ping error
any1 know why in any ping website my ping is shown as perfectly fine and in val game i get spiked to 300-10k very often { practically entire time }
211 Replies
i used to have consistent 20-30
same issue
go to shooting range and spawn all the bots at once with the training button
the ping skyrockets
I think it's a bug
I've also tried this on a second computer a Win10 laptop and had the same issue
Do you live in Europe? maybe servers are broken
For anyone coming to this conversation: I have great ping until spawing characters, and I've never had ping issues until the last update. My ping is like 15 in other FPS games, so the 2000 doesn't really make sense. The task manager says my GPU, CPU, and Ethernet isn't breaking a sweat.
ill test it now
went straight to 1887
oh- blew past 5k
still no fix?
Are you sure this is an bug?
i just tested it
Two people don't count as a bug
two people within 2hrs in a discord servers community help section
theres guaranteed to be more
@Del Bringo is there a bug right now with people's pings?
So maybe it depends on a region
Maybe servers
xSSaify what's you server?
i played on paris and london
so EU i presume
im in na and that happens to me so idk
like consistently or just the odd time
Please wait for the response ^
What's na
if so then its a pretty big bug
north america
North America
I thought maybe something after DMA in EU, there were changes to the windows just in EU, but apparently it's a wider issue
Maybe we should seek differences between people who have this and people who don't
@Saucywan have you checked bots in the shooting range?
My ping is fine
perhaps u can get a clip of it?
i can try to but it wont be for a while im out rn
Try sending it to normal settings
It may be because you are using custom bot settings
mine happens for real people too
like in dmatch
Sooooooo is this pretty recent?
Like did this start manifesting like about a week ago?
@🤯🐗🤯 Why did you unsend your messages
They did say this started happening after the update
for me started today'
randomly hopped on and first game onwards it became laggy asf
This is really weird, but doesn't appear to be related to what I just broke :(. I'll try to get the right eyes on it.
Yeah that's what I thought just wanted to make sure 👍
@xSSaif I don't think you have a game issue, and your issue would probably be fixed by installing network drivers
Please let me know when you want me to walk you through that
Ok I've just checked and making them not moving doesn't actually affect anything
Yes for me too, it doesn't really matter if these are players or bots because game treats them the same
🤔 But if these would be network drivers you would expect not even single bot working. Besides other FPS games work just fine like cs2. Other non game servers also have a great ping
Looks more like a firewall issue, but turning it off did not helped
if that did not then add exceptions
have you tried the driver update
yes, checked the driver
I would be shocked if this worked, because I've reinstalled the game even before coming to this reddit
(it did not)
do you have this problem in matches too?
what is this? :val_KEKW:
I was referring to the formatting on a text document but yeah
congratulations on not reading the first half of my message :val_KekwSob:
yep. Not this severe as if deliberately spawn a bunch of bots in front of me but if a lot is going on suddenly ping rises (when I need it the most: duels)
dethmatch is smooth 13 ping
but 5v5 less so (only in high action moments)
how much ping then?
i tried copy pasting here but it doesnt allow '.exe' so i pasted in txt lol
ah lol, fair enough
#📥 Tag requests
the same problem happened with the .ini gameusersetting file things which was super annoying
yah with dll too
so I just made a CMD command that doesn't use file ending at all to do it for me
Lazy ass
But don't show it to Flokie, he might accidentally permanently ban you <3
does he not like CMD commands or something?
I have no idea
But it looks like something that can hijack your computer
i made powershell script for network
I tried to optimize it to not be as giant as it is but I don't think I can make it any better than this

it needs to be more cursed
make a shortcut on your desktop with:
lol i had this too

idk if that works i just created and forgot to run
cool kids don't add rules they disable the firewall:
netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off
Too difficult not to
i dont lag on any other game would it still be fixed by that
ok how do i do it
It's worth a shot at least
Please press win + r. Then, enter msinfo32. Then, send a photo of the app that opens

wait for you pc to get a trojan
We'll turn it back on
now what
tpm not usable and SB is off umm
game playble
Powered by AMD Ryzen AM4 processors, the MSI MAG B550 TOMAHAWK inspired by the military armor design, tuned for better performance by Core boost, DDR4 Boost, Lightning M.2 with M.2 Shied
my motherboard
19045 hmm
ohh i download it ok

the chipset drver
oh ok


do i launch the setup application

ok it downloaded
now will it be fixed
or is there more
Restart your pc
and load val?
k lemme restart
still nothing

Go into a real match
from my pc end?
:val_CatBigStare: im not trusting this mobile
btw dmatch still laggy whenever in pvp
ok 2minutes
like remove it and push it back in
Turn on your network details within the valorant settings
And just send me a photo of what they look like
turn on all graphs in it
or network detailed preset
stil broken
where is this
oh i see
ethernet in router ?
under statistics
also tried

login to router
not like that graph ones
set to both all

do this
send ss
how on gods goofy earth do you have 16% incoming packet loss
login to router?
bruh whats that

its on 30 now i have like 4k ping
if you can
using IP
open cmd and type ipconfig
then just put the default gateway ip into the browser search bar
wtf is wrong with valo now

the admin login is typically written on the back of your router
try deleting the temp files
ok wiat
do i need to use my login for internet
or smth else
ah ok
im done with this game

it repaired 3 times just 5 min back
Spam click it
its open
Not the start button
oh yes "THAT"
Yep exactly
im on it
See saucy understands
fk it this is now 5th time

Make ur own thread please.
what after logging into router?
:val_CatBigStare: :val_CatBigStare: :val_CatBigStare:
@Arii ^
:val_CatBigStare: i better uninstall this shit app
what you pinging me for :val_CatStare:
You're the one that told them to go to a router settings
I don't know what the hell you are trying to do
wtf why is it locked

sorry :(
Please make your own post :Blushh:
Have u tried running it as admin and disabling fullscreen optimization?
its off
Turn them on
have you considered compatibility mode for windows 8
It always works
Yea that too
Do all 3 things
im on the router now what?
also i used to be on 20ping now it says 8 but ofc goes to like 200- 10k every time i see a person
can anyone help? perhaps a dev
whenever my game renders an enemy i gain so much ping
like 1thousand
very unstable
Can you reset your router?
didnt fix it
Please disable your firewall
yeeeeeeeeeeeeees, let me iiiiiiiiiiiiiin
also didnt work
im starting to think this might be riot sided idfk.
Open cmd (Command Prompt)
ping -t
And wait a couple of minutesok
To cancel it use ctrl + c
And then send me a photo of the summary
btw a couple days ago i was on a solid 20 ping with nothing bad
then now it says 8ping
and ofc you know the rest

Can you try your mobile data?
I want to know if it's your network
If that still doesn't work it's pretty much the server fault
scream at bringo to fix? jk :BearHeart:
even with data it happens
its propably valorant servers
what valorant server do you play on?
ive tested it on paris, london,
turns out i dont seem to lag on madrid and frankfurt
from 1 dmatch to back it up
london was first b4
the ???? must show it is unstable?
Sorry discord images aren’t loading for me
Are you saying on the server list it’s showing ????
On some servers
paris, stockholm, london, warsaw and istanbul are '???'
while frankfurt and madrid are 23ms and 36ms
It’s a bug then
they need to start allowing ips here man, I can't even send him the EUNE ips
Ping the dev in this chat
so he can do tracert
oh wait we can use the aws website as the ip instead
nvm they also blocked the websites as links
@Del Bringo hey, it looks like the op has the ping “????” thing. I remember you saying that it was fixed though? So is this apart of the bug?
and for some reason i dont lag on these servers, to my testing atleast
cant test it in range because it auto goes to london
no more ???s

but i think i will still lag on em
lagging on all including frankfurt, but madrid seems to be ok
40ping but no spikes
you can test in custom games since it lets you pick servers there
i just used dmatch
I can dm you the ips for the eastern european AWS servers if you want to do a traceroute
idk what any of that means
but you can also just wait for the riot employee to get back
yea id rather just do that and play madrid probs
basically its a command that shows you every ip that your information travels over before reaching the server
its useful to find out if for example its your ISP or something on the way screwing you over, but waiting is also a valid option
is there anything in particular interesting if only madrid works for me
seems pretty random imo
hard to know if its interesting or not
it could be a riot issue which is interesting
but it could also just be your ISP being a doofus
playing comp on madrid rn, seems to be fine
@xSSaif Can you DM me what ISP you have, where your general area is (country), and send me a traceroute to
Traceroute helps pin point where your ingressing into our network, and ISP/country helps me figure out where you should actually be ingressing in.
if you have time may I ask a question :aniquestion:
so to resolve random spikes in rtt and rtt jitters you try to update drivers (LAN) and you can also try to run your turn off ipv6 right? but if that doesn't work what should you do?
So trying to troubleshoot RTT jitter can be super super difficult, because networks can be really complex. The internet’s like a giant version of a bunch of home networks all plugged together. When one ISP makes a change that may trickle down alllll over the world.
So we generally have an approach to solving problems like this, usually we always start with the client computer/server/device, so make sure your windows installation, drivers, and bios are up to date.
If that doesn’t work you start looking at your connection to your closest router (your first hop). Check your home computer for receive or transmit errors or drops. Errors usually indicate either the port on your computer is not working properly, your ethernet cable is not working properly, or your having wifi issues.
If you don’t see anything there you want to check your home router (usually there’s a webpage you can log into to check stats). In here you basically want to do the same “check for drops or errors within your LAN (Local Area Network, anything connected within your house/home network)” and “check for drops or errors on the port connected to your WAN (Wide Area Network, basically where your home router connects to your ISP’s network)“.
Drops often indicate the physical device dropping packets due to stuff like “this packet wasn’t meant for me”, or “the pipe is too full and I can’t handle any more packets”. Errors usually indicate a physical problem like “the 1s and 0s I decoded off of the electrical signals from the ethernet cable make no sense”.
You also want to make sure the error or drop counters are increasing. If they are static all that says is you had a problem at some point, but you might not currently have a problem. If the counters are increasing that means you’re actively having a problem.
Once you get past your home network it gets a little more difficult, you want to use tools such as trace route to find out what path your taking to get where you want to go, as well as, what’s called traffic probes or network probes. These are things that will just send traffic to a location expecting something back; kinda like letting a ping sit there for a while.
There are tools out there that let you leave one going for a while, so you can look for things like packet loss or jitter between two routers in your ISPs network.
But also, once you've verified your home network is all fine. You can also just open a support ticket on the support website, if you think its a network issue just attach a trace route to our network, along with your ISP and your country and that's usually enough to start the investigation on our end.
If you don't know how to run a traceroute or don't know where to traceroute to there's a list of IPs on the Valorant support website somewhere.
Also something to be mindful as well, ISPs do maintenance things at odd hours so if you're playing at a late hour and you suddenly disconnect randomly and it doesn't keep on happening it could very well be someone doing maintenance (rebooting a router, upgrading something).
Thank you so much Bringo! I appreciate this a lot :BearHeart:
and Thanks for taking out time out of your day ^°^
How to Use Tracert to Obtain Network Logs
Looking to obtain some network logs? Sounds like Tracert can help. You might be wondering—but S.A.M., what is Tracert? Fortunately, I have created a guide that will tell you exactly what Tracert is...
what is an ISP and my country is england
Ur internet service provider
im tracert most are timed out
is that bad
You likely have a network issue.
"The destination’s firewall or security is blocking the request. In this case, you'll want to reach out to your ISP for further help on what may be causing the issue (be sure to show them your Tracert log!)." - Riot
"There could be a problem on the network path between you and Riot's servers. This may also be the issue if your log shows increased latency (higher millisecond values) on a middle hop, which then increases steadily for subsequent hops. If that's the case, you might want to contact your ISP for help and show them your Tracert log." - Riot
the annoying thing about timeouts is they don't always imply this which sucks
even if you tried yourself right now to do a traceroute towards some of those servers you will probably see a bunch of timeouts yourself or not get a response at all from the server
pretty much only the higher latency spikes are interesting because of this
About the same. I haven't wrote to you for a while because that day i didn't not have this problem. But that also means the problem must be external because i haven't changed a thing in my pc. Today i played and although i have low latency (theoretically according to valorant) and high fps the lagg happened again. Maybe its the sarvers after all
On other ping threads most say the same thing: it's only since the last patch and the rest of FPS games runs smoothly, so yeah
it's usually rtt jitters
are your drivers up to date
is your port or cable damged?
the thing is- i din ping test where they send multiple pings to multiple countries, and it was great - no packages were lost
you will need to contact your ISP. Polish Valorant team did an investigation with players that showed that the routing is the very cause of this problem. You can't do to much about it. Changing router to newer with better support for ipv6 (permanent fix) or switching back to ipv4 could help (temporary)