can anyone help me fixing this kind of issue?
Crunchy trying to freestyle
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Crunchy trying to freestyle
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Crunchy trying to freestyle
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You're probably dropping packets
Turn on network details in the stats setting of Valorant
is there also a fix for it?
Depending on why you are dropping packets
wich details should I enable?
please show me I don't have valorant open
but it's the section where you turn on the fps counter and the ping counter and stuff

At the top you should have like presets
Find and turn on network details
this one?

And then set it to just graph
should I go in the range or dm to test it
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You're losing packets
and is it fixable?
open cmd (Command Prompt)
ping -t
Wait for a couple of minutes
Then press ctrl + c
IMPORTANT: Close the game while it is runninghow long is it going?
You have to wait a couple minutes and then press ctrl + c
It will keep on going on infinitely
If you do not press the keybind
oh alr and I close the game while it runs?
ok what now?
If you've waited a couple of minutes and have canceled it
Send me a photo of the summary
it says 0% packet losts
Should be about four or five lines
yeah its on german tho
That's fine

Damn what great ping
is that like sarcasm or
Please press win + r. Then, enter msinfo32. Then, send a photo of the app that opens
It could be because your computer is overwhelmed
And isn't sending out network requests fast enough
all of it or what do you need?
All of it please
its also german tho

anything that comes to mind how I can fix it?
People are apparently saying that this is a bug
I'm trying to get confirmation from the network team at riot
I see but I dont really think its a ping issue in my case idk
You are correct
my ping is like alway around 20 even if these stutters are there
In the meantime I'm going to try some common troubleshooting steps
Open cmd as admin. Enter each command one by one. netsh int ip reset, ipconfig /release, ipconfig /renew, ipconfig /flushdns, netsh winsock reset
its says restart pc should I also do that?
or how do you run cmd as admin
Show me the output of the commands
I only tried the first one and it didnt work because cmd is not running with admin rights
Type CMD in Windows search
so how do I run it with admin
right click this

and then press this

ah i opened it with win+r my bad

Run each command
should I restart before running the next one?
it says that at the bottom
Run each command and then restart
so I did all and I go restart now right?
ok done
anything i can do from now on?
Did that not fix the issue?
i can try again and go in dm
This was happening to me aswell
It still is
There’s something with the network server with riot
but some people dont got this problem I think
the packet loss is kinda gone I think but it seems like the main issue is the network RTT jitter
Crunchy trying to freestyle
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Any ideas?
Check task manager to see what is using your network
its telling me spotify uses alot
How much is a lot?
And at what percentage
but not that high that these problems should be happening

You call that a lot?
yeah no
its was in my software history
is it normal that my ethernet graph looks liek that?

That's fine
then whats the problem xd
you think its a server issue too?
It’s gotta be
im not sure tho
@.? lmk if you find a fix
because if thats the case everyone playing on the server should have the issue no?
I think it’s certain internet providers
Such as spectrum and Verizon
wich one do you have
I have a german one and yeah idk if thast the problem
im at Telekom I think
Yeah idk
I’ve been messaging riot support
They haven’t found a fix
what did they say the problem is tho?
@rizn Fix for?
Random ping/packet stutters
Lyra helped me out and fixed it a bit
It’s not perfect but it’s playable
@.? lmk if you find a fix I have been looking for a while
@.? Please disable your firewall
for what?
yeah u2
It's a network problem
May as well try
alr I disabled it
Show me
where do I see that
@lyra I have to go now, please take over
You said you disabled it
Show me where you disabled it
yeah I disabled my antivirus
Now try
The game
lemme just catch up
you dont have packegs loses
only spikes in round trip delay
its your router that is messing
not your computer
and is there a normal way to fix it or do I just need a new one
do you have ethernet?
are you using ethernet?
how many people use the wifi?
right now only me and the issue is there
do you have a posibilty to reset your router to default options?
isnt this the same thing wrong with my game aswell lyra?
well does this mess up anything?
it shouldnt unless you have done something that requires custom settings
I dont think so but im not sure either
but I also have no idea how to do that
try to just turn off your router for a good 5min or so
this shouldnt reset anything
I can try again but I tried restarting my router a few times already
then dont
I can try reseting it im just not sure how
press win + s and open this

then show me a ss
I dont have that application

should just be control panel
prob cuz in german
open control panel
and show me a screenshot
lmao xd
1 sec
Its still on german is that fine for you?
i can also try installing english rq
nah dw
its okay
is this right?

as i said
go to control panel
the normal one
oh yeah
no i lied

that works
keep here
stay tehre
ykw i dont like the look of that
install english
fine xd
do they have the same issue you helped me with?
#Network Jitters isnt this the same issue?
very simmilar
riot support just had me run ping plotter

use recommend setting

should i try val again now?
no yet
allow an app or fetuse......
press that
and send screenshot
do I look for valorant?

press allow another app
then press the browse tab
send an ss again
it opens the explorer

click on local disk
there will be a riot games folder
click it
then go to riot client
got it
there should be something called
double click it then send me another screenshot

press add

is that good or bad now
that's good
I guess we could try to add a DNS
youre talking about the one from google and stuff?
yeah already tried that and
run Valorant
you changed it back
to this
surely it works right?

so it was still there but ig its not that bad anymore
but also maybe im just having and illusion or some shit idk
damn cant play the game but the valorant points are there
may I ask
doesnt matter thanks for your help tho
have you always had this problem
yeah wsp?
I think back when I started the game it wasnt there im not sure about it but it couldve started when I got a new pc
but thats not really the problem right?
might be
win + r
and send ss
saucywan and I tried that i can do it again then its english

your bios is legacy
what does that mean
we should make it to UEFI
is that difficult?
not really
what do i have to do
and how does that help
press win + s and serch Create and format hard disk partitions
window “Disk Management” should open
and send me a screenshot

right click disk 3 and open properties

ment here

oh mb

go to the Volumes tab
and show

lets convert it to GPT okay?
if you say so
open cmd as admin
I trust you because i have no idea
so yeah thats good
got it
typ this in and when its done show me the results
mbr2gpt.exe /validate /disk:3 /allowFullOS

alright lets not convert it into GPT until saucy is here
so what can we do now?
just wait or
he is here
lets contiune
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select your windows version here

got it
when you have downloaded the lan driver extract it
if you need help extracing the zip file tell me
to a specific location or anywhere
a place where you can find the file
what now
go into the folder
and follow these intructions

restart your system and try out valorant
alright it did an update I will trz the game now
But that didnt change my bios did it?
saucy will help you with that
yeah okay
sooo how's val
it feels alot better with no real stutters right now only sometimes the graph goes abit up on the network rtt jitter but its very rare ig

under 100ms should be okay
yeah I think its fine for now
Should we still do the bios thing?
before it was 200ms so
I'd say so
Damn I don't even have to do anything
but saucy would have the better answer
it was bruh?
it was
this is normal
alright thank you very much
That is up to you
Most likely you'll eventually have to do it
dude I have no idea if its good or not
why tho?
Secure boot is becoming more and more a requirement for all systems
Currently on your system secure boot is not supported on legacy mode
You're on legacy mode
It would also block you from updating to Windows 11
Meaning that you would have to stay on Windows 10 permanently until you reinstalled windows
oh i see but I dont really want to update the windows
eventually Windows 10 will not receive security updates anymore
yeah ig youre right
I believe the date is October 2025
so does it need time to do that
October 14, 2025*
like to change the bios thingy
To be honest you should probably just wait
I'm way too lazy 👍
And hungry
yeah thats fine dw
You are more than welcome to make a new post when you are forced to enable secure boot
Or upgrade to Windows 11
*more than welcome btw
Have a good day and all now mark this ticket has solved
so on october 2025 or what xd
yeah you too and thank both of you very much
alright bye
smh first my w7 then my 1709, now my 22H2
@rizn you said I should ping you if we found something try doing the same stuff
@rizn ^
The solution we found
I was getting something to eat thank you very much
wtv, hope it was good:meg_hmph:
can you tell me what helped
sorry i was mid game
installing the latest LAN or WiFi drivers for your mobo
do I download off the same link?
no, you need it to be specified to your motherboard
I think I have a B550
how do I check to make sure?
win + r and type msinfo32
send me a screenshot

google "ASUSTeK PRIME B550-PLUS drivers"

download LAN?
html code
yeah, the follow the steps mentioned before
I'm aware
funny :NODDERS:

just click the .exe
and do it
have you extracted the zip file?
extract the zip, first
ok I will
after extractring do I run it?
it is done
restart pc and try val
okie dokie
@Saucywan you're a dummy for think thinking about getting drivers:val_CatBigStare:
Sorry your English makes me cringe
*you're a dummy for NOT thinking about getting drivers
:Hmph98: :Hmph98: :Hmph98:
what server made 98 different 'hmph' emotes
apologie accepted
No idea what you're talking about

Absolutely no idea
:ChikaHmph: :please:
it worked
Make your own post