401 unauthorized when uploading to r2 presigned url
I was using the presigned url to upload image to my r2, a few month ago it works, I didn't change anything and it broke now, I get this error. My CORS configuration should be correct. I tried to post to the url using postman, and it said 401 unauthorized, not sure if that's because of my custom domain? could anyone help me please, thanks in advance!

5 Replies
Error resolved, I created a new token, seems the previous one no longer works
They used to default to one year/some shorter timespan other then Forever, your old token probably expired
Got you, thanks for letting me know, it's weird that the previous one could still generate the presigned url though.
Presigning is all client side
Server is only involved when it tries to use the presigned URL
I see, thanks for clarify!