Van9003 error on my new pc that has windows 11
i got my pc a bit ago and everytime ive tried to open valorant it hits my with the van9003 error code. Ive even tried to delete and reinstall the game but it doesn't work if someone can help me play it would be greatly appreciated.

68 Replies
Hello! Can you press your windows key in addition to the r key? This will open a menu where you can type something. In this menu can you type “msinfo32” and send a screenshot of what you see to us here?

So your secure boot state is off in your bios. Do you know how to get into your bios?
kinda do i spam the delete key while turning it off?
On startup, you are prompted for a few seconds to press a specific key. This is usually the ‘del’ key but I could be something else. If you press it, it will lead you into your system bios
ok let me try that
Once in bios, I recommend communicating on your phone so we can still communicate and you can send pictures of what you see
do you know why we ask for msinfo32?
So I'm in my bios settings
What do I do now
send a pic

press f6 and show me another pic
In your Bios, press f6 and then try to find a tab that says “CSM support” make sure this is disabled. Then head to the security tab of the bios. Here your Secure boot status should be disabled.
Take a picture with the sercuity tab open so we can clearly see the secure boot status
So I can see the motherboard manufacturer, secure boot state, and the processor if it’s a TPM issue.

wrong, now someones computer is broken
go to boot
we are basically only check for the bios mode
that's what's most important
Ok I'm in boot
If it was on legacy, but it’s not. It’s already on UEFI

yup, but if it was on legacy and you were telling him to do this the computer would have been broken
mb go to security

and I lied my apologies again
go to boot and go to csm compatibility support module
Its ok where do I go now
then if it says enabled turn it off
It doesn't it's disabled
alright perfect
What do I do now?
go to Secure boot
on the security tab
Ok I'm there and it's enabled
@Mix go on
take it as a no
alright ahow

install default secure boot keys
It doesn't let me go there it stops me at secure boot mode
try to change Secure boot mode to custom instead of standard
then try again to install keys
Ok I hit custom and it let my hit Install keys now what do I do
you exit and save
Then do I load up valorant
To se if it works
it worked tysm
can you help me wi th the same problem
can one off you help me
it happend to me
Shes bios are updated
but mix know hoiw to
he know the safe way
Hello! Im not home as stated before, I can when I arrive home
how long
you said a hour
so like
10 mins

Around half hour left,
This bios need update right?
does it
i achtually dont have a phone.......... just a pc
not my fault im poor
This screen was fake?
you were being annyoing
and i said i cant
I thought you were lying
I thought your scared to send photo:val_CatBigStare:
Lets talk on your post