i keep getting a file called bstshm and it really annoys me, is there anyway to get out of it and stop getting it? i can prob give u a nitro promotion if u helped me

9 Replies
That is a bluestacks file
Nothing to do with val rly
its valo
can you right click and do properties and show the general tab for me?
Bst literally stands for bluestacks
Several sources discuss a file named "bstshm" appearing on the desktop after playing the game Valorant. This seems to be a temporary file created by the game to store settings or configurations. Ideally, it should be hidden and automatically deleted upon exiting the game. However, a bug might cause it to become visible and persist.
dont delete file while Game is open
known bug
it keeps creating some random ass file created by other applications before
to the desktop
it appears every time u start val
just keep deleting it until one day it stopped appearing
delete the file and reinstall vanguard
^also delete vgkbootstatus.dat in %windir%
the file will be empty btw
u can also just hide it