41 Replies
Saucy will help you
Can you show me the error you are having
Im in game right im sry
the same than the other post
Show the error.
yes wait
im trying
i have to initiate valorant to show the error
to take a photo

Press win+r on keyboard
Type msinfo32
Show ss of the app that opens

the pc is new and i have to configure some things
but its dm
what i do now
One sec
okey dw
Restart Computer
Press Del key while booting to get into BIOS
Make sure it's in Advanced Mode (If it's in Easy Mode press F2)
Go to "Boot" tab at the top
Find: "CSM Support", Make sure its DISABLED
Find: "Secure Boot", Set Secure boot to enabled
Find: "Secure Boot Mode", It should be Standard, SET it to Custom
Find: "Restore factory keys", Click it, And click YES
You may get a pop up asking you to EXIT WITHOUT SAVING. Press NO
Press F10 - click Yes to save and exit
Olkey perfect
Now what i should do?
Thats all?
and the other consersation with 600msgs
ty for all men, @smurf it has no sense the other post xd, :val_KekwSob:
Yeah I know
i will try i have some problem i say u
ty for all
The guy i was helping was 6 yo
no sense men wtf
i was playing with legos with 6 years old
all okey
ty all
Bro he was saying im asking address
yeah no sense men
was so funny to read that
I lost my brain cells
u are playing valo now??
he was playing valo and dont have cellphone
u want to play toghether??
im in warm up
We are doing 5 stack soo
What about tomorrow?
what is your rank
Your asc1
Already nahhhh
mnow dia3 98 points
but i have change my pc and i have to custom allç
i didnt get that rpoblem un the laptop
Maybe secure boot was already enabled on that?
could be