Valorant ping spikes when two people play under the same internet.
Title says it all, whenever I play with my gf we both randomly ping spike during the game. I have AT&T fiber optics and even when the game is playing i have great upload and download speed. It wasn't until this last patch that I have been having this issue. I also tried that cmd prompt thingie and flushing the dns cache from that reddit post. Anyone have any useful feedback? I Forgot to mention the game does not lag when i play by myself. It only exclusively lags when i play with another person on the same internet.

59 Replies
I can already feel my brain hurting
Are you connected via ethernet?
and do you have the latest network drivers installed for your motherboard?
It would also be helpful to see ingame stats
Such as packet loss, jitter, and ping
Also, Iβm gonna need to answer you tomorrow because itβs 1 AM and Iβm going to bed :D
@Liquid Shake if you go to the shooting range and press training (spawning like 10 bots all at one) does your ping changes, or is it not affected at all?
if not, do you have similar issue if you run other FPS games on both computers at one?
The solution is quite simple, you both need to lock the fps at some reasonable values like 200, apparently if it is too high on both computers it clogs a single connection
Never mind, this only fixes the problem temporarily
Im connected through ethernet and yes have easy driver always updating my stuff.
ill try and get a pic tmrw
I have ran all fps games with my gf recently and havent lagged. Its only valorant
I will try this out right now and lyk
Ill still try this

nothign happens
sounds like ur router sucks
is it a free router offered by ur isp?
No its a netgear orbi
How would my router suck if its only for valorant? I have perfect ping for any other game and my download speed is insane.
val send small packets
128 in a second
and u mentioned
it only occurs when u play with someone else in the same network
On valorant only
bcuz val is 128 tick?
Are you stupid?
what are the other games
Are you?
You want me to play on faceit servers with someone in my house
small and frequent packets put more stresses on the router
and see if i lag as well?
now tell
what are the games
that don't have this problem
Only meat riding comment you've had
CS, warzone, league, r6, ff14
and from my search results,
literally any other game
it's a fucking mesh bro
It has not had any issues until this patch
have u tried
to restart
Yes twice
what router do you suggest i get
the last sentence here spotted the most possible issue is that ur router was throttling(overheat) or just simply can't handle due to lack of hw performance
before this
was the another guy playing with u connected to the same mesh with u?
its an orbi rx30 mini router
and i have a direct line to my house?
literally everyone does
everyone has fibre to home
the problem is ur router
Only 43% of americans have fiber
most of the area is spectrum are you on drugs
Ok what router do you suggest i get because my router isn't over heating at all
I don't understand how it could be my router because i was playing with multiple people at my house for a year before this even happened
Been duoing with my gf everyday till this last patch and have not encountered issues until this patch. So it's kind of hard to believe its my router.
have u tried different dns yet?
Tried putting her on a dif DNS along with me
Ive tried every reddit post from 2 or 3 years ago, that has had this issue
along with CMD prompts
this included?
ipconfig /flushdns
First post says this
can u test in other games now
Prob tmrw i got work in 7 hours
with network graphc all time on
and what would you like to me to test?
I don't lag lol
just simply play
i was just playing cs
and see
with stats on
if there's any spikes
i have small 1.1ms skips
when i play val it goes on for 10-15 seconds of ping spiking to 800
what about other val servers?
is it just one or all
I usually click all
and when i play by myself i neve lag, drop me a router and ill buy it
if it doesnt work ill return it
do u have qos setup
ughm I checked ur router, seems fine
if there's any metal near ur router, remove them
what is a QOS set up?
It on top of a rack but I live in a studio so my space to put it somewhere is rather limited. Ill try and move it around
quality of service
basically packets with prioritized dscp value will be forwarded first
but still doesn't seem like the problem right here
u said it can go up to 800ms for 10-15seconds
unless someone was downloading something
Nah only person at my house is a grandma that watches kdramas on the tv lol
Its cool, hopefully next patch its fixed or AT&T fixes their shit 50/50
u can try cloudflare's warp also
if it's some kind of routing issues on ur isp end
Let me try this
It worked for a game and then it went crazy again
I also have such problems (ocasional ping spkies) but only in valorant and only since the last patch. Others have also complained. Maybe the best fix this time is just report stability issues
Have you disabled energy efficent ethernet mode?
I also got exit lag as well. Trying it as we speak