Phantom CNAMES during Adding Website
Hi Everyone,
I am tryign to make heads or tails of this situation. When adding a website to domain that isn't live, I'm seeing something like 500+ phantom CNAME records. However, when I run DIG on the various CNAME records, they don't exist. Any ideas/recommendations here because I'm lost for words and deleting 500+ CNAME records is incredibly cumbersome.

14 Replies
Note: is not my domain I'm adding..
Do you have a wildcard DNS record on your previous host?
unused domain
no wildcards.
Was there a previous host or bought through Cloudflare? Some might have landing pages that could act as a wildcard if no records found.
If you want to a tool to purge all DNS records then I wrote
so where would come from then? :3
it's an idle domain intended to redirect to a project we're working on.
if I dig it, all I get is:
Proxied records in Cloudflare don’t show as CNAMES but as A and AAAA.
the domain is not on cloudflare yet. This domain is being added to cloudflare
during the add process, when it scans for DNS records, I'm getting all those phantom CNAME records, including aa, agenda, etc.
I'm just curious, can you share the domain name in DMs or something? Otherwise it's just guessing/lots of back and forth
@Cyb3r-Jok3 you have a DM.
Looked and not sure why that happened. I wouldn’t be that worried about the import because it’s a one time thing and can just use the API to clear.
glitch in the matrix? ahah.
So process is going to be:
1. Add Website.
2. Add Phantom CNAMES
3. Use your script to clear out all DNS records?
Did this happen on importing multiple sites to your account or just this one site?
this one site.
i have the .org version of that domain and it's not doing anything funny
Okay then yeah use the script to clear out the records you don’t need. Once they are gone then they shouldn’t come back.