still experiencing stutters
idk what happened since last night but im sitll getting stutters
Solution:Jump to solution
How to Set Up Port Forwarding
Having trouble connecting to VALORANT? Already tried some simpler troubleshooting measures? Your router might be blocking access to our servers. If that's the case, port forwarding may help. This m...
356 Replies

its been really bad today for the few games ive played
Please wait for someone to help you I'm not available
its like I feel every stutter
I dont get a break
Can someone help
what is usually your ping?
and correct me if I'm wrong you have already updated your drivers yeah?
I can check on this
But usually I’m sitting around 10-30
Yesterday it was very minimal spikes and I was able to play
But now it’s consistent again
that ping is quite normal
are your drivers up to date?
I can check on that right now
I did what you suggested yesterday which was the updating of my motherboard lan drivers
And it was fine
Now it’s like not playable
send me your motherboard name/model
B550 plus
updating my drivers rn
go to msinfo32
win + r
type msinfo32
and show me

are you using WiFi or Lan
Open cmd as admin and type this command
ping -t
rtt jitters arnt ping dumbo
They never showed their ping
I would assume their ping is spiking too
it sits on 10-30
then randomly I stutter
and it shjows up on that graph
my ping is completly fine other than this
Do u have packet loss graph enabled?
does kt show on ping graph to or only rtt?
it jumps up randomly on my ping
Ill get a clip
1 sec
but only for a second
ill show you
Enable the packet loss graph too btw
erm do you know how to change from ipv6 to ipv4
turn of v6
should be control panel
but don't do that
ive done it alr
riot support requested it a few days ago
you have already turned off ipv6
:val_CatBigStare: :val_CatBigStare:
turn off all battery saving options on your computer
How r u level 10 alrdy
No life
ive been here for a week
its usually worse than this
in like comp
or swiftplay
where do I do that
win + s
Choose a power plan

show me a screenshot
lol I did this before and forgot to save

I've never seen ultimate performance
yeah but save it on high or ultimate ig
both should be fine
They prob added it themselves
From a yt vid
then keep it at high performance
it was there for some reason
I did
let's use windows settings and not custom made
I did ofc
win + s then this

that was by default there
I don't think there would be 2 of them then
idk might be laptop only

if you don't find then just skip
if it was to make it performance
I alr did that
windows 10
idfk tbh...
ipv6 is off
pc running at max power
lan is updated
ig you could also flush your DNS
send me the command
open cmd AS ADMIN !!
its not running terrible rn but usually in comp its really bad
And type
ipconfig /flushdns
try val ig :catstanding:
I am its ok
but like I said its bad in comp
ill send a clip of it when it gets bad
if not ill @ u and say close
idk whats wrong wit it
and also
you dont get any package loss just rtt
im using exitlag which helped for a while
maybe ask your ips
its just like whenever I peak corners
or when im shooting
its weird
of they are having high traffic
or rtt prblems
most likely
my friend also said it was because its mid day and people are using the wifi
and someone else was sayingh that my servers were being weird
and laggy
that can be a option
ill let you know if it gets better
the more people are on the wifi the worse it will be
yea its weird
also try to run Valorant at night or sum like that when ppl are sleeping
ping me when you need something
will do
id also recommend a talk with your ips
I did
they basically did nothing
and they said allow my pc through the firewall
which I did
well that's great
hey whats your server btw
from these

@rizn I've asked around and have an idea about how to fix your problem if you are still erpicaning it I can walk you through
I am experiencing it still but it’s not terrible
I’ll be home soon tho, there’s no harm in trying
just ping me whenever
ok im ready
what I gotta do
open cmd as admin and type in this command
netstat -e
then send me a screenshot

do you know the login to your router page?
I can ask my mother
I have verizon so are youi talking abt this?

ok got it
It should ask you for a login
username: admin
password: it should be on the back of it
web acces key
or something like that
ok 1 sec
if you cant find it we can skip this step
can we just skip it cause my mom doesnt have the pw on hand
we cant
what region do you live in?
north america
open cmd as admin again
and type
when it has stopped running show me a screenshot

this mean its done?
when this says 30 it should be done

but you can ctrl + c it
think i know the problem
:PogUU: :PogUU:

bruh i cant send the command
@rizn may i dm you the following command?
when its finished there should be a textfile on your desktop

wait mb
try again

im so sorry
i forgor to first do cd /
nvm still dosnt work
windows being silly
now its working
how long does it usually take?
up to 10min
this went quite fast
so 3min maybe
ima guess its done

yea its done
open the text file on your desktop
want me to send?
screenshot works
just wanna check that everythign is in there

now what
go to verizon (your isp) for further help on what may be causing the issue (also send them the textfile/logs)
you can also contact riot support
I just got done with a ticket with riot
I can call my isp
but idk
what did they tell you?
I told them I fixed it
but you got a response or??
it was basically saying I needed to contact my isp
do that
and my isp said to unblock my pc from the firewall
and thats it
here is riots offical word

Thanks for taking the time to write in! I'll be on charge today of helping you with this situation. That looks related to some issues that your Internet Provider is currently facing in regards to their routing to our servers. Even if other games or apps are working okay, keep in mind that each of them have different routes, so the issue might only affect your route towards our game. Additionally, since multiple ISPs might use a similar routing, this could affect several players at the same time.
Since there's not much that we can do on our end of things, try to contact your ISP and ask them to look into it.
If you need help about how to approach them about the situation, you can ask for a re-route, and it is a good idea to request your ISP to assign you a static IP address if possible, and you would need to ask them to verify if you are getting a consistent public IP with all your traffic bound to the Internet, regardless of protocols.
Also, you can try asking for a Tier 2 or a Specialised agent, since they should be able to find the root of the problem more easily.
In case your ISP needs all the details regarding the route that we're using provide them our PeeringDB page and suggest them to contact us directly.
Until you hear back from them, you might see an improvement from using a VPN - but keep in mind that this is only a temporary workaround. It may help address your routing issues and improve the stability of your connection, but it will likely slightly increase your ping.
Here are some free-to-use VPNs that you could try (if using a VPN is legal in your country):
if you want to contact riot and also sent you their tracert log that would be good too i think
thats what they said
which was the most helpful response from them
try to send an email to your isp
its playable as of now
I will
make sure you include the tracert logs !
but rn I think im ok
but ty so much
you were the most helpful and im truly greatful for it
alrighty. However if you will contact them be sure run a new tracert to get to msot up to date results
I believe I already told you this but tracert doesn't do what you seem to think it does my friend
some servers just don't provide tracert logs, you can literally test most of the things on that riot website and some of them will probably just time out
im aware but when asking Bringo they said to run a traceroute if you cant find anything wrong on client side and router
then idk what he is trying to say cus its not a useful tool when the servers aren't setup for traceroutes
10 * * * Request timed out.
11 * * * Request timed out.
12 * * * Request timed out.
13 * * * Request timed out.
14 * * * Request timed out.
15 * * * Request timed out.
16 * * * Request timed out.
here is me failing to the exact same server even though my connection is completely fine
there is also a possiblity that the isp is just running tests
when i run tracert its normal for me..
maybe 2 time out but thats all

I can't even ping the server
same thing happens with the EU one, but the EUNE russian ones work just fine
if you don't count the 9 timeouts before reaching the server of course
its just not a good way of doing this :val_KekwSob:
unless we see like 80ms on the first 2 or 3 ips
maybe thats why..
im in eune
bad 👍
@lyra all of a sudden its really bad
@Saucywan are you free ?
Are you trying to use the dns?
Like are you currently using one
like a vpn?
im confused
its ok im just gonna wait for lyra
I have a few questions regarding what she told me to do last time
ty tho
much appreciated
Im not on duty right now
And I'm not on my pc so I'm unable to help
That is different if you want to search up how to set one you can
Go to the Control Panel.
Click Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > Change adapter settings.
Select the connection for which you want to configure Google Public DNS. ...
Select the Networking tab. ...
Click Advanced and select the DNS tab. ...
Click OK.
Select Use the following DNS server addresses.
Let me know if you have any questions
hello :meg_wave:
id also recommend to listen to what saucy is telling :BearHeart:
I am on a dns
Pretty sure it’s like
But about the questions
What do I say to my isp abt the tracert
Cause this isn’t getting any better for some reason
you tell them that while playing Valorant you are experiencing spikes in RTT and RTT jitters
and you're only experiencing it in that game
you can also say that in the official support website it says
"The destination’s firewall or security is blocking the request. In this case, you'll want to reach out to your ISP for further help on what may be causing the issue (be sure to show them your Tracert log!)."
@lyra so I just realized something that I made a terrible mistake on
So I am connected with an Ethernet to an extender and not the router 🤦♂️
I’m gonna guess that changes a lot because it’s still technically WiFi
@lyra so umm
Idek what to say
Is it good now?
No it’s not
I’m just realizing I was never hooked up to Ethernet
And it was just an extender
I’m not the brightest
You have any idea what I can do now?
I think im gonna reroute my router to put the Ethernet in my room but until then do you have any suggestions?
Connect it to ethernet?
I can’t until I reroute the router towards my room
I don’t have a long enough cord and the router is a floor below
@lyra any suggestions or do I wait until Im able to use ethernet
try this
netsh int ip resetipconfig /releaseipconfig /renewipconfig /flushdnsnetsh winsock resetnetsh advfirewall reset
Lets do this again
This time pull the extender
I don't think your mobo supports wifi
listen to jidat
@lyra I keep getting random blue screens which is very odd
I never get blue screens
Show the screen
its just a random blue screen I get when playing val
idk why
im thinking because im overclocking my pc a bit
but idk
Like "your computer ran into a problem"?
normal blue screen
Yea i need to see that screen
if it happens
It sometimes shows whats wrong at the bottom
ill send a pic if it happens again and @ u
Like a driver or whatevr
Also it might aswell be a bad overclock
the only thing i ran recently was the driver for my mobo
for lan

Take a pic of the blue screen next time
will do
@lyra chek dms
@rizn sorry bro no dms we can talk here
Send here
I’m just having a lot of stutter problems and I dmed lyra
They were very helpful before and did a lot for me
But I just can’t seem to figure out the issue
We still have a policy against DMing
why tf are you awake-
go to bed
Oh ok :(
or we can play comp
joke joke
I have exam first thing in the morning
but honestly you should go sleep
I’m sorry this is just really stressful and annoying
@rizn is ur network buffering set to minimum?
Guys I have a urgent question. Yesterday I got elderflame in my store. Is there a chance that I can still get elderflame again in my store or night market another time?
no, usually I have it at moderate or max
Set it to minimum
my jitters are like this rn

its all minimum but then I get really bad spikes
U using ipv6?
I think its off
It might just be the extender
When r u getting the ethernet cable?
I just switched it to a verizon ext
connected with an ethernet
and upgraded the mbps from 100 to 300
the jitters are flat but I think something with my settings is causing me to spike more
I would just reinstall windows atp
Its prob something with the windows files
Should I just fac reset?
U can keep personal data
how do i reinstall windows
U have win10 or 11?
Download windows creation media
Lets try repairing windows before doing all that tho
Open cmd as admin
Type this command
sfc /scannow

try this
netsh int ip resetipconfig /releaseipconfig /renewipconfig /flushdnsnetsh winsock resetnetsh advfirewall reset
Lets do this once again too
is it "random hardware address" ?
I cant find that
Skip it
ok done
now what
Open the game
:please: :please:
Work ffs :val_Hampter:
should I reallow valorant through the firewall?
Is it not alrdy?
Yea allow it
And vanguard
well the command 'netsh advfirewall reset'
removes it all
And win64 shipping
Or y can try it before doing allat
its the same
I noticed the stutters became more consistent last night when I allowed certain ports through the firewall
like the ports for valorant and league and some others.
the stutters are low other than the consistancy of the large ones
so idk it might be something with my firewall or idk
something I messed with
what do I need to do with this?
Letting it through firewall
how do I do that
Like u do with valorant.exe
whats the locationg of it
idk where to look
Riot games/valorant/live/shootergame/binaries/win64
ok did that
Also allow vanguard through it
Also show ur running programs
Something might be just using the data in the background
ok 1 sec
just through processes?

I close a lot of my background stuff
Close overwolf too
its valorant tracker
And lghub too
Yea ik
Close it

Just reinstall windows
Do u have anything important on there?
as in what
Personal files
not really
I have an external hard drive aswell
Btw have u tried reinstalling network drivers?
yeah multiple times
through my mobo
im open to try again tho
Won't make a difference prob
I would just reinstall windows

this right?
Also if u have anything important on ur C drive
Move it
In case C drive gets wiped

which do I do
Do u have a 8 gig usb available?
I dont think so
With nothing on it
Then upgrade this pc now
Shouldn't rly matter that much ig
now what
its still really bad
u may want to contact ur isp on this issue
do u get packet losses too?
it maybe helpfull if you set to daily
I already did
All they did was give me a new router and extender
Tmr I’m going to try the Ethernet from the router itself instead of the external
If that doesn’t work idk what I’m gonna do
things such as malware(if they hijack), firewall logging(they decrease performance
can also be the cause
did you do signature verification ?
im currently on ethernet downstaiurs connected to my router
about to test ingame
its honnestly the same if not a little better
I think im gonna fac reset because I got an optimization a bit ago from an old friend and it might have something to do wit it
no need unless something is very much messing
you may try it once
what "optimization" exactly
It’s already happening
A friends custom one
But I’m already fac resetting
If this doesn’t work then I’m out of ideas
hey buddy get an usb drive and clean wipe from there
it's not clean if u do it with mct
use an usb drive
so u can wipe ur disks
They are wiped
thus a clean install
It’s a full fac reset trust me it’s removing everything
u sure?
I should be ok
It wasn’t a deep opti
oh no, it's just by name
it's not clean at all
I’m confused
I don’t think that’s needed
I should be good with just a fac reset removing all files
nah, those "optimizations" are registries
and some of them won't even be reset or deleted
if u do a factory reset
or u can just mount the windows iso file
and then run the setup.exe
if u don't want to use an usb drive
It’s not a deep opti
I should be ok
Thx tho
Fac resetting didn’t do anything
I’m making one more riot support ticket and if they can’t figure it out
I’m done
Might aswell just be a faulty/bad extender
I just tried my router
With Ethernet
Before and after fac reset
It’s decent but not perfect
Still getting stutters constantly
Is it better tho?
It’s just more consistent
I made a ticket and if riot can’t help I’m done
I will try to look into ways to diagnose if something is wrong with your network card, packet loses etc
however this would need to wait until tmrw/12h mby
How would I do that
just got home soooooo
I made a ticket with riot
Im gonna wait on that
its not bad rn but its not perfect
idek what the problem is atp
so idk what ima do
might just gotta deal with it
who knows
It’s honestly worse than ever rn
I prob undid all the stuff I did with you so if riot can’t figure it out can you help walk me through it ?
updated tracert @lyra

I gotta do everything from the start if you can help me when your free
just updated my lan drivers through my mother board
u using wifi right
it can also be signal interference
just contact ur isp to come and check for u
the fibre cable or whatever might be very well aged
They alrdy contacted them and got a new wire and a whole new router
the problem is the fibre cable then
that thing is used to transfer data from him to his isp
Yeah most probably
Cuz we have literally tried every solution (software wise)
yah thats rly fucking bad
What do I do?
you did nothing
Na I’m saying what should I do?
Do you think it’s pc based?
It can’t be my wires for my WiFi or wtv
I don't think it's ur pc
It can’t be
it can
if u have ur fibre plan for years
My mom works in tech and she’s almost positive it’s not the fibre cable
tech, what tech
Like telecom
Setting up WiFi and phone lines for colleges
so employed for isps
not sure
Basically yes
I can tell it can be, I had that problem before
my isp tested it
and found out
Ok I’ll mention it again to get it tested
they then fixed it
u need professional equipment to test that
Ok I’ll contact my isp
Anything else it could be
I did a lot with my WiFi and idk if it’s pc related
u may want to check out the signal strength in ur room
that's the last thing I can think of
@lyra @jidat
I have good news
I found a fix
How to Set Up Port Forwarding
Having trouble connecting to VALORANT? Already tried some simpler troubleshooting measures? Your router might be blocking access to our servers. If that's the case, port forwarding may help. This m...
this helped me a lot^
if you have anyone with the same problem I recommend sending them this
it fixed it almost 100%
Im ok for now thanks for all the help
you can close this