How do I rank up
Going 31/19 and then someone randomly leaving the match causing us to lose. How good do i need to get to rank up solo queue? Do i need the skill level of 2 ranks above me or smth????
7 Replies
you need to be good enough to rank up
31/19 as what agent? how did you get the kills? were you comming, or working as a team
i guarantee you dont get dc players every game, though there are games you get those teammates who perform poorly
ive solo queued to high immortal many times, and the process of improving yourself as a player will eventually get you the same if you remain consistent and positive
I need to play a duelist

Im in bronze btw
game put me in bronze cause i was washed
Im back now tho
i had a very big skill issue
when i first came back
i was going 1/7 and then i locked back in