How do you make a child element transparent when the parent element is blurred?

Hey folks, how do people make a parent element that is blurred with child element that isn't? An example would be the header for this website where you can see behind the blur in the header's .border div
Spring/Summer | Copenhagen
Spring/Summer is a digital design agency in Copenhagen. We build strong brands through digital storytelling, engaging content, branded e-commerce experiences and intuitive services & products. We build sites on Shopify, Craft CMS, Wordpress and other platforms.
10 Replies
Jochem•11mo ago
they fake it
Jochem•11mo ago
the blur is a separate element, as a next sibling of the menu .foreground:
No description
Jochem•11mo ago
(inspect element is your friend 🙂)
Blue Galago
Blue GalagoOP•11mo ago
I tried copying the css to see how to do it but the blur seems to cover the content of border 😩
Jochem•11mo ago
the main parts of the effect are the backdrop-filter and the positioning on both children of the header element the mask image is for a barely noticeable effect around the little border with the border-radius foreground is positioned relative (so z-index works) and has a z-index of 1, then blur is positioned absolute with top: 0 to get it to stick to the top, and that really should be it if you have a specific problem, it's best to share your code in something like codepen or deployed on github pages so people can see it live in their browsers
Blue Galago
Blue GalagoOP•11mo ago Ok I made an example in codepen and it doesn't work here either, is it something to do with image-mask?
Jochem•11mo ago
yeah, imagemask is the thing that cuts the little border back out honestly, I'd recommend just having the blur only be above border. I didn't even notice it went around the edge of the border a tiny bit
Blue Galago
Blue GalagoOP•11mo ago
Ah fair enough. I'm not sure how to make the image-mask work. Looks like it'd be such a handy trick that you could use in different ways Thanks anyway!
majkl•11mo ago
Off the top of my head, backdrop-filter?
Blue Galago
Blue GalagoOP•11mo ago
Would that be apply one to the border element? I had one on there that went from #000 to transparent but the only effect I saw was the bottom half of the border disappearing but maybe I didn't implement it right?

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