Loss of focus, loss of visual cue that selection is selected
I have a customized RichEditBox. I select some text. I move the mouse up to the menubar to select an item that changes the fontsize of the selection. The selection, because it has lost focus, no longer "appears" selected. The selection nevertheless is changed. How do I get the selection to remain visible even when the focus has moved to another control?
6 Replies
are you sure you don't have a logic that changes selection? because iirc text should remain selected; at most you should see it grayed out when you lose focus
is this for winforms, wpf, maui, etc or what?
I will assume its xamarin/maui give this a look https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25122775/keep-selection-visual-in-richeditbox-on-unfocus
the problem is that it probably doesn't have a unfocus color by default
On Uno. Uno 4.
@leowest's suggestions look promising
ah im sorry I neverplayed with uno
but I imagine the issue being similar
it not having a proper color for when its out of focus so u might find some property can can apply color to when something is out of focus
ah interesting apparently it uses WinUi3 and UWP mix
so maybe the above might work for windows part of ur app
ah damn