
And show a screenshot
With val running in the background, or normal usage?
Or with val running
Doesn't matter

Without val
What drive is ur valorant on?
On C?
Disk 0, D: drive
I tried installing it on the SSD but had the same issue
Do u have space on C?
I didn't at the time which is why I moved it back to my hdd
but I've got 80gb free now
Move the whole riot games folder to C
Any particular folder, like under users?
or no matter
Don't put it in any folder
Just open C drive and paste it right there
Also make sure to cut the folder not copy it
alrighty, transferring now
that's done
:please: :please:
U also need to change the target of the valorant shorcut on ur desktop to C
By right clicking the icon then properties
alright done
Open that shi

working on it
so fun fact
before, when it didn't load me into the range, I'd exit and it would just load me into the main menu next time I started the game
now it just goes back to trying to put me in the range
but long story short: no work
Open settings by Pressing Win + i
Search for "random hardware access"Turn it on Go to network settings Select your wifi \ ethernet Properties Set it to private Turn off metered connection Set random hardware access in that to change daily . you can also try this : open command prompt as administrator and type these commands in order. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
reboot the router wait for it to get connected to internet then reboot the pc
Behold, the problem. It just stays in loading screen.
alright I'll try that
Up and running again, time to test Val?
Still no luck
Im reinstalling windoes
best of luck, as you can see, I am still here, I am still struggling π
Looks like a connection issue to me
yeah, seeing as I get the startup sound as well, + my teammate saying I was dc'ed
I just, don't know why
@lyra pull up
Use ur super cool computer skills and fix it
So it doesn't seem to be an issue with the network itself, I can play on val on my laptop. And I can play other games and use the internet fine on my PC
it's just Val + PC = ???
idk run it through a proxy
damn I just deleted my VPN lol. I'll reinstall it
use vpn
free and goated
Yo so if I defragment my hdd drive I get faster load times in dm
Thts y I load in late in dms lol
I defragged all my drives
Okay, I'll install that. Better than my 2gb free on tunnelbear
it's completely free however you can't choose countries, it will however choose the closet server to you
Oh that's fine, closest server would be Sydney I imagine
Status: Unable to connect
Error reason: Failed DNS Lookup Check
Error description: Could not connect because of DNS lookup failure.
have you maybe installed an antivirus?
except for windows defender
Ah yeah I've got kapersky
delete that
turn it off
might also be the problem for Valorant
I've had it as long as I've had my PC
But yeah I'll see if it helps with this vpn
U didn't defrag ur ssd did u?
I can't remember. HDD yes for sure

I turned all the Kaspersky settings off and it still doesn't connect
Are u using a 5ghz network?
Try switching it to 2.4 ghz
I'm on ethernet
How do I tell which one I'm on
Okay @lyra I wasn't able to use your vpn but I did use tunnelbear and

I am in a game
I connected to Auckland servers, but I'll try to use the VPN you suggested seeing as I don't think 2GB of data will last me long lol
@jidat thank you for your help too
So it was a network issue afterall
seems so. I still want to try figure out exactly what the issue is so I can fix it permanently, but the game is working rn and I'm happy for that
Something changed between Wednesday night and Thursday afternoon π€·ββοΈ
id recomend protonvpn then
it shouldnt have a limit on how much you can use
How are u even able to open the game with a vpn on...
I just realized
U shouldn't be able to open the game with a vpn on
:Spray_ThisIsFine: :Spray_ThisIsFine: :Spray_ThisIsFine:
you should
i can
:Spray_ThisIsFine: :Spray_ThisIsFine: :Spray_ThisIsFine: :Spray_ThisIsFine: :Spray_ThisIsFine:
as long as you dont go for diffrent regions its okay for ToS
ohhhkay cool
Okay great thank you so much for your help
whats the latest version
Solution:- used a VPN
frick ssd hdd gang on top
so proton vpn?
bro i love proton vpn
are you mentally stable π
hdds are ass
as a person that has an hdd i cant even play valorant anymore π
Latest windows 10 is 22H2
Hi quick question, does your ping get worse after gaming via vpn? Mine usually downgrades the ping. Idk if its normal or if its cause the vpn's ass. (I'm away on bussiness so i cant test it rn sr.
Not for me, but that might be because my ping is the same where I'm at and where I'm VPN-ing to
I'm not sure sorry
Got it, i was facing the same issue for the last 7 months so i quit. I'll try using your method to test it out. Thank you
Oh and also, which free vpn would you recommend ?
Honestly, I'm still looking for one. Lyra recommended but it doesn't get past my antvirus software, or ProtonVPN will work if you're US.
I'm in Australia so I can't use the free version of that lol
"it was happening to me, my reason was my anti-virus software Kaspersky was blocking the connection so I just reset Kaspersky settings and when I started WARP for the first time after that Kaspersky asked if I should allow the connection and I clicked "add to exclusions"" - reddit guy
if you still wan a try to use
oooh okay. I'll have to find that setting
I never think that a solution will be so simple
Sweet, it's connected.
I'm Back ππ
@Kamikazewait so is the solution use a vpn?
im having the same issue
It was for me, I'd say give it a shot
Did you complain to your ISP about it
β€οΈ thank you!
I have no idea how to do that lmao
Your internet provider
@Kamikazewhat vpn u use im australian too
I'm using
is it free?
Yeah it is
@Kamikaze i put it into the dns and it doesnt work
i downloaded the vpn
thank u it works and its fast
Glad it works for you π
How fast
Please i need this
fuck ssds
hdd are epix
aweseome sauses
fornite > valorant bc i buiild lego
valorant need legho
nuh uh
@Kamikaze what vpn are you using
@Hollow night
Oh ok
no u
Donβt close it
although using a vpn fixes it
thereβs no solution without a vpn
Tbh i once i have the same prob, but difference game
Mine was Minecraft
Damn, bro is so smart
can you explain what vpn and how to use it fix?
search up vpn download amd use it
itβs free and fast
can you send link plz
getting lots of search results for me

Iβm guessing theyβre talking about Cloudflare warp
Get back radiant
thx you think this will fix it?
Also do UK what are the steps to use it with val
You just need to download it